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Everything posted by thesugarat

  1. I searched for "wlan1 AP" over on the main Mark 5 forum and this is one of the ones that popped up... https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/31476-reverse-wlan-setup-wlan0-as-client-wlan1-as-ap/?hl=%2Bwlan1+%2Bap
  2. Hits_s, If I read your posts correctly you are trying to create an Access Point on wlan1. That is not going to work. The wlan1 RTL8187 is used for Client mode only. Well, also it can do deauthing... but it cannot be used as an AP. That's been stated several times here in the forums.
  3. reaver definitely works on the pineapple. It even has an infusion again thanks to Whistle Master, but it runs perfectly fine over ssh using the normal commands.
  4. Even if bully doesn't have the option reaver does.... Not sure what would happen to the router. Interesting idea though.
  5. Sounds like it doesn't catch on to AP Rate Limiting like reaver does....
  6. First is where it's supposed to go. Then what to redirect there. * (This one sends all traffic to the pineapple's landing page.) *facebook.com (That one should catch any .com with facebook in it) * (This one sends all traffic to Bing.com. You have to do a DNSlookup and find the IP address.) *google.com ( This would send anyone trying to get to Google to Bing)
  7. I'm confused. Are you talking about Phishing pages using the onboard dnsspoof? Or are you talking about using this dnsmasq program to phish? If it's the second one I don't think I've seen anyone talking about using it on a Pineapple. I could be wrong, I just don't remember.
  8. Now we're talking!!!! I know that's what we talked about at first. I just thought you were going to do it seperately.
  9. He's got a paypal link in his signature block... :)
  10. It doesn't have an infusion, but wifite works on the pineapple and does WEP cracking also.... I know because I Installed it on my pineapple during the Live Demonstration meet up last Saturday. I like adding multiple programs that do the same thing to my toolbox.
  11. 30% is not that big of a load... This is a pineapple not a supercomputer.
  12. Yeah I could have put a summary at the top pointing out what I thought it would be good for but I had just read it and didn't think about it... :)
  13. Really? You have no sense of imgaination as to what that vulnerability could possibly be used for with regards to not just a Pineapple user but to anyone with Kali and an Alfa??? Have a Mark 5 or whatever. Use Reaver/Bully/Wifite/WPA2 Rainbow tables/whatever to gain access to a WiFi router. Once inside the network you begin to assess the vulnerabilites of the network (nmap infusion) to include scanning the router you just came in on. If the router has a good username and password you can't get in to the managment page. But, if it's vulnerable to that security flaw you run a simple script aimed at port 32764 and it will turn on remote management over WiFi and set the password to a value you choose. Then you have managment access to the router and can do what you like to the settings. I suppose you were simply pointing out the obvious that this isn't directly related to, or even currently a feature in, the Mark 5. But I'm pointing out that it could be if someone did some digging and determined the method was compatible.
  14. Arstechnica.com By: Sean Gallagher A Hacker has found a Backdoor to wireless combination router/DSL modems that could allow an attacker to reset the router’s configuration and gain access to the administrative control panel. The attack, confirmed to work on several Linksys and Netgear DSL modems, exploits an open port accessible over the wireless local network. The Backdoor requires that the attacker be on the local network, so this isn’t something that could be used to remotely attack DSL users. However, it could be used to commandeer a wireless access point and allow an attacker to get unfettered access to local network resources. Eloi Vanderbeken described the Backdoor in a PowerPoint posted with the code to Github. In his illustrated report, he explained how over the Christmas holiday he was trying to get access to the administrative console of his family’s Linksys WAG200G wireless DSL gateway wirelessly—mostly so he could limit how much bandwidth the others in the house were using. But Vanderbeken had previously turned off wireless access to the administration web console (and had forgotten his administrative password). Performing a scan, he found that the router responded to messages over an unusual TCP port number: 32764. A search of the web found other Linksys and Netgear router owers had found the same service, but there was no documentation for what it did. So Vanderbecken downloaded a copy of the Linksys firmware and commenced reverse-engineering the binary MIPS code. What he found was a simple interface that allowed him to send commands to the router without being authenticated as the administrator. On his first attempt to brute-force the interface, the router flipped its configuration back to factory settings, causing his family members to all lose Internet access at the same time. After some additional testing, Vanderbecken found that the interface allowed him to execute a number of commands directly against the router, including a command-line shell. Using the commands he discovered, he was able to write a script that allowed him to turn wireless access to administration on and reset the web password, and published the script (with his cartoon report on the Backdoor) to Github. Soon, confirmations that the Backdoor worked with other models of Linksys and Netgear wireless DSL modems came flooding in. A commenter on Hacker News noted that the Backdoor might effect wireless routers with DSL modems from SerComm, which manufactured many of Linksys’ older DSL modems. A list of SerComm devices from various vendors matches up with the router-modems reported as vulnerable thus far. http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2014/01/03/gaping-admin-access-holes-found-in-soho-routers-from-linksys-netgear-and-others/
