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Everything posted by snakey

  1. snakey

    ScanDisk 16G

    i fixed the u3 on my Toshiba u3 2 gig you just dl the u3 update installer ;) gl though steve its a mission to get u3 back
  2. yeah what are you instested in? if you learn say assembly/C++ (or any other reasonably powerful language) you can create devices and write firmware and drivers and such but if you want to make computer apps learn a coding language like C++
  3. maybe you could give it a shot mxlr?
  4. see now that is also a dumb question i will say amd every time and someone else will say intel and the loop will continue till im blue in the face. So the moral of the story "test parts for yourself"
  5. snakey

    Frets on Fire

    please watch all of season 3 theres alot about FoF and rockband on pc
  6. why bump this thread now i again annoyed at manual being a homo
  7. dev-C++ is the one i use too bad the team stopped updateing it
  8. asking people what they think about your selected parts is stupid and will confuse you. Its mainly personal preference. a better question would be "are all these parts compatible with each other" or something like that
  9. yeah i played private server WoW a few years ago alot of bugs but im too tight to purchase the game
  10. Solution "Skateboarding" i'd spend most of the weekend day skateboarding. then i would either go out with my mates at night or go on the computer its a nice balance. Computer during the day = bad.
  11. i got a virus from tech but the whole computer systems is infected with it :P. Fact of life crackers make useless virus' that annoy.
  12. i'd say a 'c' language C# i spose would be best in this day and age. also once you choose whatever language: http://www.jobsnake.com/seek/articles/inde...rticle&8533
  13. i'd be interested to see this in java i tried java and it wasn't for me
  14. snakey

    2 questions

    all the old james bonds should keep you happy for a while. Live and let die is a classic
  15. its not hacking its cracking. hacking rips cracking is for jerks
  16. snakey

    linux question

    i cant get vlc to install on CentOS. i get rpm errors but once i get that working ill be happy
  17. snakey

    linux question

    ok deags' link worked i downloaded burnt at like 12x then installed without hickup to a sata hdd. Gotta love that.
  18. haha dont smoke bongs mate better luck next time
  19. music/video - VLC Player. Im not a whore.
  20. ah i failed i just started tech again and homework fucked me over i'll try to make something but cout if you want to make something in java i'd liek to see it
  21. snakey

    linux question

    fuck yeah +1 cool point to deags :)
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