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I hate to add more to the pile cause I know Seb is a good guy who knows his sh*t or at least truly gives a sh*t. I had figured it was just me so i sat down for the last three years and started learning with more intention to find where or what i was missing. filled some big holes but still had issues. Must be a lemon so I got another one. maybe its too hot? Do I took a fan from a GPU and dropped it well below even room temp. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of things that worked... ish But even when there were no problems with the setup and go part there would be a stale of freeze shortly after. Or set everything to do it thing and come check the next day only to find it had either dropped connection, or despite saying it was it didn't sniff or log or connect or simply didn't run. But maybe I am just dumb and failed to really apply myself. Great news finally the inventors are doing classes and I got in. Sure its a bit pricey but this is training for my career and where else can I get hands on training then from these guys plus there will be some new toys and who knows maybe I really got 2 lemon. Nope. Not at all. I am in to them for over $1000 bucks at this point and while I have learned alot in the process I am disappointed. I have 3 pineapples 2 duckys the ubertooth one and a turtle 2 alfa long range wifi adapters a long range booster kit and a bunch of antennas in a side saddle bag that has had the strangest smell since I got it in the mail. Its not all bad, those alfas have been very handy. Just now I had thought to salvage a pineapple I could use it as a wifi relay but half way through setting it up it dropped connection with me. still has wifi set up but for some reason it won't connect. Nor will the eth0 seem to link up. flashed fresh firmware on it to start and have reset several time. I'm sorry to have drifted off topic here. Obviously I am an idiot and possibly a sucker. I am only allowed a few post , I assume cause I'm new so it made sense to cram it all in. I have never gotten useful data from the wifi pine apple in three years of use that could't have been acquired with a laptop running backtrack or kali or black Arch or really most linux distros that do wifi in monitor mod and can sniff a packet of two. To now find out that there has been an update that further limits the "usefulness" of my pretty blinking lights with antenna ears is quite a disappointment but hearing others have had problems has at least made me feel like less of a retard which could save me some money in therapy later so maybe the whole thing is a wash. Sorry for the sob story in novel form but its like I said before, I'm an idiot.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've seen a couple of instructions and videos, but I have a few questions yet.
My MK5 is connected via Wi-Fi with my router and I have an Internet connection. Now I activate the iPhone hotspot and connect my laptop with it. In Recon mode, I see my hotspot and connected client.
MK5 Karma, Probes and Associations is active. PineAP Deamon, Send Beacon Responses, Harvest SSIDs and dogma is active.
So how do I simulate my hotspot with this information? Should I do this manually under Network -> Open Access Point? Or should I use PineAP Configuration -> General Source and Target do?
Many thanks for your help!!
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Same problem here; PineAP shows loads of fake APs but none of them accept clients/has internet.

In logfile I do see many probe requests with an occasional attempt to associate but nothing more.

When I try to manualy connect to one of the fake APs I do get connected but without internet.

My setup is basic:

wlan0|Pineapple --- eth0 --- laptop|wifi --- router

The pineapple can be accessed by the laptop and shows the outside IP.

Laptop: Windows 7, no firewall. Offcourse wifi shared and ethernet configured as

Maybe someone can give me a hint where to problem lies or where to find the next step...

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I am on 2.4 firmware. When I look at the Clients list through the link in the upper left or via the PineAP infusion, I can see the list of clients but SSID is always blank. So I cannot see what AP they think they are connected to. This used work with 2.3. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any way to fix this?

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I am on 2.4 firmware. When I look at the Clients list through the link in the upper left or via the PineAP infusion, I can see the list of clients but SSID is always blank. So I cannot see what AP they think they are connected to. This used work with 2.3. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any way to fix this?

Are you logging associations?

Best Regards,


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This is what happens to me with the PineAP Settings :B

I've seen this behavior as well. Both on my Nexus5 phone (5.1.1) and a no-name generic Android tablet.

In my experience, it seems to happen after an undetermined time. Right after boot, I can see and connect to the spoofed SSIDs generated by the WiPi without a problem... but after a time, I get the same result as you see in the video.

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  • 1 month later...

My biggest issue with PineAP is I've noticed when I've had one of the settings which I haven't figured out which one is causing the issue but what happens is when I have networks from the SSID Management showing up I try to get my device to connect to that SSID what will happen is it will try to connect but will disconnect and try to keep connecting all the SSID's will pop up and then disappear the SSID im trying to connect just glitches out on my device im not sure if its just some thing with the nexus 7 tablet or if its some thing with the PineAP settings

wish i wasn't lazy so I could show a video of what im talking about so you could see.

No it's because all the SSIDs are flooded with the same MAC and any dev with half a brain knows if you have lots of WiFi with same MAC address it is super sus and so the OS will hide them from you and not connect. Also Apple now has a passive mode where they respond with a unique MAC address every time the Wifi is disconnected which makes target ID and tracking useless unless they actually connect to you.....so they beam a fake MAC until they connect and obnly then do you get the real MAC address. The Pineapple is an overhyped piece of junk now there are things like HSTS and switched on developers that record the AP MAC along with the SSID so they only respond to beacons with the legit MAC address......these guys have no idea.

Edited by Noxious
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No it's because all the SSIDs are flooded with the same MAC and any dev with half a brain knows if you have lots of WiFi with same MAC address it is super sus and so the OS will hide them from you and not connect. Also Apple now has a passive mode where they respond with a unique MAC address every time the Wifi is disconnected which makes target ID and tracking useless unless they actually connect to you.....so they beam a fake MAC until they connect and obnly then do you get the real MAC address. The Pineapple is an overhyped piece of junk now there are things like HSTS and switched on developers that record the AP MAC along with the SSID so they only respond to beacons with the legit MAC address......these guys have no idea.

