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Stage6 is no more.


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Wow, what a shock! I can kind of understand their point of it being to expensive, but isn't DivX a really big company? I mean, they should have a few dollars left to put into this great service...

I never really liked youtube, google video or any other low-quality flash-videosharing-site, but stage6 took it to the new level. Being a filmmaker myself I often used their service to upload my videos in high quality rather than uploading them to youtube where the pixels would be big enough to play chess on them!

Does anyone of you guys know of any other Videosharing site that lets me upload Video in good (HD) quality and is as easy to use as stage6 is/was? In their post on the frontpage of stage6 theay said:

As Stage6 grew quickly and dramatically (accompanied by an explosion of other sites delivering high quality video), [...]

So what are those other sites delivering high quality video?

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This is depressing.  I don't think any site can match the quality that Stage6 had.  No buffering and full screen with a double click....

Fuck... just fuck...

The worst part is I never saw a way to donate to the site, or even pay in some way for their service....  I would have too.

Gah, back to torrents and *shudders* veoh *shudders*

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most of us adblock users and adblock filter makers only block ads that become annoying

on some sites, i allowed  the 1 or 2 text ads because whey were  in a good place that didnt get in your way  but then the site decided to move their ad right in the middle of the real content, those ads got blocked with in 20 minutes of updating their site to look like that

google used to only have 1 small sponsored ad area on their page,  it was ok to have and the content was relevant

but later on they decided to add just as much ad content as the search content  so they all got blocked and another problem with google ads is when they decided to  add more ads to their page, the ads became less relevant

i searched CRT monitor dead pixel and google advertises  vitamin pills  wtf does that have to do with a dead pixel on a crt monitor  (and yes crts do have dead pixels happened to my old compaq mv540 crt)

now  when you look, anyone who makes adblock filters  will make sure all google ads are blocked because they became useless

users don't mind ads, just don't make the ads annoying

for example, the g4 forums  90% of the file size of every forum page  is ads  the ads take the page size from 70-100KB  all the way up to 4MB  depending on the ad.  on the adblock filters i make, i blocked every single annoying pile of crap from the page,  and their site loads 200 times as fast


no one likes annoying ads,  g4 still has not learned,  showing a full screen flash ad will not make someone any more likely to buy some nasty food

it will make them hate anything that has to do with that company because while they were reading a forum post, a full screen ad came up  and if you clicked on it,  it doesnt even open a new window, it takes you to the ad website  and what made it worst was that these ads would come up while you were  making a forum post  and the close button loaded slightly offscreen and was small  and the ads were annoying flashy and had annoying audio

digg tried this also and  that day  almost every comment was users saying that they just installed adblock  and need better filters (i recommended mine and got  about 500 downloads of the filter )

ads are only useful until they loose meaning

there were times when i wanted good ads and couldnt find anything

when i was searching for a new monitor, i disabled adblocking hoping for  some ads on  some monitors while i searched and  99% of the ads i saw  were ads on women, turbotax, viagra and other random pills, geeksquad, and nortons and other crap, but not one  sponsored ad on the products i was looking for

the site owners who complain about people blocking ads should disable their own adblocker and  look as the  ads that they allowed to be posted on their site

if someone is looking for a monitor, don't show them how to spice up their love life

if someone is looking for a heatsink  don't advertise a health care plan

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Of course it costs a fortune to run a video operation of their quality. Hell look at Revver, they had just as craptastic quality as youtube and just died (sold for chump change + tons of debt). I'm afraid Veoh is next. Yes, Veoh, if you're reading you're starting to show signs of falling apart. Upgrade your servers or throw in the towel.

This is by no means an indication in the slowing down of video on the Internet. For every site that goes under there are likely 10 more new media web jockeys shaking the VC tree. The reward for being #2, hell #5 in this game is too high.

Sure youtube owns this game, looks the crappiest, yet has the least incentive to innovate. Then you've got others like break and metacafe that can exist comfortably in the shadows, catering to a niche market while staying small, versatile, and *hopefully* profitable. It's kinda like the iPod vs. the hundreds of other players out there. If creative wasn't making a dime in that space I doubt they'd be still in the race. Yet think of all the other players that have come and gone. Video sharing sites are just as common as MP3 players, and thats not a bad thing.

I'll miss Stage6 for their innovative take on streaming media. Hell, I'll be sad when they go under and Hak5 episode 1-6 are no longer available for direct download (thx for the bandwidth;). I'll miss their open communication with content creators, yes that's you Ben Cote. They were always so cool to us, especially in the early development of the site. They even had us playing at their booth at CES one year. You don't get that with youtube.

I felt compelled to post the obituary on the homepage. Stage6 was always so good to us. We will miss its creativity and innovation. Stage6 was truly leet.


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I think UMG had something to do with it as well:



And yes, I am now whoring bandwidth trying to save as much Anime from Stage6 as I can (stuff that I can't find torrents for).  I'll find it a good home where everyone can enjoy :D

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I'll miss Stage6 for their innovative take on streaming media. Hell, I'll be sad when they go under and Hak5 episode 1-6 are no longer available for direct download (thx for the bandwidth;). I'll miss their open communication with content creators, yes that's you Ben Cote. They were always so cool to us, especially in the early development of the site. They even had us playing at their booth at CES one year. You don't get that with youtube.


Not possibe to upload episode 1-6 to veoh?

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aww crap :( i <3-ed stage6 :(

its the best video service on the web :(

why o why ....

i guess that the well known french site Dailymotion is a alternative for hd video , they use flash tho as far as i kno , and i <3ed stage6 :(

i do hope they'll release the code etc for the divx web player tho so someone else can perfect and put up the system again ... :(

dailymotion supporting hd : http://blog.dailymotion.com/2008/02/18/dai...n-a-new-player/

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stage 6 were the only ones to offer this quality using divx, if  that quality was offered through flash, the cpu usage would be much higher and the video will be more laggy

instead of selling stage 6 they should have offered to sell it to another company that would be willing to handle it

with a little bit of work stage 6 could have crushed youtube  since it offered much better video and audio quality and faster load times and none of the 5 seconds loading and you having to refresh the page constantly to get it to load completely

youtube just gets more annoying every day, many of their videos have the annoying in player ad where the video window flashes then a ad slides up from the bottom

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