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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Day 2 continues with a ferry across the Delaware Bay to Cape May New Jersey, then across to Annapolis Maryland for the Renaissance Festival. Continuing to refine my style. Wish I had more coverage towards the end. I'm getting a better feel for what and more importantly how I should be shooting for the next trip. Thoughts?
  2. Maybe an onboard motorcycle computer based on one of these? http://www.mini-box.com/Samsung-S3C2440A-4...p;category=1130 ;)
  3. So after toying around with the idea for quite some time I've gone ahead and published my first official motorcycle video blog based on my recent 3 day trip around the Chesapeake bay. I'm trying to take techniques I've learned doing Hak5 and apply them to this video series. Would love to hear your thoughts as I'm pretty new at this. I'm still editing the rest of the adventure. They should be online in the next day or so.
  4. I try to bleed as little as possible when building pineapples. That said they come with the above and plenty of hak5 stickers. I highly encourage you to give it a go on your own -- you'll learn a lot about firmware, packages and configs. That's why I include the step-by-step build video on the pineapple shop page.
  5. Beakmyn, I PM'd you asking for an address. Email me, darren@hak5.org with Trivia in the subject. Also, Hak5 stickers increase WiFi reception and add 30 horsepower to your car.
  6. Cool, I might try this a little later to put XP back on my eee
  7. I haven't seen said GUI on youtube but I'd imagine it would exist. No, not the French program I talked about on 602 (603?). If it doesn't exist and it's something the community could put together that would be epic. Maybe with a little wget action to download said distro like unetbootin does. Also gotta say you guys are doing a phenomenal job with this project.
  8. What other ways have you found? I'm sure I've run across one or two during my research but nothing it coming to mind.
  9. Just you wait, we'll have 512GB USB drives sooner than you think.
  10. Nice find nullspace. I found this nifty enough to feature on Hak5 episode 603. Thanks for pointing it out.
  11. The show changes just like you and I do. I'm not the same person I was 4 years ago, nor will I be in 2013. I've loved working with every cast -- everyone brings something interesting to the show. The fact that we're still doing this says one thing....We're still having fun. Remember, this is a hobby + beer money for us. If you don't enjoy the show, that's fine by me. I do so I'll keep producing it. Think you know specifically what might make it better? Cool, let us know. I'm sure you've heard the feedback email address ad nauseam. Segment submissions? Sounds cool. Would make for a cool board. Actually we've got a new project that would really work well for that sort of thing called Hak5 Labs. There will be a board for that soon. Might be the right place to put some brainstorming together.
  12. Thanks for coming out all! I'll get swag mailed as soon as I wrap up delivery of 601. I was going to edit the battering ram videos into 601 but ran out of time and I didn't want to half ass it so I'll include it in 602 with a wrap-up of our experience.
  13. We will have a poster very soon.
  14. I like it. Very well produced. Kinda reminds me of the stuff coming out of the SNL kids these days. Almost feels like the nerdcore was added after the fact. Dunno. I'm mixed about it but I like it.
  15. Mine was npanpanpanpa. Pretty lame tbh. I had a much better one but one day we were prepping for a segment where we were showing the insecurity of passing your password in plaintext http and I had to change it real quick since I said it while we were streaming on ustream. Thankfully its just some BS I made up and didn't use anywhere else. I had been using a formula where I would begin with a combination of many passwords combined plus a few characters that were based on the domain name I'm logging into with some math and a qwerty offset included. Of course if one were to get two or more of my passwords to other sites using this formula it would be possible to figure out the math and qwerty offset I was using -- so now I'm all about keepass and random goodess. Thank goodness keepass is available for blackberry in addition to the zillion other platforms. On a related note, I think it's about time to get a proper SSL cert for the forums. I hear godaddy sell's 'em cheap with a coupon code or something
  16. I wouldn't mind giving this another go as long as it wasn't the high pressure of doing a show. That is to say, let ustream.tv do the recording. I'll toy around with some ideas. I think there are a few ways to go about that that would have the same feel without loads and loads of work on our end.
  17. Don't thank me, thank Frank Castle. I was as frustrated as the rest of you trying to get this going, until he emailed me with the special sauce. Wish he had a blog or something I could link to.
  18. Why carry around a dozen bootable USB drives when you could merge 'em all into one? On his episode we buld a USB Multipass complete with customized boot menu ready to launch any of favorite tools--including Backtrack, Ophcrack, Kon-boot, dban, freedos, and more. Plus Shannon reviews the Trinity Rescue Kit, the boot disc dubbed CPR for your computer.
  19. Found this on twitter, written by Ax0n. I met him out in Missouri, he's mad cool. Thought it was worth posting here since he did a great job explaining it all and also shares with us some nuggets about /etc/dnsmasq.conf http://www.h-i-r.net/2009/07/evil-wifi-par...nera-setup.html
  20. This is awesome. I'm learning up on it now
  21. It's an ongoing project of mine that sometimes feels that it'll never be complete, but... I hope to one day clip out every segment of the show, post 'em to the site along with appropriate links and show notes, tag 'em and place 'em under the core categories of the show. Ya know, Hacking, IT Pro, Gaming (mainly homebrew), Mods, sketches, etc. Then I'll use some bad ass wordpress plugin to show related content under each page. Anyway, point being for those who haven't seen the prior seasons it would be a great way for them to browse around the site eating up bits of content from all parts of the show. Oh and as for the $, it's still extended beer money. Our motivation is still simply technolust, the $ is a bonus.
  22. Sorry to double post but it just occurred to me, this is what ettercap is for. I'll do a segment on it shortly. duh.
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