I think you're being a little harsh here. While there are methods out there to oust some of the functionality of the Pineapple not every network implements them. I have used PineAP successfully (recently, too) so I think to say it's "an over-hyped piece of junk" is a little far. If there is some functionality you want to see from it then by all means write your own infusion and amaze us with you can do with the Pineapple. If you truly believe it's a piece of junk then why bother coming on the forums in the first place? Just to tell everyone how much you hate the Pineapple? I can honestly say nobody cares how you feel about this device. Your opinion will not change how we use it.

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No it's because all the SSIDs are flooded with the same MAC and any dev with half a brain knows if you have lots of WiFi with same MAC address it is super sus and so the OS will hide them from you and not connect. Also Apple now has a passive mode where they respond with a unique MAC address every time the Wifi is disconnected which makes target ID and tracking useless unless they actually connect to you.....so they beam a fake MAC until they connect and obnly then do you get the real MAC address. The Pineapple is an overhyped piece of junk now there are things like HSTS and switched on developers that record the AP MAC along with the SSID so they only respond to beacons with the legit MAC address......these guys have no idea.

I can agree with you the Pineapple is really a hype I've kept this to myself because I didn't wanna offend people who like hak5 but I've always seen hak5 be the kinda people who are trying to sell you a product is all they're about.

I'm a complete noob and do my best to help people understand how the pineapple could be used some times I feel like I do a better job promoting hak5's stuff then they do.

I get the point that they're trying to cover their ass from legal troubles but I can tell you that hardly anyone is using the pineapple for ethical purposes

I've always wanted to buy a Ubertooth One but hak5 has never showed me a good enough reason that I'd ever need anything like that.

The rubber ducky eh! barely has any cool usages I made a mistake and blew my cover asked people if they would help me make a thing that would auto make a admin account account on Walmart demo machine and I liked to gotten ban on here for asking that :B

I think maybe the stuff hak5 try's to sell to people possibly are not for people like me im honestly not sure who they're for because im sure the stuff hak5 sells could be made in someones garage with a circuit board and a soldering iron.

I know people that have the skill to do that so I don't see why anyone would need hak5 stuff unless they wanted to reverse engineer it to see how it works.

Maybe im just closed mind but I just believe hak5 is trying to sell you a product rather then showing you its full potential they give hints.

I think that's why I get a lot of viewers to my channel even though I'm a nubcake I still try and offer advice and help with products I don't even make money from

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I like the fact that it's purpose built hardware. So I don't have to search or hunt for the best thing in a laptop or usb device to get stuff done. Sure they can't tell you all the stuff you can do, but those "hints" you mentioned they give, def give you a good place to start your searches for more information on. With the right amount of time and patience you have some very powerful devices that can do a lot more than just what is advertised or promoted by the seller. I'm not a fan of building things so I'm glad they give me the option to buy the hardware pre-built so I can focus on the more advanced learning curve of actually using it for various purposes. Plus there's no way I would have made something as sexy as the pineapple is (compact and well laid out, plus with an embedded OS that meets most of the needs out of the box).

I also buy things from them, just to support them. This way they can keep making shows and come up with new purpose built hardware as well as improve on their current stuff. I was only introduced to them a few months ago when someone gave me a pineapple for free. I like it so much I went and got their field kit (just for the cable usb cable for the pineapple power and to support them) and liked the other stuff in that so much, that I've bought and plan to buy more items from them. I've also gone back and been watching all their shows and the great amount of content in them is amazing, things that I was working with and playing with back when they were talking about them to even new things I hadn't heard of yet that still have their uses even today several years later.

I know I probably sound like a fan boy and I'm actually fine with that because I am a fan, but I do realize that these items aren't for everyone and some people may see these tools as one click attack tools (which as a programmer I can tell you it's hard to give customization and power with just the click of a button). So if you like the stuff and you want it, you can get it. Just be prepared to learn a lot on your own, if not then you don't have to and are free to do other things with your time and money :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Everyone,

Had a Mark V for about a year now but only just getting round to using it.

I can get clients to connect with no issues, however when I look on my client list the SSID just shows a red hyphen.

Am I right in assuming that this should show the SSID that was broadcasted and connected too?

I'm hoping its an easy one for one of you lovely bunch.



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  • 5 years later...

I believe I have located an issue with the Mark vii PineAP advanced Source Mac setting. At first what I was trying to do was spoof my MAC address by typing these command directly in the prompt:


ifconfig wlan0 down && macchanger -r wlan0 && ifconfig wlan0 up
ifconfig wlan1 down && macchanger -r wlan1 && ifconfig wlan1 up
ifconfig wlan2 down && macchanger -r wlan2 && ifconfig wlan2 up
ifconfig wlan1mon down && macchanger -r wlan1mon && ifconfig wlan1mon up

While it worked and my MAC was changed I realized my clients were promptly kicked off even though the AP was still showing they could not connect. This led me to believe I had to update PineAP source MAC. When I went to check it still had the original MAC. I updated it to the new spoofed MAC address and while it said it was a success I refresh the pineapple page to make sure it stuck and sadly it was still showing the original MAC. What I am asking for is not a fix but more so a command for the command prompt that would allow me to update the MAC Source. Thank you and if I am misunderstanding anything please do let me know as I am still learning.  

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/29/2021 at 2:18 AM, dark_pyrro said:

The thing I think you have misunderstood is that it's kind of fruitless to post things related to the Mark VII in the Mark V section of the forum. Post this in the correct part of the forum instead. Or better still, take it to Discord. Those discussions are far more active and responsive.


Haha sorry about that! Was on so many forums I did not even realize it. Thanks for the heads up @dark_pyrro

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