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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Have you tried this Ubuntu wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC
  2. It's working for me. Make sure you have the latest version of the TOR bundle. Also try adding bridges, under bridge settings.
  3. Not a bad idea, a Hak5 app for the phone. I think Jason should take this one on board in his next project.
  4. I switched to water and lots of fruit juices.
  5. He meant that certain onion sites are heavily monitored by the FEDS. You could get into trouble, if you are found to be contributing or doing any illegal activity.
  6. Just be careful with what onion sites you visit or get involved with, that side of the web is constantly being monitored by the FEDS. And the wrong information you access could get you into trouble.
  7. Yes I have, its just like a normal Wikipedia page, with lots of information and links. But it can only be accessed via TOR network. Have you been there before Wills? Or trying to find out how to be there?
  8. It would be good to know what device it is beforehand, so we know what we are dealing with.
  9. If I am not mistaken, I think its an Asus EeePC Netbook. Edit: You can always hit Darren, at feedback@hak5.org if you need more details.
  10. Some service providers will know if you are using a proxy server, so if you try using TOR it may not work. So by acquiring a new IP address from your ISP, will circumvent that.
  11. Most components inside a computer, CPU, HDD, Graphics card and even the power supply will generate a lot of heat, if they are under heavy load. Under normal load they should not generate too much heat. But I would recommend keeping the computer and the components well ventilated if you can.
  12. Could you provide a copy of those log files for us?
  13. http://www.google.com/goodtoknow/
  14. I like your mind and this is how a true hacker works, not just by leeching off other people's work. But trying his own means/ideas/methods to overcome any obstacle. Your work deserves credit, keep it up.
  15. Or make a webserver out of it, with a MySQL server for practicing web programming on it.
  16. Another thing I overlooked, have you enabled IPv4 forwarding? echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  17. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of PCs and when I have to work on a MAC, its a whole new experience and it just doesn't feel right, it feels weird.
  18. I was going to suggest that, to install Linux in a VM but wasn't sure whether it was against your company's policy.
  19. Impatience can kill sometimes, but glad you got it sorted it.
  20. Are you able to change it manually from chan 1 to chan 11?
  21. I was going to buy one of the new Alfa's USB wireless adapter, but monitor mode doesn't seem to work with Backtrack. Now I know which one to buy.
  22. It could have something to do with your network card or drivers not being compatible with Backtrack. How are you running Backtrack, in a VM or physical hardware? Also make sure, all your software is current!
  23. Read through this thread, it should help you out with your problem. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverNIS/thread/62c382fc-ebf8-4c69-9569-5cda792a19bf/
  24. Does it work straight out of the box, or do you still have to install the drivers?
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