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  1. i'm working with the lan turtle and I see a tutorial for Persistent Shell Access with AutoSSH, when I have of lan turtle into a usb port in my pc, the lan turtle work fine, I can connect from my vps to the lan turtle without any problem, but when I activated the Autossh and connect the Lan turtle to external battery for try of connect from my vps to Lan turtle is imposible the connect, I worked with this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIdvvrDrRj0 but Into the vps he only made a new user, is possible what I need another configuration into my vps for can connect to the lan turtle using autossh
  2. I don't have any idea what happened but the problem is that I can't run a script into console to send to email because never write the @ symbol in the console but I wrote correctly the script for the .bat file
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