  15. That's awesome Whistle Master! I'll be installing that tonight... Thanks!
  16. You've exactly made my point.... I know that it's listed there, but don't be fooled. Just because it works with the new firmware doesn't mean it's been optimized for the Mark V. (i.e. SD card install vs USB) There is no support thread in the Mark V Infusions section, where we are right now, for GET. There is however a thread for it in the Mark 4 Infusions section where the author has stated he doesn't own a Mark 5. So there it is, pure chaos... cats are sleeping with dogs.... end of the world stuff. But seriously, it's just my opinion but I think it's both good and bad that it's listed on that page lumped in with the others with no distinction between them as it is on the pineapple bar. On the one hand the GET infusion actually is compatible with the Mark 5 and that makes it available for those who want it ( and who are proficient in altering/editing infusions) to tweak the code and press on using it, but on the other foot that's not clear to people who are new to the Pineapple. Again, this is all assuming it hasn't been optimized for the Mark 5 already. As I haven't checked I can't tell you if it offers an SD card install yet. I suppose once I get down off my soap box I can go find out and stop bothering people.
  17. Your answer masler77, is in the third post of this thread... :)
  18. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/29050-get/ The answer to your question is the second or third post... Just so you know I don't believe GET has been updated for the Mark V. I saw it listed as available in the Mark V Pineapple Bar and tried installing it but it still had "install to USB" instead of SD Card. I started a thread about it in the Mark V infusion section but it got moved over to the Get thread in the Mark 4 infusions section. (link above) The user who updated it is Dustybyter and he stated he doesn't have a Mark V but he updated Get for the 3.0 firmware on the Mark 4 which was essentially the version 1.0 firmware for the Mark V. So while Get is compatible with the Mark V I don't believe it's actually optimized for it. Of course I haven't even bothered to try installing it since then so it could be updated already. I'll have to check.
  19. I tried to update to version 1.5 last night but the percentage bar never advanced past Zero. Tried it several times and nothing worked. Anyone else seeing this?
  20. Sorry about that abrupt ending... Apparently there is a time limit on those meetings because I didn't end it. I was about to but then it just shut down on me. But good meeting overall, had fun. We'll definitely have to do it again.
  21. Ok thanks to WilsonB and Amalayse for helping me test... TeamViewer seems to be the best Free Cross Platform program so far. New meeting for right now is: http://go.teamviewer.com/v9/m70419660
  22. Going to try something a little different: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-demonstrations It is Saturday January 4th and I'm going to livestream to the above channel at 9pm Central Time. Nothing special... Just a test of ustream really. I haven't touched my pineapple in a few weeks and there are a few updates I'd like to do. If you want to watch and listen to me ramble, you are welcome to join me.
  23. WilsonB, It was hard to tell from what you posted... And please don't think I meant anything negative about you in posting that reply. With the above post you are obviously in the right place. It's just my frustration with the expectations of a minority who buy a pineapple and seem to know nothing about computing in general...
  24. Ok then... That's definitely an issue and you aren't causing it. Maybe something is broken in the startup sequence. 7. Follow Sebkinne's advice and try a factory reset then try the steps over again. If the problem persists 8. Reflash your firmware. And try again. Good Luck!
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