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Uncle Toxie

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Everything posted by Uncle Toxie

  1. Ahhhh I didn't even think of that. I really want a tablet PC to play with.
  2. What kind of machine are you running that on moonlit?
  3. They are supposed to make the "big announcement" today. I will have to keep my eyes open and see what happens. I have never really used any Apple product besides iTunes but I allways find myself watching the keynotes at these events. I love 'em.
  4. This just needed to be quoted. Metatron for Emperor!
  5. Yupp, moonlit hit it on the head. The typical install will let Windows grow and shrink the page file as it sees fit. You can change it to a set size or move it to an independent disk. Didn't mean to make it sound like you should delete the page file, that would have been a bad thing :oops: .
  6. If you are one of Wess's myspace friends, you obviusly have a myspace acount and deserve to die! You know Sparda, you and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I have to say, I am with you on this one. :D
  7. You may also want to check and make sure that your page file isn't getting out of control also. I have run into a few systems where Windows will expand the page file and suck up what free space you have left.
  8. "Your fired, get your shit and get out." Guess that kinda blows a hole in that theory eh leetabix? :) I was able to find out that we have a pearl script that is doing almost everything that he wants done. The only difference is this script looks for two very specific files and we need it to look for any file. So, since I am unable to just say something and convey my meaning here is what I have that needs changed: my $WorkDir = '/home/samba/'; my $ArchiveDir = $WorkDir . 'archive/'; my $SourceDir = '/home/bostax/'; my @Files = ( 'tax_proptrust.csv', 'tax_propparcel.csv' ); I am trying to find a way to have the my @Files portion look for a wildcard of some kind that will apply this script to any file in the specified directory. Again, thanks for all the help with this one![/code]
  9. I'm still not sure how this keeps happening to me. My boss (the coder) comes to me (the NOT coder) and asks me to write a program/script to get a few things done. The fact that I am not a programer seems to lost on folks. Anywho, this is what he wants done, if anyone knows how to do this or can point me in a direction so that I can try it, I will praise your name, in this thread. We want to have a folder where we can drop some files, have them encrypted with GPG, FTP'ed to a set location, create a log of the transaction, and then delete the files in that folder. It would seem that he wants the script (or whatever) to scan the folder all the time so as soon as files are dropped in the folder everything kicks in. It doesn't matter what the language is, he just wants it to work. The only experiance I have ever had was a year or so ago in VB6 so I am at a loss. Thanks for any input, I'm headed back to Google.........
  10. Anyone know if this is taken care of? I'd like to send one if it isn't too late.
  11. Oh please don't, this is the best frickin' train wreck I have even seen. 1KB = 1024 bytes FTW. In all seriousness, I have been in the IT industry for some time. Computers have been my main hobby for over 22 years and I had never heard of this until I read this thread. Thanks for the information, but the facts are there are too many people who have used the 1024 method for too many years for this to ever really go anywhere.
  12. I'm just curious, why is your site banned? I run a Sonicwall TZ170 at work and have found that it blocks things that it says has no rating. What's your URL, I'd love to see how the content filter here handles it.
  13. Have a headset or something if you are at work or around people that can't handle grown up words.
  14. Uncle Toxie


    I hope whoever thought that thing was a good idea was punched in the face.
  15. I have seen this before, shenanagins were called on it, I agree. It is still fun to watch though.
  16. Thanks Melodic, it's good to see more content, I will check it out tommorow.
  17. It's the content filtering service provided by Sonicwall on the TZ170 that we have here in the office. I try to keep an eye on it for reasons just like this. It does kill myspace by default, so it can't be all bad. :D
  18. I was looking through a thread and noticed a link that Famicoman had put up to texfiles.com iptv show list. I hadn't been there in awhile so I figure I will give it a look. Denied by the content filter, so I hop on to the trusty Sonicwall to read the log. Get this, it was blocked as a porn site. Yupp, porn, so of course I unblock it and go running right back. Needless to say, there is no porn. I was very disapointed. It's a good thing I control the content filter here, guess I need to report this as a false hit. Unless the porn is hidden and I just haven't found it yet. :shock:
  19. I thought Systm (or however the hell he spells it) had a lot of potential. I really enjoyed the episode that showed you how to make your own A/V cables. It was something new to me.
  20. I'm not 100% on this, but I think if you know someone with an MSDN membership they can still get a good version/key.
  21. I wouldn't go that far because he has been quite busy working on Digg v3, diggnation and having a normal life. I'm sure Wess, Darren and Alli would agree that running one IpTv show, working on a web site and having normal jobs is hard. Kevin would be no different - continously maintaining and redesigning a website, especially one like Digg, and working on 2+ IpTv shows would be quite time consuming. I would agree with you if it were not for the fact that Rose puts on the front of these shows being part of his business. It's his full time job to put this content out, it's not the Hak.5 crews full time job and they still manage it. As an owner of small business, I feel this is bad from a business perspective. If he wants to be a content provider then he needs to provide the content. If he wants to do it as a hobby or fun then he needs to drop the business aspect.
  22. Like Vako said, use the keyfinder and lobotomize it. Keyfinder is a great tool, I have used it to get a ton of keys back. The beta version lets you get Office keys also.
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