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  1. It would be good to get a more detailed feedback on how it was solved. Other users could benefit from that when visiting and reading the forum threads.
  2. What does df -h or sudo fdisk -l or mount tell you? Does the Bunny seem to be mounted? This shouldn't be a problem. I use my Bunnies all the time on Ubuntu/Debian based systems.
  3. With the autossh module stopped in the Turtle "text based GUI", try running the following directly from the terminal on the Turtle (change user@address to something relevant for your setup and ports as well, if not "default") autossh -M 20000 -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -R 2222:localhost:22 user@address -p 22 -N -T If that works (it should), change the following line in /etc/turtle/modules/autossh from: uci set autossh.@autossh[0].ssh="-i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -N -T -R "$autossh_remoteport":localhost:"$autossh_localport" "$autossh_host" -p "$autossh_port" " to: uci set autossh.@autossh[0].ssh="-i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -R "$autossh_remoteport":localhost:"$autossh_localport" "$autossh_host" -p "$autossh_port" -N -T" Furthermore... to get the module itself working, change the lines in the "configure" function of the autossh module from: autossh_host=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $7}' | sed "s/'//g") autossh_port=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $9}' | sed "s/'//g") autossh_remoteport=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1}') autossh_localport=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}') to: autossh_host=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $5}' | sed "s/'//g") autossh_port=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $7}' | sed "s/'//g") autossh_remoteport=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1}') autossh_localport=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}') Also change the line in the "start" function of the autossh module from: autossh_host=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/@/ /g' | awk '{print $2}') to: autossh_host=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/@/ /g' | awk '{print $2}') Done!
  4. I think you have mixed something up and made settings that isn't needed (or shouldn't be there). 2222 has nothing to do with the local sshd on the vps. Just skip any settings for the local sshd on the vps and see it from the Turtle perspective.
  5. Was that default settings or did you change the file yourself? Why add the vps to 2222?
  6. Did you use the correct port?
  7. There are reverse shell payload scripts for the Ducky. However, they use netcat and that is blocked by Defender nowadays so it needs to be altered or obfuscated in some way in order to work (or disable Defender/AV).
  8. Well, if it's still not solved, how can it be too late? As I understand it, there is work being done on getting the Croc to better accept different types of keyboards. It has for sure been a bit picky this far.
  9. Tried any of this? https://technicallysane.blogspot.com/p/using-tcpdump-with-netcat.html
  10. Well, it's a fact that the Mk7 has the hardware setup it has, right?! What is Hak5 going to do about it? Asking the question won't add those things to the product. It is what it is.
  11. Try it then. This is about the USB Rubber Ducky, not the Malduino W
  12. Remember that most of the Mk1 payloads available are years old and the landscape is constantly changing and evolving. It's a cat and mouse game and if the payloads aren't updated (or new ones are created based on recent vulnerabilities or functionality), they most likely turn obsolete.
  13. They most likely had the absolute majority of regular Windows users in mind that doesn't even have a clue of what a bin file is
  14. Everything is relative, but not long at all I would say if we are talking about a firmware recovery of the Mk7, haven't clocked it though
  15. Yeah, since that redirection is Windows related
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