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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Hold down CTRL on the keyboard of the victim machine. There might be a way to disable foreign HIDs using group policies. If not now, likely in the next version if this takes off.
  2. wow, 119 registrations in 3 hours. I wish I could fund a larger dev group. Time to break out the darts.
  3. I toyed with a photoresistor connected to a suction cup so that the teensy could tell when the screen changed significantly. The idea was to use the suction cup to attach the resistor to the screen over top of the login screen, then the teensy would know when the brute force was successful. never managed to get it working right.
  4. Actually mine is a Teensy original with 15.5K, the kits shipping include the Teensy 2.0. Some may also include the rubber duck housing and Male USB A to 5-pin mini adapter.
  5. You've got too many T's in that URL. It's http://www.hak5.org/iwanttodevelopfortheducky
  6. Digikey parts SC1051-ND and SBH-341AS-ND Cheers!
  7. Me too! Oh, wait. Ok, as long as I'm here I'll share. Firstly, Hak5 is a .org rather than a .com because I saved a buck on the domain name! A whole buck! To this day the spammers have Hak5.com -- fuckers. But, ya know, I didn't want to spend the extra buck on Hak5 cause who knew it would go anywhere. Lesson learned: Don't skimp on a good idea. Also, to be quite honest, I feel rather weird ebay'ing Hak5 stuff. Really. I've never been one to hawk stuff. Well, except for the geek-to-geek sponsorship ;). The Hak5Live viewers know what I'm talking about. Man, I'm so glad that was edited before air. Lesson learned: Never do live ad reads drunk. Then there's the upcoming next chapter of Hak5, where I leave a nice house, nice furniture and a nice town behind for the unknown to follow a passion which has thus far nearly defined my life. So, to fill the ol' gas tank I figure I'll give everyone a shot at what would be headed to the recycling bin anyway. Let's just hope I don't miss something when cleaning that Acer hard drive and end up regretting it when a DD image hits bit torrent. Yeah. I'm just gonna say ahead of time whoever ends up posting the image PLANTED that goat pr0n. Lesson learned: Follow your dreams. And encrypt your goat pr0n.
  8. If it's an RC plane you're attaching the camera to might I recommend something much smaller. http://www.veho-uk.com/productdetail.aspx?id=99 The Muvi Atom is only 1.57 inches tall.
  9. I had a lady at work that would call me every time any sort of message popped up. Thankfully some calls were short. For example, on my end it might look like: "Hello" "What does it say?" "Click Don't Send Report" "No problem, you take care"
  10. Site is down. From the cache: For the benefit of those who don’t know what Hak.5 is all about; it is an IPTV show that showcases everything from IT security to hardware/software based hacks. It is definitely a show to watch for all geeks out there and who knows, you might pick up a couple of cool tricks! You can catch him in his weekly show at: www.hak5.org Without further ado… the interview with Darren Kitchen! =D ——————————————- 1. How was Hak.5 first conceived and what was the motivation behind it? For as long as I can remember I’ve been interested in video. Early examples include stop-motion Lego films using the family VHS camcorder. Other influences in the late 90s included Kevin Pereira’s LMSDC series and with the availability of inexpensive DV cameras, broadband and bit-torrent by 2005 I was ready to share with the world my passion for technolust. 2. At Hak.5, you guys attempt all sorts of hacks, what kind of hacking are you personally into? I love mashups of technologies that ordinarily wouldn’t be found together. I also quite enjoy anthropomorphizing hacking tools like the WiFi Pineapple, Network Monkey or soon to be USB Rubber Ducky. 3. Have your hacking exploits at Hak.5 got you into any sort of trouble? Before Hak5 I was quite mischievous as I pushed the envelope of what was acceptable. Suffice it to say I’ve been kicked off a few school networks. But since Hak5 my exploits have only been used for good, mainly in securing my home and work networks. 4. What was the most memorable hack Hak.5 has attempted? The very first attempt at the WiFi Pineapple in the pilot of season four. I had used a real Pineapple fruit as the enclosure for my router and let me tell you it took weeks to get that smell off the electronics! 5. What is the secret behind Hak.5’s success despite you and your crew holding full time day jobs? Passion. We don’t try particularly hard to push the show in one direction or another. We simply do what we’re passionate about and if it’s true it will be successful. You can’t force or fake this stuff. 6. Will you leave your day job to focus and grow Hak.5 in to something more? I recently have. Not by my choice as I feel that it’s a bit premature to make such a leap, but I work well under pressure so I’m up to the challenge. 