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Are we all fat slobs?!!

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I see you're of the "you can put a price on human life" school then?

Well yeah, I was working in South Africa Last year working and I stopped at a traffic light and two guys tried to car jack me and I was glad I was armed when one of them pulled a gun on me, they felt that my life had a price and that was my car.

America is no where as bad as South Africa but when you’re carrying equipment that is a prototype and is worth upwards of a hundred thousand dollars, you have to be prepared to defend your life.

did you shoot? what happend? *sits and listens to story time*

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I see you're of the "you can put a price on human life" school then?

Well yeah, I was working in South Africa Last year working and I stopped at a traffic light and two guys tried to car jack me and I was glad I was armed when one of them pulled a gun on me, they felt that my life had a price and that was my car.

America is no where as bad as South Africa but when you’re carrying equipment that is a prototype and is worth upwards of a hundred thousand dollars, you have to be prepared to defend your life.

I misread your post, I apologise, didn't see the "in the eyes of lots of people including my old company" and I'm a twat.

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If it is in defence of my life I am legally with in my rights to kill them and the company I was working for fully supports the use of deadly force when situations calls for it.

All information on my laptop involving work is encrypted but prototypes cost a lot of money to make which could be reversed engineered.

In most cases you find that once you have shot one or two of them the rest will run.

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I see you're of the "you can put a price on human life" school then?

Well yeah, I was working in South Africa Last year working and I stopped at a traffic light and two guys tried to car jack me and I was glad I was armed when one of them pulled a gun on me, they felt that my life had a price and that was my car.

America is no where as bad as South Africa but when you’re carrying equipment that is a prototype and is worth upwards of a hundred thousand dollars, you have to be prepared to defend your life.

I misread your post, I apologise, didn't see the "in the eyes of lots of people including my old company" and I'm a twat.

So your anti gun and yes I’m a Twat.

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What? I was saying I'm a twat. Ermm, I am somewhat anti gun but to be honest I'm not really 100% where I stand on the issue because it's so complex.

In an ideal world I wouldn’t have to carry a gun but for my old company to get insurance on equipment in parts of the world I have no other option then to carry a gun.

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I'm not fat at all..im underweight for my age :shock:

I've got a high metabolism so can eat and eat and eat and barley put on anything - not that I do tho.

I'm underweight (as I said earlier in the thread) and am the same as you. I don't eat healthily at all really, but am still underweight.

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"Fat Girls and Feeders " i saw that shit too. Funniest shit. One of these feeder guys was giving this girl milkshakes spiked with weight gainer!

Another girl was weight in shit you use to way that shark you caught. hahaha

But on a serious note: midget giant sex can be dangerous.

i get the link between 'depression' and fatness. But most people who are fat are not depressed but lazy. To lazy to eat right to lazy to exxercise. Now dont get me wrong. If your into that its cool..but when people leave it so long that they start to waddle.....thats fucked up. I mean you get make over shows for these people. "Clothes to wear so u dont look fat"

Crazy. Its like telling a heroin user to "wear long sleeves to conver up those unsightly love holes"


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Now dont get me wrong. If your into that its cool..but when people leave it so long that they start to waddle.....thats fucked up.

Yupp, I have been all fine and good with being a fat ass for some time now but the other day I tried on a 3x shirt....no dice. Then yesterday I noticed that I was starting to waddle. I felt like fucking Vito from the Sopranos. So, my cool with it is officialy over, time to start getting up off my ass and doing something.

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