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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I'd say if I can get the important bits from the Mark III software ported to the Mark II and we do a trade in program we'll make it a "best effort" sort of thing. We have the equipment here to access the chip and reflash at a low level if necessary so I'd say even if it is bricked 9 times out of 10 we can bring it back :). Stay tuned
  2. The 1.0.2 update posted here and to wifipineapple.com resolves this issue. Thanks everyone for the bug reports and of course your understanding. :)
  3. Changelog 1.0.2: Fixed error in Config page which was introducing “^M” to the ends of configuration file lines and causing Karma to not function. Fixed error in Advanced page which caused Factory Reset button not to require confirmation. Disabled default ngrep behavior. Update 1.02 Copy and paste update code into the text area at the bottom of the Advanced page then click Execute Commands to update. sed -i '18s/.*/if ($newdata != "") { $newdata = ereg_replace(13, "", $newdata);/' /www/pineapple/config.php sed -i 's/onClick=\\"return/onClick="return/' /www/pineapple/advanced.php sed -i 's/ngrep/#ngrep/' /www/pineapple/ngrep.sh echo 1.0.2 > /www/pineapple/version Verify that update is complete by checking version information on the About page.
  4. I'm trying to get the new features of the Mark 3 ported to the Mark 2 in a way that will allow us to both offer a guide as well as a trade-in program for those who don't wish to get their hands dirty. That said there are several enormous differences between the mk2 and mk3 that prevent it from being as simple as a firmware flash. I'm thinking what's most likely is that a secondary management web interface may be added as a companion to the "Karma on the Fon" interface on port 1471.
  5. Using Airpwn you could insert a bar at the top of every web page loaded that praises your product -- but you're not likely to win any friends with that approach :)
  6. The Config menu on the Mark III makes it easy to update a variety of config files. Unfortunately the way PHP is writing to those files it is adding additional linebreaks which are showing up as ^M when seen in vi (but not the config page or cat). Here's a little more on the problem: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20001206164827794 Adding $newdata = preg_replace('/\r/', "\n", $newdata); after the { on line 18 of config.php would solve the issue, except that the version of PHP on the Mark III doesn't support PCRE or Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. So while I'm researching a way to solve this for the upcoming 1.0.2 update, I'm wondering if any PHP gurus out there know of the tops of their heads how to do the same without using the preg_replace() function. Perhaps ereg_replace()? Thanks, appreciate any input. Cheers.
  7. Here's an article on the problem: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20001206164827794 I'm working on an update to config.php to keep the ^M from appearing.
  8. Try this: Browse to, start the MK3 Karma service then go to the Advanced page. In the text field at the bottom enter "grep KARMA /tmp/karma.log" (without quotes) and click Execute Commands Your results should begin with KARMA: Enabled followed by associations. If not try executing "grep -v -e randomness /tmp/karma.log" and looking for errors, ignoring the first few lines about Failing to set interface modes or Device or resource busy. Another thing I just realized is that depending on what browser you're using the status page may not be updating correctly if you haven't cleared your cache. A simple way to test is to open the status page in a Chrome Incognito window and compare the results to your other browser. Tried to write it as simple as possible. Hope this helps anyone else experiencing similar results.
  9. What devices have you tested with, just the phone? IPhone or Android? Have you taken it to a target rich environment? I can't go 5 minutes without half a dozen blackberries connecting down town. I'm mobile at the moment but will get back soon with debug code.
  10. Yeah seems some configuration files ignore the ^M and others all together quit working. I need to figure out what it is in config.php that's causing the additional linefeeds and issue an update.
  11. An easy to test I'd Karma is working is to add an access point like "this is a fake" to a device like your phone and look for it. Karma should let it associate.
  12. Yeah dude its borked. Let us ship you our a replacement ASAP. I think I've figured out what did it in and am working on a point release to fix the problem, but after the flash you did theres no easy way of going back.
  13. Nice stuff guys! I can't believe I overlooked this as a feature from the get go. Working on a point release to fix some minor bugs and will try to add these as features. Cheers!
  14. It isn't as easy as flashing a firmware like the Mark II was. There's a firmware, but once that has been loaded a shit ton of customization, fixes and hacks must be done to get everything happy. It's at least an hour process if you've never done it before, so part of what's holding me up is making the documentation user friendly. As I mentioned Allison, you're welcome to email shop@hak5.org and we will of course honor the warranty, no matter how much you mess with the firmware. We have the tools to wipe even the bootloader from serial :)
  15. Filtering in the Mark III is done via hardware address, not SSID, so you would need to first find the bssid of the AP you want to white/black list and add it to the accept or deny config files. The PSU is 12v1a but I guarantee you it runs fine from both the 4xAA battery pack as well as USB.
  16. Allison, please contact shop@hak5.org and we will get your pineapple replaced free of charge ASAP. Jakey, thanks for the valuable feedback. It seems the first changes to make in the upcoming 1.0.2 point release will be to fix the factory reset confirmation dialog and the config page text editors adding ^M to the lines. I think it has to do with linefeed vs carriage return in \n... I'm glad you got it working and appreciate your patience and understanding. Cheers, Darren
  17. Bummer, I would have been interested. I actually lost my original Mark I. If anyone has an original Fon and is willing to trade, email me :)
  18. I'll have downloads on wifipineapple.com by Monday. Sadly the AP51 has become difficult to find.
  19. I'll have a zip file of all important config files posted by Monday. A backup is included in /etc/config/backup so if you're handy with ssh or scp you shouldn't have much trouble restoring them. Can you be more specific about what changes you made before the reboot? I'd like to make sure we have a proper resolution guide in case anyone else runs into the same issue.
  20. It is based on the AP51 and we will have more downloads available soon. Stay tuned!
  21. What happens when you run, say, while true; do sucks.sh; done (i think that's the syntax) Might be that cron isn't working. Also might want to switch it to */3 * * * * Had similar issues with the new mark iii hardware. Will check back when I get to a real computer.
  22. Nope. You can program it via USB. There's a JTAG interface on there if you feel so compelled to go that route too :) Last I spoke Jason had made much headway in adding additional keyboard profiles and mass storage to the firmware, which I expect will be released source and all next week.
  23. http://hakshop.com/products/usb-rubber-ducky-case Just added these to the HakShop. :)
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