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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. It seems there was a problem with the first batch of SD card adapters. We're working on obtaining a new set and will be contacting pre-orderers shortly. As for the format, FAT. If you haven't checked out the wiki you really should, it's at http://usbrubberducky.com/wiki/ and should be integrated into the new Hak5 wiki sometime after Derbycon. There's also a 30 minute getting started segment that was shot the other day as part of the Derbycon DVD that will be posted online soon.
  2. It is capable of acting as both mass storage and com port, which are planned features for the next version of the firmware. The Rubber Duckies that ship with the boards come in random assortments of colors. All of the pre-release orders came with rubber duckies wearing cool sunglasses and there is a 10% chance of receiving a sunglasses wearing ducky in future orders.
  3. I'm still in the process of filling out the USB Rubber Ducky wiki but we'll have source code, firmware and what not up there very soon. Stay tuned!
  4. Thanks Dan, we really appreciate hearing that. I'm very excited to have launched the new show along with Shannon and Paul. The format lends itself perfectly to--as we say--concepts, tools and techniques. We resisted the green screen on Hak5 for years until finally it made sense. I feel that this type of content was needed and yet never quite fit perfectly into the relaxed format that is Hak5. I hope that with HakTip we can continue to inspire, teach and share our love for technology. Cheers!
  5. I've run into this issue with a few different NICs. Usually putting a switch in between the computer and router solves the problem. If not contact shop@hak5.org and we'll get a replacement out to you pronto.
  6. The Pineapple v2 is an Accton MR2301A. Similar to the OM1P but significantly different when it comes to the watchdog. Namely, it doesn't have one :)
  7. Can you share with us how you went about it?
  8. The Fon SIMPL uses a Ralink chipset, which doesn't have open source drivers like the Atheros SoC used in the Fon 2100 (which is an Accton MR2301A, btw). Here's a Hak5 thread on the topic: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=16684 And here's a picture of the board: http://picasaweb.google.com/steven.leeman/2305E#5439936678995812498
  9. Wow. Way to raise the dead. Harrison is doing well these days, but it's doubtful we'll see him on the how again soon.
  10. I don't see why you couldn't use airodump-ng to capture the packets then crack 'em on a desktop with aircrack-ng or aircrack-ptw
  11. The hakhouse cams and chat wall will make a return. It already has in some capacity. You may have noticed if you've been active on IRC. We're still in the process of building out the new studio. Shannon and other unannounced Hak5'ers will be moving to the bay area in mid February. There are many good things to come. The hacker challenge is evolving and the network built out for it will get use from the community in many new ways. I feel like we're in a new golden era for Hak5, with so much opportunity. As for the content, we try to keep a good mix. In season 8 I experimented with whiteboarding and got great feedback. I really like doing segments on high level things like Pulse Code Modulation or the Domain Name System. We've done the usual networking, virtualization, penetration testing, homebrew, and development stuff in addition to our ever expanding conference coverage. We can't please everyone all of the time but as long as we're happy with what we're making it'll give us the motivation to keep going. Oh, yeah, and case mods soon. Haven't done that in forever it seems! TYTL
  12. I've never had paper and pencil crash on me. Just a thought.
  13. The original Fon2 is quite difficult to find. The newer Fons with USB ports don't have Atheros chipsets. There are a few Micro-ITX boards around that sport mini-pci slots. An Atheros chip, 3G USB dongle and OpenWRT / Jasager, however battery powering an x86 box isn't easy.
  14. Ralink chipset. No fun :( http://www.gargoyle-router.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=733 http://picasaweb.google.com/steven.leeman/2305E#
  15. They are not the only files in the directory but the batch of files all begin with the same name. ie file0001--a, file0001--b, file0001--c as well as file0002--a, file0002--b and file0002--c. The job does not return any codes sadly.
  16. I'm constantly processing files. I'll run a tool on one file, wait until it finishes, and run another tool on the same file. I can't start the second task until the fist ends and the only way to know it has finished is when the file size stops increasing. This is what I've got that checks to see that the date modified hasn't changed in the last 5 minutes. white [ $[ $(stat -f "%m" "/tmp/$FILE") + 300 ] -gt $(date +%s) ]; do sleep 2; done; /tool2.sh /tmp/$FILE This works great on a single file. Now the problem is I have a batch of files all being processed by the first tool. Each has a unique variable appended to the string. For example: file0001--a file0001--b file0001--c I don't want to start tool2.sh /tmp/file0001--* until the last file in the batch has finished processing. Again the only way to know is to check the date modified. Unfortunately they don't complete sequentially. Sometimes file0001--a will finish last. Sometimes file0001--c will finish last. So my question is, how would I go about adapting the code above to check that all files in this series have completed processing and haven't been touched for the last 5 minutes? I have tried wildcards with the stat command and it doesn't seem to work. Also, note that the stat command above uses "%m" which is minutes on the version of stat that I have. It's a BSD box. Thanks. I appreciate any help you can offer.
  17. I'd be curious to see if this ad came up for you after clearing your cookies. Obviously they know you're a Hak5 viewer and thus you're getting this ad. Same reason I used to get plastic pineapple promotions from century-novelty on other sites. At first I was like, "whoa, how did they know?!" until I realized thats how Internet advertising works.
  18. should I be embarrassed that I own this shirt?
  19. We'll have some jackets in the hakshop for fall
  20. I saw part of this at the i3Detroit hackerspace. Thought it was cool. http://www.vimeo.com/11127046
  21. If they're just now getting to fixing issues from 2007 I think we're safe for a while.
  22. Yes, cut a small slit in the back of the ducky. insert the usb male A to usb 5-pin mini adapter (not included in all kits) into the teensy and insert into the ducky's rear end. This is the adapter: http://www.amazon.com/Type-Male-Mini-5-Pin...625&sr=8-11
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