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Everything posted by snakey

  1. stablefoxx make the next challenge mate jordan has left aswel :P
  2. snakey


    acer make an awsome one for 500 bucks but im too poor to get it :P
  3. yer no i can only see it going clockways im a retard :( and it jumps is it susposed to jump?
  4. I'm really not seeing a problem with the usb hacks section if you dont like the skiddieness dont go in there simple.
  5. I would like the show alot more if it where inteviews and stuff with ppl that have done some shit in the computer world like the shmoocon special for example.
  6. snakey

    Tony hawks

    haha i took it off the shelf and never put it back on :P i want to get the newer game i can only play the ones they released on pc :P
  7. snakey


    um a couple but not many i think CSS and BF2142 do but i dont know of any others ( do post a list of games with voip plz )
  8. this makes me want to get a wii. snes marios kart brings back so many memories
  9. i got another screen for nuthing a phillips so that makes 3
  10. hak5 thlive k0h Ausphreak blacksheep ( not often i post then dont go on for ages then post again)
  11. snakey


    i like the Aztec map myself. i went to a lan party and dusk was the map that we played for about 3 hours i was just over it :P
  12. Certifications do not mean anything. Yes they do in the real world where street cred mean nothing get as many certificates as you can and you will get employed.
  13. i've never reinstalled firefox or windows :P
  14. Man what is the deal with people and only posting in the usb hacks section make 16 posts in the other sub-forums and you can use the usb hacks section
  15. ah no you gotta post 16 posts to see the usb hacks section
  16. I'm liking that rule but you should make it useful posts. So when someone posts 6 posts you get send a pm with he posts and you decide weather there useful or just random spam to get the usb hacks thread
  17. am i missing something why do i still have the usb hacks section if its removed?
  18. snakey

    Tony hawks

    Whats your best graff tags/High combo?
  19. Thps1 Thps2 Thps3 thps4 THUG THUG 2 THAW CSS CoD4 GTASA HALO.
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