7. After airing for 6 seasons, what will be in store for Hak.5 in the future? In season seven Shannon has moved back to Missouri to take care of her ill father. She will be airing segments from a remote studio she has there. We will also have on many more guests on this season via remote hosting kits. The highlight of the season for me will be a several week one-way motorcycle trip from Williamsburg, Virginia to the San Francisco Bay area in California. 8. Besides seeing the show transform through seasons, how has the Hak.5 cast evolved? Especially with the departure of Wes. The show has and will continue to revolve around my core group of friends who have the time and passion to commit to Hak5. Since it’s not a day job that pays nobody is expected to stick with it for the long haul. That said there’s an open door policy on Hak5 and anyone who’s been on before is welcome to come back. 9. One of my guys is very curious about the Hack House. Can you tell us how the Hack House came to be? In 2007 Hak5 was growing quite fast, and with a crew of four my little apartment wasn’t cutting it. In an effort to keep everyone together and build a bigger set I bought a house. Moments later the market crashed, but that’s neither here nor there. 10. In your recent interview with Discovery Networks, you set a clear distinction between Hackers and cyber criminals but have that help to clear up any misconception the uninitiated has towards the above mentioned 2 groups of people? I wouldn’t claim that what I said on the Discovery Networks interview was particularly new thinking. It’s something that needs to be reiterated in the media until, hopefully, it sticks in the public consciousness. 11. Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to your fans in Singapore and are there any plans to pop by Singapore any time soon? I would love to one day visit Singapore. It’s a dream of mine to travel the world. I’d just say to our Singapore fans what I say to our fans everywhere; thanks for watching, tell all your geeky friends about the show, and trust your technolust! ——————————————- Well… there you go! Hope that you guys have enjoyed this special edition of Hack Week and rest assured… there will be more to come! As mentioned on our twitter feed, there will be an impressive project coming to PZPortal… So stay tuned to Hack Week @ PZPortal!
  11. Let me tell you I've had some of the best tech support calls ever. One of these days when I'm cleared to do so I'll share. Maybe on the Hack Across America tour I'll do a reoccurring supplementary segment series called "Campfire Stores"
  12. Don't worry guys I'm in this for the long haul. It's my true passion and I know in my heart I'm up to the challenge of making it out West. Thank you for your support!
  13. I've updated the plan with event details http://www.darrenkitchen.net/hak5-uk-2010-tour-the-plan Snake pass is a must, as well as Ace Cafe. This open google map is a blessing. Feel free to add a route or drop a push-pin: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp...mp;source=embed Vako, hope you come out to the London meetup, looking forward to meeting you.
  14. My UK Travel plans for Feb 16-22 are official now. London (16), Sheffield (17), Manchester (18), Dublin (19-20), London (21) Details at http://www.darrenkitchen.net/hak5-uk-2010-tour-the-plan Meetup venues & event details to follow.
  15. Yes, I'll be heading north up England, and dude! Enigma Machines! Just added that as a destination. Sweet :)
  16. Hey all, my birthday is coming up in February and seeing as how I've yet to venture across the pond I figured 27 is the perfect age to celebrate in the UK. I'll be arriving at London Heathrow Intl. on the morning of Tuesday, February 16. I'll be in town, as it were, until the following Monday afternoon, February 22. There will of course be a Hak5 meetup (or several) as I journey across the UK and possibly Ireland or parts of Europe. So far the plan is wide open. Your input (or generosity) will greatly influence the adventure. I'll be arriving in London on Tuesday morning. I've rented a motorcycle for the week so I'll take the tube across town and pick it up. From there I've got wheels and can go pretty much anywhere. You guys drive on the left, right? I mean, correct? I'm open to the idea of crossing the channel and heading up through France, Belgium and into Germany. I've always wanted to see Germany, especially since I speak the language (badly), but I'm afraid the western side of Germany is as far as I could get before having to turn back. My max riding distance per day is about 650 kilometers. Decrease that greatly when throwing in foreignness. Alternatively I could make a big clockwise circle across to Dublin (Rkiver has offered a couch, thanks for the kindness), up to Belfast, and over to Sheffield (Robin Wood aka Digininja has offered to put me up there which is a blessing) and back down to London for my return flight. I'll of course be recording an episode of Hak5 along the way! Anyone else wanna lend a couch? I'm offering to do chores around the house, defrag your hard drive, steal your neighbors wireless. :) I'd like to see the UK / Ireland / parts of Europe via motorbike and newfound friends. I'm not that interested in Westminster Abbey, London Bridge, Big Ben, etc. Just show me the local pub, the match and the menu.
