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Everything posted by thesugarat

  1. Well that blows my theory out of the water! Pay no attention to my ramblings above. I guess when I think about it I never even attempted multiple connections because I assumed it wouldn't work....
  2. You need an IRC client program. The #name indicates the channel on the irc.hak5.org server. The rest I'll let you google if you haven't already. I don't think wifite is on the pineapple already but isn't it just a python script? Anyway it's been discussed here in several places including this one https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/29000-automator/?hl=wifite#entry220879 irc.hak5.org #hak5, #pineapple
  3. I believe you are thinking of multiple Bash prompts simultaneously like when using the aircrack-ng suite on a normal Linux machine... Those aren't ssh instances. To my knowledge ssh uses one port/one connection at a time, so how could you do multiple ssh sessions unless you had multiple ports with ssh available? Edit: Ohh and since I use OSX I use a program called Remoter. SSH comes native on OSX but Remoter also does RDC and a few other things I find useful.
  4. ptrac3, Your first post, bottom line you mention using "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless". Are you running it just like that? Or are you using the piped version where it first deletes the wireless file? In the post above you mention ever time you reboot your wireless file changes... Are you running that wifi detect command each time before rebooting? Lets walk the dog on this problem: 1. Boot pineapple (nothing else, do not enable Client Mode, if it does it automatically that's ok but it would be better if it didn't) 2. Look at etc/config/wireless file. There should only be 4 entries, 2 for wlan0 and 2 for wlan1 3. If #2 is good, go to the advanced tab and reboot the pineapple via the button and go to #4. (Don't use any commands like the wifi detect you've been using.) If it's not good go to #5. 4. After it reboots check the etc/config/wireless file again to see if it stayed the same. If it did, chances are you are inflicting the wireless file problems unknowingly and your system is good. 5. If #2 is NOT good and your wireless file has multiple entries. Use: rm /etc/config/wireless && wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && reboot (Then go to #6.) 6. After it reboots start back at #2
  5. You might post your etc/config/wireless file here just so we know you have a normal configuration. Yabasoya is correct that you should be using wlan1 for jamming but if you do it cannot be used for Client Mode at the same time. So yes a third wireless card could be added to jam with while wlan1 is in Client Mode for ICS.
  6. You're correct that it would be step one for a few people but that's not the kind of thing I was talking about here. If someone else wants to demonstrate the basics go for it... This is just my personal opinion but if you come to the Forum for the WiFi Pineapple and expect tutorials on how the aircrack-ng suite works, you're in the wrong spot.... Try this site for basic WPS/WEP cracking tutorials: http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=tutorial If however you come here for advice/questions/turtorials on how the pineapple works or how it implements these great tools you're in the right place. That's just me though. The new Pineapple University has a few great videos already and the Hak5 series of videos is another great resource to start with. (It's like showing up at the Porsche dealership and buying a car. And then you turn to the car salesman and say "ok now teach me how to drive". There is an expectation that you know how to drive already. You might not know what/where all the cool features are on that model but you should at least have a license.)
  7. This forum has a new section called WiFi Pineapple University... http://uni.wifipineapple.com It's relatively new, and they are still working on it, but the one you want is "Connect to a Nearby AP in Client Mode". The link below is straight to it on Youtube, but you should really check out the other videos as well.
  8. The "Jammer" uses a bash script that automates aireplay-ng attacks on an AP.aireplay-ng -0 ${DEAUTHS} --ignore-negative-one -D -a ${current} ${MYMONITOR} & As you can see from this line in the Jammer script, it is only using -a which specifies an AP BSSID without a client. If "-c" was also used in conjunction with "-a" then it would achieve a similar value proposition to MDK3 - however this requires a different scanning technique (airodump instead of iwlist) and more data management. MDK3's deauthentication attack sends deauthentication packets between the client and the AP, rather than only the AP. That is a quote from legend right out of the WiFi Jammer infusion post below: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/30561-support-wifi-jammer/
  9. Warrior178, I have to ask the question.... Why are you trying to set it up this way? Not that it doesn't work... It does. But it is no longer the default setup for Internet Connection Sharing for the Pineapple because the Mark5 has two radios built in, one specifically for Client mode. Just want to know what is driving you towards this particular hard wired method of ICS when a much easier version is now used.
  10. You need to bring internet to the pineapple so that you can upgrade. You definitely need the newer firmware. Go to the Network Tile and to Client Mode and hook up to your home router AP. Once that's connected you'll be able to update online.
