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  1. I have been courteous. I thanked you for your time and politely asked for some assistance. I am obviously new to these forums and I didn't know it would be an obvious flame topic. I'm white hat and just trying to learn. Obviously, from your responses, this forum doesn't really tolerate virus coding topics (at least the users don't) From now on I will be more careful about what I ask about and make sure it doesn't bother anyone. Basically, I can't ask any questions about things I am truly interested in because that would be just wrong. Apparently. Clearly, you have shown me that saying please and thank you and apologies for harm done is still a very disrespectful way to conduct oneself. And, along those lines, posing a very specific question is grounds for belittlement and just plain rudeness because you obviously broke some unwritten rule that you weren't aware of so therefor you're quite the rude one. Thank you. I have been officially given my first crash course in what Hak5 is all about... or at least when it comes to virus coding. As I said earlier, I will be more careful in the future. Thank you for your generous replies =).
  2. Nope. I just used a python interpreter. You can find tuutorials and download the interpreter here: http://www.python.org/ hope this helps =)
  3. Ok I would like to thank those who politely answered my questions (lol seems like not many people at the moment) and before continuing I would like to state a few things. I know a lot about the subject I am speaking of and already have developed several viruses (none released of course) and that was back in the DOS days. I decided to re-visit this area in order to learn a thing or two about The Win32 architecture and some other select things. An overwriter is a virus that does not perform any delta offset calculation and does not attempt to hide itself in any way. The virus simply opens a file and writes itself into the file and then closes the file. Pretty simple to understand from the name. And yes, if you google it (which someone very kindly suggested earlier) then you would find it. Here, I'll make things easy on you and include the URL of a TUT I found (TUT means tutorial for those interested). http://mirror.sweon.net/madchat/vxdevl/vdat/tumisc25.htm ;) take a good read And legal/moral issues?? LOL don't make me laugh, please, On a forum that openly discusses "gaining root access on windows 2000" or makes videos about "usb hacksaws" what a joke. I can't remember (don't feel like going back to see the person who said that) who said that but please, could you be any more... Dare I even say? Listen people. I don't know where you got your manners from but I have been very polite with you and asked a very simple question. I wanted to know about WINAPI functions. (Btw if you read my post you'll see that I never asked if there was an API for assembly the person who suggested that needs to put his glasses on and actually READ) Yes, the intended purpose is to write a virus. I will not be dishonest with you and I don't really care if you judge my endeavors or not. I was even kind enough to politely ask that if you didn't have anything to add then to just leave this post alone. I don't really know where you got the idea that you should openly insult me for a question. Also, you'll excuse me for asking a quick question at 1 in the morning after studying for exams all day and doing a ton of research on the subject myself. Listen, I don't know where all of this hostility is coming from and, to be honest, I'm kind of new on these forums so I would like to take the time to apologize for any wrong doing that I may have committed or any offensive or rude behavior that made some of you on this forum lash out at me so fervently. I sincerely hope that if someone has any answer, they will post it. Otherwise, I'd rather not be flamed by people I'm just getting to know. Thank you for your time.
  4. I started my endeavor into coding by reading a "teach yourself C++ in 21 days" book and doing the practice assignments at the end of the chapter. I then proceeded to learn a lot of different programming languages the summer of my junior year in highschool (perl, python, LISP, Ruby, Forth, Visual Basic, C#, Java, and a few others I can't remember...) Right now I mostly use C++, perl, and assembler. I also mess with Verilog (not a programming language i know) and I do a little shell scripting. For me, the key was READING. Make sure you read and also try to apply whatever you learn because it'll stick better that way.
  5. Thanks. In my search I was actually directed through many of those website (especially google lol) and was able to learn quite a bit and even find some legitimate source code examples =). But seriously, I did come here for some help or maybe a push in the right direction and I understand that this is not a black hat forum or anything but I don't really see the point in treating someone like some sort of idiot just because they asked a simple question about a topic that might not be 'legit' by your standards. If you must know, I intend to learn how to code viruses for the simple sake of learning in order to increase my overall programming ability. Please, if you have any legitimate suggestions I would love to hear them. If you don't have anything to add then please leave this topic alone. Thank you.
  6. oh come on. I didn't ask for tips on "writing a virus and then infecting a lot of people" I mostly want to learn this for the sake of learning it.
  7. Okay, I'm going to be completely honest. I've taken up virus writing. I know, it's wrong but I don't care ;) lol but seriously I have a question about winapi calls and 32 bit assembler. Most of the tutorials I have come across only deal with the coding of 16 bit DOS viruses. I'm looking to begin the coding of a 32 bit windows virus. So far, I've only been able to code a simple over-writer and that's hardly cool at all. My main questions are as follows: 1. Is there any way to open a file in 32bit assembler without using WINAPI function calls? 2. How do I change the current working directory using either WINAPI function call or some other method in 32bit assembler? (I could probably do a quick search but it's 1 in the morning and exams are tomorrow) 3. Assuming I have used WINAPI function calls to open a file and I have stored the file handle in a variable called hFile, how exactly do I go about overwriting certain parts of the file as opposed to just the beginning? 4. Is there still a disk transfer address in 32bit windows? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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