  17. I like that idea. Especially the bit about losing a point if they get it wrong. Good stuff! I think from now on I'm going to keep an instance of calc.exe open under each VNC'd skype window. Will probably give it another go tonight.
  18. I like it except for the fact that is contestant A doesn't know the answer, and there is no penalty for a wrong answer, then there is no incentive to skip, or pass the question along to contestant B. A wrong answer in this case would be better than no answer at all. Make sense? Of course we could just say if you get it wrong we pass it on to your opponent for 1 point, but then the opponent would have an advantage of knowing it wasn't the wrong answer just provided. Also, I like the idea of keeping contestants out of channel unless they're using their IRC lifeline. Ultimately there is no way of keeping everyone honest. A third party could be private messaging answers, but that's simply the nature of the beast and some level of trust needs to be established. The 4 second delay with ustream aids somewhat. A longer delay would be nice, except for when an IRC lifeline is used. Regardless, increasing the delay isn't technically feasible as far as I know. I'll be giving it another go tonight. My goal is to bring it down to a fast paced engaging 20-25 minutes. I'll be separating it into blocks with an intro round to establish the leader who will get first pick on the second round, and a sudden-death game-changer round at the end with higher stakes. Again, my simultaneous hosting and engineering abilities need to improve massively -- and I'm sure they will with time.
  19. Recently I’ve been hanging out in IRC and re-purposing some old Hak5 live equipment for what I’ve called the Internet Game Show. Yeah, I suck at names. Regardless, this little project is far from professional but fun indeed. Here’s my second attempt. It’s the returning champion from Ireland Rkiver vs the new challenger from the USA, GCS8. http://www.darrenkitchen.net/internet-game-show-beta-2
  20. As I write this the nurse in my room is finalizing my discharge orders. Looks like I'm going home a day early! I'll just have to follow-up with the doctors when I get back from my Toronto trip. Unless something weird is found from my biopsy I'm presumed healthy with instructions to "take it easy". I'm so ready to leave. Now I just need to find a ride home. They don't want me to drive since I'm on amnesia inducing drugs.
  21. looking forward to seeing your /etc/config/network and /etc/config/wireless settings. I'm thinking that Webif simply configures those files.
  22. You guys are great and I think it's awesome how you track down my hospital & floor number to send the proverbial flowers. FWIW I'm in 4-North and the nurses know my room # but I don't need any trinkets to know I'm cared for. Thank you for all your support. I hope to be back on my feet and producing Hak5 as soon as possible.
  23. I have done extensive research into this and it seems there are very limited hardware options when it comes to getting an Atheros based router that has USB and runs OpenWRT. It's a shame the Fon 2.0g isn't still in production, it was a great router. I think the best solution is actually to build your own based on a USB enabled router board with m-pci slot and an atheros radio. Problem is they are very expensive. An off the shelf solution would be much better.
  24. Darren Kitchen, hacker and host of tech show Hak5, says why hacking isn't the same thing as cyber crime. Jorge Ribas sits down with him to find out the difference. http://www.hak5.org/backstage/hackers-versus-cyber-criminals The is the first part of a series. Stay tuned for more next week.
  25. Did we forget about that? I dunno, production has been crazy these last few weeks. and weeks. I'm guessing we'll get back on track after the holidays. Or CES.
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