just copying and pasting the code, encoding it and putting on my ducky, I keep getting a replace file prompt on my Win7 machine and the script never fully finishes
the prompt is from the bypass UAC section
I have been in touch with Alfa, and have working on a deal directly with them. Due to environmental factors some parts and items may be limited for them. I have made a deal with Alfa directly and will be receiving 100 AP51's or a mix of AP51's and iMesh51's, i will be selling them just slightly over cost once the deal has been finalized and the routers are received.
Have 2.0.1 working on the following hardware, added my script to enable wifi regardless of karma being on or off after flashing
Fon 2100 A/B/C/D/F
Fon 2200
Fon 2201
Open Mesh 3201A
Open Mesh OM1P
**will test the OM2P when the time comes**
Alfa AP51
Alfa iMesh51
Alfa **** ( new hardware i am testing and not sure if everything works yet)
That Company you posted Protocol is in the same city as me about 15min from my house, i just went and visited them to see how many AP51's they had and i got 2 for free. I wasnt expecting to get any for free but thought it was worth a try after your post.
I will be adding a linux flashing guide soon, i am getting away from winblows and will myself only flash on my linux boxes. If someone has one already built message me and i will add it.
To just connect to the pineapple after flash or when you get it delivered from the hakshop is the router IP with the web interface at, when flashing you can leave your IP dynamic or set it to, if you set it to static make sure you follow the last steps and set it back to dynamic, if you are done flashing or got yours just delivered, make sure you have a dynamic IP chosen or set a static of 172.16.42.XXX