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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. The Mark V will not receive the same update that the NANO and TETRA has received.
  2. Still too slow imo. Using the build root is the correct way to do it, and will save you massive amounts of time.
  3. You could compile on the device, but it would take too long. Best way is to use the buildroot and cross-compile.
  4. All instructions needed for cross compiling to OpenWRT are at https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/crosscompile
  5. Hey ph1s, Please make a support ticket with us at https://hakshop.zendesk.com/hc/en-us and we'll get it sorted. In the meantime I'd recommend taking some photos of it (for your support ticket) and disposing of the battery safely.
  6. Sounds like a good way to get your chromebook taken away. Listen to Rkiver.
  7. Restarting the modem still works for the majority of ISPs.
  8. I think the standard DBAN 3-pass is enough...
  9. I’m unsure if the others are taking you for a ride and if you’re asking for stolen credit cards, but just in case you are: Illegal activity is not condoned on this forum.
  10. https://www.tecmint.com/ifconfig-command-examples/
  11. Red On = Monitor mode interface for wlan1 is up, Blue On = wlan0 is up. Opposites mean that the respective interface is down. To bring up wlan0 over SSH type "wifi". To bring up the wlan1mon interface, do "ifconfig wlan1 up && airmon-ng start wlan1".
  12. The blue LED on the front of the device indicates if wlan0 is up and blinks on traffic. The red LED is enabled for wlan1's monitor interface.
  13. You are trying to connect with a nickname with spaces... Just use a oneword nickname by changing it in your settings then connecting.
  14. The UI for the Mark V and the UI for the NANO are very different, and modules require a rewrite using the new API and Bootstrap + AngularJS.
  15. You don't need a USB to Ethernet adapter? That's what the USB plug on the NANO is.
  16. Well, the script is made so that you can't complete the set-up if its already inserted. One of the steps is to plug the device into the computer. However, I am happy that you've solved your issue.
  17. Only wireless interfaces should have wireless extensions under the output of iwconfig, which is correct with your output. As of writing this I am on the train and don't have access to a pineapple, but I will go through your setup when I get home. For now, ensure you are providing all the correct details in the most up-to-date wp6.sh script, such as the correct IP address.
  18. Are the access points you're trying to steal clients from password-protected?
  19. Could you restart your machine (I would recommend using Ubuntu), plug in your WiFi Pineapple and wait for it to boot fully, then execute "ifconfig -a", "route" and "iwconfig". Please use https://pastebin.com and create a separate paste for each command. Then run the wp6.sh with the options you input and make three more pastes with each command, and then the output of the wp6.sh script in a seventh.
  20. Any phone you're comfortable with that has USB-OTG support will be good.
  21. The issue is apparent, you do not have IPTables installed on your system or you are not running as root (or both). On some distributions the binary is not available to users other than root, hence it not showing as available despite potentially being installed.
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