  11. Why are you using autossh? So you're able to log on to the pineapples AP but you can't get into the management page? I hate to disagree with you but I'm not convinced its a faulty pineapple. I think it just needs to be configured correctly. And sending it back and getting a new one might work until something changes on your config again. Best to exhaust all your options in trying to fix the one you have before sending it back but that's completely up to you. There is an IRC chat room you can go to for real time help and lots of folks willing to help.
  12. There should still be a broadcasted AP from the pineapple. Log onto that and go to the management page and complete the initial setup. Then get your wireless info for posting. We can then ensure your radios are setup correctly.
  13. Chris, I'm interested in doing one if I know how to do what they want to see. And as for hosting live feeds I can't recommend Twitch enough.
  14. So reboot. If the wireless AP comes back up connect to it. SSH in to the pineapple and post here the contents of your /etc/config/wireless file. You might be suffering from a radio swap issue or just overall incorrect settings.
  15. aolvera, His suggestion to review the documentation again is a good one. Set the switches to normal... Boot up the pineapple. If you don't see the red led come on that's because it's not supposed to unless your wlan1 has automatically connected to an AP because you set it up in the Client Mode tab... If you can connect to the Access point that the pineapple is broadcasting and get to the Management page you are good to go... What version of the firmware are you on?
  16. factgasm, Are you referring to the exclimation point that shows on your windows machine in the wifi section when you connect to the pineapple?
  17. Ok man you're all over the map with that post.... Couple questions for you: 1. When the dip switches are back in their normal configuration what light come on when you power up? 2. Assuming you'e done number 1 above, is the pineapple broadcasting an Access Point name something like PineappleX_XXXX where the Xs are the last part of your pineapples wlan0 MAC address? 3. Assuming you've done 1 and 2 is working, or you alternately go in via wired mode, and can access the Pineapples Management page, Are you going to the Network Tile and going to the Client Mode tab and connecting to your home access point with wlan1?
  18. Takes one to know one... :) Only difference with mine is I took a "bite" out of the other side of the apple before I put it on. Ohh and that's not all I saw. I'm going to play mentalist for a second. Tell me how many hits I get right. 1. White Male, Short brown hair 2. Late 20s to Early 30s 3. Married, at least one kid 4. South Western state like Arizona or Texas
  19. Just wondering how many of you would be interested in either watching or hosting live videos of a Pineapple being used.... Maybe people can put requests in the posts below and then someone says "At this date and time tune into my feed on Twitch/Youtube. If you want to watch I'll be demonstrating X, Y and Z." I know Hak5 is putting together a video series and I can't wait to start watching them.... This is not an attempt to replace that! I learn from many different information sources. I read, I teach myself by hands on but I also learn from watching others... And I think this community could teach each other quite a bit. Obviously you shouldn't be demonstrating anything illegal! But a live session where you go through your process for setting up/configuring for certain scenarios/infusions would be very instructional. If you use a Mac there is a free program called CamTwist for screen capturing combined with the free Flash Media Live Encoder from Adobe and you have a great way of doing this. If you have a Twitch account already there is a way to download your account settings for the Flash Media Live Encoder software and you can just import that file into it. I'm not sure what you guys on Windows use but I'm sure Game Capture devices could be used on top of whatever is available via software. Let me know what you think.
  20. No worries man... I just knew about it because I wanted to know the answer also and had already read the thread.
  21. Probably best just to delete the partitions and reformat. Then stick in the pineapple and run the partition program and reboot. I don't know what to tell you. I personally, when upgrading to 1.0.4, went ahead and did this. Then I installed everything fresh. Sent urlsnarf to the SD card in mine and it all just works. If you do this and it doesn't work. Do it again and try installing urlsnarf internally...
  22. I use br-lan. I connect my laptop to the pineapple's broadcasted AP to manage the pineapple. I turn on URLsnarf in the management page and and then give it a few seconds to set everything up. I then close that big tile and go to another tab in my browser and start surfing normal sites. I go back to the managment page after a bit and open the big urlsnarf tile again and look at the running log. Or before going into the big tile I can also hit refresh ont he small tile and it should pop up with some of the last lines it's collected. At that point I know it's running correctly and can still go into the big tile if I need to.
  23. True, no longer swapped and the 3rd interface is gone. Now you can use the Client Mode Tab to connect with wlan1. It should clean up your wireless file and plance radio1 in the wan mode. You could also configure this using the WiFi Manager.
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