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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. USB would die with that setup, it's only supposed to talk to 1 device at a time.
  2. No, but feel free to report a message to the moderators if you suspect something is out of the ordinary.
  3. Not that I really use them much, but Hiren's Boot CD, NT Offline Password and Registry Editor, Backtrack and Slax. I have other random live CDs around just for kicks, but I don't often use them. Was going to build a BartPE disc too but I never got around to it. Not that I really need it anyway, it would be a nice addition to the collection.
  4. Uninstall the apps that installed them? Google each one, see what it does, act accordingly. Half of those are Windows, antivirus and resident random "do nothing" apps though...
  5. moonlit


    Though sadly they're just legally ripping off the great name of Commodore, it's not the same company, the trademark has changed hands tons of times since Commodore went tits up.
  6. Ditto, I assumed it was because I was using most of my upstream capacity...
  7. You're dangerously close to a ban, I suggest you take your own advice and "Be polite" yourself.
  8. I run 32bit, and to answer the money question I have about 6 years of free but fully functional 2k3 trial CDs.
  9. That's a pretty nice setup, I've thought about using PSOne screens for ages but last I looked they weren't worth buying second hand since they were still fairly expensive (at least for something I was about to chop to pieces) but I might take another look in to that again.
  10. Server 2003 Enterprise is my main (and currently only) OS. Works great as a desktop with a few tweaks (turning on audio, turning graphics acceleration back on, etc). Fast, stable, secure, no XP-style Duplo theme (though if you really want it you can turn it back on), runs almost everything XP can except a few apps that point blank refuse to install on anything other than XP. Runs games fine too if that's your thing.
  11. Providing you use a little computing streetsmart, Windows can even be used without an antivirus providing you keep it patched and don't visit random porn sites, open random emails, downloads cracks or run random exe files. Sure, that's not the only way to catch stuff, and sometimes you get caught unaware so use an AV anyway. I recommend AVG or Avast, I like them both but AVG has alerted me to more than Avast has.
  12. :shock: Holy cow, I want... ...what do you use them all for?
  13. It seems most people chose this thread rather than the other thread on the exact same topic with the exact same message in it, so: Welcome to the "You're || close to a ban" club. Edit: Just because I'm not very good at being an asshole, I'll explain: This isn't the kind of attitude we encourage here. School isn't there to provide you with free fuckabout computers or a neat torrent connection, it's there for you to go to lessons and socialise. We will never encourage "hacking" school computers, and you'll have noticed this if you've read any of the posts in which people are discussing the matter. If you like to screw with computers that's great, more power to you, but don't do it on other peoples' computers, especially if they're used in a place where many people have to use them. It's a pain in the ass for the IT staff when they have to undo what you've done, it's a pain in the ass for you when you get suspended, expelled, banned from the computers or at the very least the computer isn't there any more because the IT staff had to take it away and fix it. Don't be a dumbass. If you've got any brains you'll read what we've said all over this forum so many times before and take note of it. Just FYI, I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you. Now, I don't mind if you stay here but we want to see less of this "omfg im a 5up3rh4xx0r!!!" and more productive stuff. You posted elsewhere to say you have a machine of your own... why not grab a couple of old boxes and make your own network to learn on (/screw with), or rig up a few virtual machines on your main box? It can be cheap (or free), fun, as easy or as hard as you make it and you'll damn sure learn more. There's only so much I can say and only so many times I can say it, don't make me start banning people just because they come across as stupid. You might be the smartest guy in the world (or you might think you are, or convince others you are) but you sure don't look like it here so far.
  14. QFE. What are even CONSIDERING using these in a corporate environment?! You either need some common sense and to go back and read the fundamentals or I call BS.
  15. Welcome to the "You're || close to a ban" club. Edit: Just because I'm not very good at being an asshole, I'll explain: This isn't the kind of attitude we encourage here. School isn't there to provide you with free fuckabout computers or a neat torrent connection, it's there for you to go to lessons and socialise. We will never encourage "hacking" school computers, and you'll have noticed this if you've read any of the posts in which people are discussing the matter. If you like to screw with computers that's great, more power to you, but don't do it on other peoples' computers, especially if they're used in a place where many people have to use them. It's a pain in the ass for the IT staff when they have to undo what you've done, it's a pain in the ass for you when you get suspended, expelled, banned from the computers or at the very least the computer isn't there any more because the IT staff had to take it away and fix it. Don't be a dumbass. If you've got any brains you'll read what we've said all over this forum so many times before and take note of it. Just FYI, I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you. Now, I don't mind if you stay here but we want to see less of this "omfg im a 5up3rh4xx0r!!!" and more productive stuff. You posted elsewhere to say you have a machine of your own... why not grab a couple of old boxes and make your own network to learn on (/screw with), or rig up a few virtual machines on your main box? It can be cheap (or free), fun, as easy or as hard as you make it and you'll damn sure learn more. There's only so much I can say and only so many times I can say it, don't make me start banning people just because they come across as stupid. You might be the smartest guy in the world (or you might think you are, or convince others you are) but you sure don't look like it here so far.
  16. They could now be classed as illegal in America (and other countries) because they can be used to bypass copy protection without purchasing the product. They could also be classed as a hacking tool if you hit the wrong guy.
  17. Surely the first part of that message is completely at odds with the second?
  18. Here's a little tip: Don't claim to be king, duke, lord, admiral, lady or queen of anything... then people can't bash you for not living up to the name.
  19. Which we also won't help with, by the way, be it your password or "a friend's", because we have no idea if you're being entirely truthful. Again though, read the first post in this thread, do a little work, and all will be clear. If we know how to "hack passwords" then it's likely someone else (someone more willing to tell you how) does too.
  20. Before you ask a question here, first ask yourself if it's going to get you flamed like a pig on a spit. Think about what you're asking, think about who you're asking, think about where you're asking and above all think about why you're asking. This is a place you can come for help with something or information about something and don't get me wrong, we all love to help, but we're not the free meal deal on a plate with free pull-back-and-go-toy solution. Read a book, google it, check wikipedia, ask other people, just... don't expect the answers on a plate. I'm trying to be nice, I'm trying not to single anyone out or go on a blinding rant about how Mr X and Ms Y can't seem to think for themselves but please people, use some sense. If you can find an answer in 20 seconds on Google in a step by step format with friendly pointers along the way is there really any point coming here, waiting 2 days, then getting your ass chewed up? No, not really, right? In the end though this doesn't just save everyone else getting irritated at you, it helps you too. What if this forum disappears? What if you no longer have the internet? What happens if everyone point blank refuses to help? You need to learn to find things yourself otherwise you'll be screwed when you need it most and we're not here to spoon feed you it. Oh yeah, and for you aspiring hackers out there? It comes with the territory, you gotta do your research and you've gotta do it well... Bon voyage électronique. Oh, and I almost forgot, we won't show you where to find warez, cracks or other illegal software... see above, you don't need us to. :) Edit: I'll leave this thread unlocked for the moment and feel free to add to it, but I may trim or lock it if it goes off-topic or gets out of hand.
  21. I don't know much about how they're made, but it's (AFAIK, and often) illegal to reverse engineer software for most reasons, this being one of them. It's possible to disassemble a program to see how it works, but it's not necessarily easy to read or interpret without learning assembly language first, and editing should be done with a hex editor (and very carefully, one false move can kill the exe).
  22. This topic has been moved to USB Hacks. [iurl]http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?topic=7741.0[/iurl]
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