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About audey

  • Birthday July 5

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  1. I have no idea, I've never worked with forums before. Who's to say they didn't steal the salt as well? EDIT: how would that have any impact on this topic anyway?
  2. Mine: di*prla#HleP#lUy=Athiebr&e$lach9udlECouf I can't see any reason not to post them.
  3. audey

    Lanschool v7.2

    At my old high school they used two. LanDesk and ABcontrol. once you had the server software for AB you could just run it and everything worked that easy with no password... Pretty dogey. EDIT: really usefull was sysinternals TCPView. try that to see connections to and from your PC and what is making them. one time I had it open and I saw AB connect and then the sysadmin sent a netsend like messege that said "stop using it" That was funny. hahaha.
  4. I read about a DIY one a while ago that you put on (just under) your knees. it would have to have some sort of UPS thing but with a few capacitors and diodes you can make a basic surge protetor, and i'm sure you could add some small batteries that could keep it charging for at least a minute. the one I read about claimed to be able to power 5x USB voltage/amperage at once. I just cant find the link though. EDIT: just checking instructables(i think that's where it was) I found this cool usb berathing powered! http://www.instructables.com/id/Breath-powered-USB-charger/
  5. @iaxia: lol I have the exact same one, yes you can use it for PW and you can set one of the dip switches so that it sends an enter press too. I used it for a week before I went back to a normal PW...
  6. Yeah, I D/L ZZZBlawares Flasher (hypnotising) a few years ago. Unfortunatley I never got around to sending the card.
  7. Back on subject and what do you know, my ISP (iinet) is awesome and they don't seem to like it, but still they're doing the trail beggining 24th december. http://iinet.net.au/about/news/internet_filtering.html get your assorted VPN's, tunnels and everything else ready! Also is anyone in WA going to the iinet open day? I wanted to go to some of the seminars but they were booked out.
  8. No-one uses the wiki anymore, go to the tutorials section of the wiki. all it needs is some more content.
  9. no sorry, I got mine IRL from microsoft press. it wasn't any help. but the cd that came with it was pretty good, I dont have it anymore but you might be able to find it on thepiratebay.org
  10. Put one of these http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-bui...ectronic-Shock/ in a box wrapped in two halfs of al-foil, put a note on saying Do Not Touch! and when they do the get electrocuted, they can't complain because it said don't touch. yay!
  11. I just got back from my microsoft certified professional exam and I managed to get exactly the pass mak (700). I'm exited because thats awesome but dissapointed because it was a very basic test and I should have scored 100%. Oh well, just thought it was pretty funny. EDIT: sorry I didn't realise this wasn't twitter.
  12. Wait, were you in a plane and did the weightlessness, barrel roll and loops? no way unfair. nm about the video I know what you mean.
  13. audey

    is the BBS offline

    Oops. I just posted the same thing elsewhere. I think it is though
  14. Is the BBS down? "Connecting To bbs.hak5.org...Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed" ??? EDIT: working again
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