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Uncle Toxie

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Everything posted by Uncle Toxie

  1. Okay so this may be one of my ramble stories, sit down and get comfortable. I went threw several different handles in the eighties during the BBS scene, mostly comic book characters and the like. I unplugged for a few years while in the military but decided to get re-connected (it must be bad pun day) with the scene around 93 I think it was. Yeah it was when the Pentium chip was launched. Anyway, I went through a few more things while using Prodigy back then but then I got into FPS gaming. So I pondered for awhile for a good nick to use while playing. Somehow I came up with the name ToxicShock. I thought I was being all clever and it sounded cool to me. After I got out of the Army, I met a guy that I would play Duke 3D with until his wife woke up to go to work and yelled at him. She happened to notice my handle one morning and called me a few choice names. It was then explained to me what toxicshock syndrome was. Yeah it's bad, go look it up. So my buddy started to call me Toxie, that kinda stuck and the people that I hung out with on a local BBS picked up on it too. So that is part one. Now, for the longest time I was the consummate bachelor. I had several friends that were a few years younger than me. Whenever I would want to tell a story or something I would tell them 'gather round and let your uncle Chris tell you a story'. My buddy who started the whole Toxie thing, and I put the two together and I started going as Uncle Toxie. It's stuck with me since around 96 or 97 I think.
  2. Mine is Holonet, my whole network is a Star Wars theme, cause I'm a nerd.
  3. It was, and a damn good point too. If somone where to be banned and then come back under a different profile, as long as they learned their lesson, then the ban did it's job. I would venture to say that most people who get banned from forums get pissed and talk a lot of crap about it in other forums. Then they create a new profile and lurk to see what people are saying about them. Wasn't syntax the only ban we have had around here?
  4. I'm here a lot, also at HardOCP. I lurk at a handfull of Star Wars collector sites. I used to lurk at BinRev forums but just haven't been around since StankDawg left BinRev radio. That's about it, my attention span will not allow me to try and keep up with to much stuff.
  5. Cry Hax0r! and let slip the n00bs of war!
  6. I don't know if I want to laugh or cry.
  7. I dug up these links: Dukester X Duke 3D Windows Port
  8. You would make an old man's life a little better if that were true. I lost many, many hours to Duke 3D deathmatch.
  9. Duke did take most of it's lines from AoD, but the bubblegum line is from They Live. Now if I could be as good at my job as I am about remembering shit like this I would be rich.
  10. Go get yourself a copy of They Live, you can thank me afterwards. *EDIT* <uselessknowledge> The video used the taunts from Duke Nukem 3D, that had borrowed lines from a lot of classic B grade horror flicks. </uselessknowledge>
  11. I watched it today, I can't wait to see what happens next. These guys are great, and the sheep thing at the end; I'll be repeating that for weeks!
  12. I'm still playing HL2 so I can't really help you there. Someone correct me here, but I think I read sometime ago that there was going to be an HL2 expansion. FOr whatever reason, Valve decided to bust it up into 'episodes' that would be released every few months, play for about 4 to 5 hours and be $20 a pop. Something along the lines of they wanted to try making a bunch of small games that were <insert marketing speak> rather than make us all wait 10 years for another game. Like I said, I am still playing HL2 so I am not sure what the deal is with Ep. 1, I am way far behind the gaming 'scene'. Now that I think about it, I am still in the middle of Doom 3.
  13. I just installed it last night and it was okay I guess. I'm not all that hung up on what I use, since I don't use it a lot. I didn't have an issue with the contacts at all though. The only people in my list are ones that I added and none of them are in my contacts. Same for my work machine and my wifes machine.
  14. I'm not telling you, you'll come and track n00b all over my house.
  15. Well I will forgo all the obvious jokes here. There is an inside joke going around here. If you look at one of Duellus' posts you will notice that his forum rank is Certified n00b. Now, since we live in the same area, I like to bust his balls when I get the chance. Sooooo, when I get the chance I will reply to one of his messages with.......Shut up n00b. Welcome to the inside joke.
  16. Welcome to the party Madkat, you'll get used to us.
  17. Dude, your gonna have to grow a thincker skin. I was just busting your balls because your post look liked spek typed it out for you. If you consider that flaming you then I don't know what to tell you, it was a joke, get over it.
  18. I'm always up for new things to try. As it stands, the security in my office is a bit of a joke and everyone is looking to me to lock it down. Anything that will help me get a better understanding of security for my network would be awesome.
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