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Everything posted by snakey

  1. snakey

    lappy temp

    i really just want to know which off the pins is + and - on the fan socket so i can drain it that all. Thanks for all your help everyone been very helpful.
  2. if its under warrenty send it back
  3. isn't it "winners do warez"?
  4. Go the msi wind better computer for the price
  5. snakey

    lappy temp

    i cant drain it because it wont run the laptop if i pull the cord out it dies imediatly is there another way of draining it? edit: Appears as though the battery has a built in fan but mine isnt there i have a fan port and a gap where the fan should be :P um link below what sort of fan connection is this and which one is + and - http://www.batterydoctor.com.au/store/view...p?product=LB227 its a 4 pin btw
  6. i know a guy who fixs tellys and dvds for a living and he said you would need a really big static charge to fry a mobo. even socks on carpet wouldn't do it.
  7. snakey

    lappy temp

    i bought it for 200 bucks which i thought was reasonable. anyways it dont turn on unless the power chord is plugged in does this mean the battery is rat shit? the battery light flashs 3 yellow 1 green and it says its 99% charged all the time.
  8. snakey

    lappy temp

    I just got a new lappy. well kinda new. dell inspirion 9100 3.0ghz 512. anyway it would idle at like 70c so i took the fans out cleaned em ( lots of duct covering the heat sinks ) and it now idles at 51 c. when i watch a movie it jumps up to 62c. is this hot for a laptop. im fair new to lappys and im not sure?
  9. DontOpenThis.avi is a good one to use no one will suspect that and no one will open it. :P
  10. well if people would code something up it would run alot smoother um ok here goes Lang: Any Program: Alarm clock Must Have: Must have a set able alarm clock and clock displayed aswell Winner: best alround app Time: 2-3 weeks
  11. does it beep or make noises? if it beep try seating your ram/graphics card properly.
  12. why not give him a break and go smoke your own pole somewhere else. um i dont know but atleast dont be a cock about it.
  13. yer good site that one um ,dune, dune 2 and street racer 1 and 2 good games
  14. just trying to keep on topic thats all :) i still play it heap either way
  15. I love snes but is that retro?
  16. um irongeek did a bit on this he used hashtabs. This created heaps of different hashes and you can choose which ones to show and which ones not to show.
  17. man your not aloud to put a link to a site anymore with out moonlit editing it :P
  18. man you guys are cracking down on newbs lately. Answers no mate sorry :(
  19. obviously you haven't been in school for years mr moonlit. In my final year i got caught getting free photocopy's ( not quite hacking but pretty similar punishment ) i just acted dumb said i didn't know anything and a random guy told me the code and i got off the hook :). do something similar and you will be fine. Also a school network admin aint going to be watching you for a while he government they dont do there job properly.
  20. deny till you die and you will have no problem. Act dumb say you dont know what it is and that another student might have hacked your account so on and so forth and you'll be sweet. also don't be stupid with switchblade mark all your switchblade drives with a (s) at the end so it font happen again.
  21. i'd say he lives in the country or something cause i can go to my mates house and use there wireless next door and thats with a standard telstra wireless modem.
  22. ok i new what the maze was about to do but i just could help jumping :(
  23. my old isp had like 100+ cat 5 cable running in there office building so yer just back up on how far ethernet can go
  24. i live near a computer fair that happens every weekend im sure i can pick up a cheap second hand 1x pci card. <3 vako
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