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Everything posted by snakey

  1. Ok so i have been using windows since 3.1 and i have been quite reluctant to change OS to linux. but i am currently posting on my bt3 beta live cd and im likeing it. so im going to bite the bullet and install bt3 on my laptop as the only OS this weekend. so i purpose that anyone that want to pertisipate should install a linux OS on there machine and post some pic and see how many machines we can get de-windows. :)
  2. nice challenge looks hard but im a newb coder hoping to see someone give this a try
  3. um i got backtrack 3 beta should i update to the final or stay with beta (12 gig dl limit is a killer)
  4. after a second watch with actually looking at the acting and such its not that bad its just that the guys are filming scene after scene and editing it together if the had like 3 cameras going at once it would be alot smoother
  5. eh im finding less interesting topics aswell and i spose if wess and darren and other cast members where more active alot more people would be active
  6. alchol 120% is the best but it isnt free i think 52% is not sure
  7. haha i laughed at the acting but its ok i guess
  8. ok guys time is up :) steve8x ripped up this challenge and i crown him the winner you can make the next challenge
  9. i would talk to a gay person and that pic was epic
  10. um its australian that says it all.
  11. i also enjoyed the hitman movie
  12. this thread is stupid yeah they got drunk big deal :P
  13. get thdj (tony hawks downhill jam)
  14. snakey


    i will just need to know what to do thats all
  15. um yeah i was putting a computer for a customer together and bent about 20 pins on the cpu i straighted em all out except 1 so i sent it back and said it came bent and they sent me a new one :) pretty much just lieing but hey its similar
  16. snakey


    i spose i could look after the wiki if you wanted
  17. haha in aus its 25 bucks for a personal bank card
  18. http://cprogramming.com/ also learn C++ or C# not c :) wrong place to ask start a topic or something
  19. haha i hope you dont think that its only your school every school in Australia is like that. I wishwas still at school playing metal of honor during maths <3 those days
  20. lovin people entring gj guys still lots more time for people to enter
  21. snakey

    CS:S Video!

    fraps + virtual dumb = better then camtasia
  22. i think that is the same as every forum. They just took the time to integrate the style of the forum to match the site that all.
  23. snakey

    lappy temp

    i got one at work but it public holiday tomorro so i thought you might know haha lazy me oh well ill do it on tuesday thanks for your help
  24. go for moonlits answer its alot better :)
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