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Uncle Toxie

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Everything posted by Uncle Toxie

  1. I always thought she should change her name to Lexa Boiyoiyoing but my wife would slap the piss out of me if I said it out loud. Andromeda is a cool show, we are in the middle of season 2 now.
  2. with the unless you can't the stuff from bittor....... nevermind
  3. Okay, here is the setup. I have my X-Box running XBMC and it accesses the shares on my PC. Now, when I was doing some system maintenance I noticed that the Guest account had been turned on, so I disabled it again. You know what happened next but I'll say it anyway. I could no longer access my shared media drive. Soooooo anyone out there with enough experiance to point me to the option where I can specify a username/password or do you think that I am being too paranoid and should leave the guest account alone?
  4. I used Azureus for some time but after the last update the thing started freezing up and just crapping out at random points, not to mention it seemed to be demanding more and more system resources. I switched over to uTorrent just last night and so far I like it a lot.
  5. Gaaahhhh! No speakers at work right now. I must get to Fry's!
  6. I hope that Axel Rose and the remaining members of Metalica slide under a gas truck and taste their own blood. I like GnR's music but I think that Rose is a no tallent ass hat. I would like to hear how you think they sound, the last time I heard him live it sounded like someone was skining a live cat.
  7. Okay, I have to ask. I have CS:S (it came with Half Life 2) but I have never bother playing it. Is it really all that fun? I never played any of the team type games
  8. Being a chilld of the 80s I am not only deaf but I loves me some 80s music. I can't stay away from hair band music. I just love it. Stuff like Poison, Guns & Roses, Enuff z Nuff, Ratt, pre suck ass Metalica, Megadeath, you get the picture.
  9. Well I am not sure that there is any easy way to explain setting up Samba. I've used it in several different distros and the one constant to all of them have been that the GUI setup tools suck! I have allways had the best luck doing a basic setup via SWAT and then edit the samba.conf et all by hand. Then again I have never used Mandriva so they could have a simple setup tool. I did a quick google for you and found this: http://www.yavista.net/ You may want to try another search if this doesn't help you.
  10. Yupp, I have been all fine and good with being a fat ass for some time now but the other day I tried on a 3x shirt....no dice. Then yesterday I noticed that I was starting to waddle. I felt like fucking Vito from the Sopranos. So, my cool with it is officialy over, time to start getting up off my ass and doing something.
  11. I'm not fat, I'm fucking huge, and lazy, and I loves me some ding dongs (don't even fucking go there). Other than that I am the picture of health.
  12. uhh woops. Should have read this thread before i made a torrent and 8 people already downloaded off me :P As your pennance you must download the show 8 times and make sure that each counts as a unique hit. Go forth my child........
  13. If they will not allow you to have a leased line then you don't really have a lot of choice. Find yourself a VPN device and throw it in threre. Like I said before, I am currently using a Cisco Pix 501, I just put in an order for a pair of Sonicwalls, I think it is the TZ170, can't recall off the top of my head. What you are describing sounds a lot like the final project I had to do to get my degree. What we did was set up a VLAN to seperate the student side and the admin side. You are going to want to seperate the two, take my word for it. There are just too many people like us that could exploit the hell out of the fact that those two aren't seperated! :twisted:
  14. Have you (or do you have the chance) put the card in another system to see if it still works? I didn't see that in the thread but I was really only skimming.
  15. What is it that your trying to set up the VPN to? For example; at work I am using Cisco Pix 501s to have a permanent VPN between the two offices.
  16. Listen the your Uncle Toxie when I say this, a Kernel will compile any time. Prom night sex with a hot Asian lady only knocks on your door once.
  17. The two can work separately but still not be able to work together, I have seen it a million tiomes. You should run a bootable memory test CD just to make sure that one of the sticks isn't borked though.
  18. I started listening from the first show. For some reason, I stopped shortly after they worked out that PC Gamer deal. I can't recall why right off the top of my head.
  19. Wow, maybe I will start coming back a little more often, after all I need something to do at work.
  20. I would suggest that it's not worth the buckets of bad karma that you will have heaped upon you.
  21. Your telling me, I can do one of them in my sleep but getting these to fu&^$% things to join up is beyond me.
  22. :( *sigh* I swear to God this is going to kill me. I have ordered the O'Riely book (it was hella cheap) but it won't be here for two weeks at best. For some reason the global interweb has betrayed me. I have spent the bulk of this weekend trying to figure out how to add an existing domain on one subnet to the forest of another existing domain on a another subnet. Nothing, nada, zip. I have officialy lost my ability to use Google, and I have a migrain the size of Texas. Please, for the love of anything, if someone knows how to, or knows a site that explains how to do this I will......... well hell I dunno what, but damnit I am about to put my fist through a monitor :x
  23. I don’t suppose you can recommend a book or two on managing AD 2K?
  24. How 'bout I thank you now? I owe you huge for this Mubix. I had what could barely be called a class in AD that I ended up knowing more than the instructor ( and I know close to jack and shit) and I had this tossed in my lap on my second day of work. I guess it is true that the best way to learn is to get in there and do it.
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