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Everything posted by snakey

  1. appears as though your steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car :P
  2. 4x12cm and 1x8cm and my cpu psu and gpu fans
  3. well watching the news just now i will not be buying an iphone. hundreds of people lining up in the cold for a phone gtfo.
  4. xil you fail at English and properly life aswell please type properly.
  5. dsl is a nice distro. Good for just browsing the net, irc and such. Built in ssh and other things is a plus aswel.
  6. How come Microsoft can send me a flashy add about VC++. but i cant have html in my email that blows. -Digip The attachment doesnt auto show and i cant drag it to the e=mail :(
  7. Anti-virus programs suck ass. Linux is the answer or just be a lot more careful on what you install. Also good hard drive order is a help when look for and finding virus'. A cluttered hard drive makes it easier to hide things.
  8. Learn to type correctly with correct English please. You obviously speak it cause everything can be read with a bit of effort so either type correctly or fuck off.
  9. um i would use mpeg 2 encoding its the best i believe
  10. man learn to spell correctly its just laziness and i made a few mods that made pistols have sniper rile rounds and 8x zoom and such
  11. anyone that calls themselves a hacker or a cracker is a douche and should be likewise treated as one.
  12. ok i found you can only do up to 3mb files because the size cant be bigger then 300000 pixels
  13. come on just answer the question please i want my non tech dad to see the image not open an attachment he dont know what an attachment is
  14. sounds interesting i might give it a go
  15. How would i go about putting html into an email? i created myself an image called it image.png and saved it now i want it to be displayed when someone opens the email how can i do that?
  16. can someone ban this asshole he blames a disease for his lack of control what a cop out. go cop out somewhere else.
  17. um go to like go-lo or big w or something if you have those shops and pick up a cheap one.
  18. cause we are the strongest and would be the most resistant. ( see boar war and gallipoli for proof)
  19. how does calm the fuck down sound? corsa you should go upstairs and tell the people that there wireless is insecure and to make it more secure and give em a few tips on how to
  20. "We like Americans, but generally think your rude, fat, poorly educated" - VaKo k1u in a nutshell i also agree with my aussie counterpart no simpsons on a weekday was terrible it was just the fucking bbs and cnnnn news and crap.
  21. why not go outside tell the jerk to get the fuck away from your house and if he refuses beat the shit out of him till he leaves hes got a laptop hes not going to be big or defensive
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