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Everything posted by snakey

  1. Ok i tried installing linux to no avail. I am trying to install a linux OS onto my old pentium 4 desktop pc. so i tried installing freebsd( i know its not linux) and the cd could find any of the installer files and it failed so then i dl the gentoo minimal cd and try to istall that but its also missing some file to install. So my question is "Could anyone point me in the right direction for installing linux maybe a tutorial based on a specific dl since i think im dling the wrong iso". Im also not fussy about what distro it is( not ubuntu ). Another restriction is my 12gig dl limit for the month so a smaller distro would be nice :).
  2. fuck yeah im giving this a try 4sure by the end of the week i will want to have a program done :)
  3. lolz at "hacker laptop"
  4. steve8x can you give me some tips on this i'll give it a go. I think i gotta use csocket but im stuck on tuts and stuff just hook me up with some tut links and ill see what i can do :)
  5. sounds liek you dont if your getting into trouble like this :P
  6. :: Edited for reasons of not getting banned :)
  7. im Aussie and i see people handling there shit like that everyday. man you guys must work in computers and go home to your computers and stuff :P
  8. haha who give a fuck about what way he put his stickers on :P
  9. just a bump to see if any C++ coders are keen on taking this challenge up
  10. im fair sure i said cricket bat i aint no american
  11. do they make ultra quite fans my computer sounds like a supercharger constantly
  12. i've seen alot of tutorials on eeepc modding there is even a wiki if you want to check it out just google "eeepc modding" and you will be sweet
  13. k1u is asking nerds for advice on chicks :P
  14. er if someone told me they where going to go call the cops i'd move on up the street but if some guy hit me with a cricket bat i'd be out of there and go cry :)
  15. Mr k1u doesnt even smoke pot hes just saying he does to try and be cool. and yes k1u i backdoored your pc dont worry mate.
  16. snakey

    eeepc mod

    "did you get the case from a different laptop, or is that the company that makes eeepc? My sister wants to get a laptop for her birthday but my dad doesn't want to get her a big one cause she is clumsy. are eeepc's durable"
  17. Man you guys live in a fantasy world. Talking to him aint going to get rid of him. It wouldnt get rid of me. going out the front and beating the crap out of him make sure he wont return. If you put a virus on his system or put kiddie porn or something on there you dont know if hes running a liveCD or if he goes home and reformats his machine you just dont know. and he will continue to return and rape your interent
  18. snakey

    linux live cd

    For your specs you should try dsl. It will load up quick and is only 50 mb and have everything you need.
  19. his forums are made up with them he just does t to say "look at me i smoke bongs im cool"
  20. The reason there is no aboriginal australian prime ministers is because most are always smashed drinking turps or sniffing petrol.
  21. cause it a douche of a thing to do go back to your own forums
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