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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. For effective cooling solution, a water cooling system would be the way to go. But it depends on the graphics card in question. Some graphics card will allow the addition of a water block, like the Nvidia hydro card. So why the extra cooling? Is your graphics card overheating?
  2. @Digip, I guess we will have to wait until its out, in addition based on their research conducted in their labs, it has a 100% detection and prevention against any drive-by malware/exploit. But it's too soon to talk about.
  3. BLADE is a new Windows immunization system that prevents surreptitious drive-by download exploits from infecting vulnerable Windows hosts. BLADE is implemented as a series of kernel extensions, which interrupt the covert binary installation phase of current malware drive-by exploits. We test BLADE daily against live malicious URL links across the Internet and publicly post our unfiltered and auto-generated results to BLADE's Evaluation Lab. To date, BLADE's interception logic has demonstrated 100% effectiveness in preventing covert binary installations using the most widely deployed browsers on the Internet. Furthermore, over the past six months we have tested BLADE against the newest 0-day drive-by exploit attacks within days of their release, and none have circumvented BLADE. Source: http://www.blade-defender.org/
  4. Check this one out http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-4GB-USB-Memory-Stick-Disc-Spy-Pen-Flash-Driver-Audio-Sound-Voice-Recorder-/280794922282?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4160ae7d2a#ht_5330wt_977
  5. There are third party software that you could use to disable the USB ports, as well as you could modify the following registry key. "Warning : Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. If a USB storage device is already installed on the computer" set the Start value in the following registry key to 4: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UsbStor When you do so, the USB storage device does not work when the user connects the device to the computer. To set the Start value, follow these steps:1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK. 3. Locate, and then click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UsbStor 4. In the right pane, double-click Start. 5. In the Value data box, type 4, click Hexadecimal (if it is not already selected), and then click OK. 6. Quit Registry Editor and restart the system.
  6. Depending on the length of the pass-phrase and the complexity of it (mix-alpha-numeric with special characters) the rainbow tables could be huge in size, I mean in the Terabyte range. Back to your question, I did a bit of calculation and a standard WPA-PSK numeric rainbow table, should be around 620MB. Unless your rainbow table contains other characters in it. Might want to check it again. Where are you downloading the WPA Rainbow tables from?
  7. In this circumstance I would review the following: Ensure all students permissions don't allow them to perform any administrative tasks. Is the BIOS on all the Pcs, password protected?. If not, then they could've booted a Live Linux Distro, reset the admin password and enabled CMD. Ensure the boot menu option is disabled in the BIOS. (This will prevent the booting of any USB/Media) Even if the BIOS is password protected, anyone could have cleared the BIOS by removing the CMOS battery. Make sure the case is properly secured and tired down. Make sure no PC in the school has a keylogger installed. Does the school allow students to bring their own laptop, if so the student in question could have used ARP poisoning to collect the passwords. Preventing arp-poisoning can be easily dwarfed, at the switch level. Ensure all machines in the school are properly patched (updated). Review the current group polices and make chances as necessary. Definitely review the configurations on all the workstations and take note of anything out of the ordinary. Ensure all password and account policies are met. (passwords should be changed once or twice a month, and they should be above 8 characters with mix-alpha-numerics and special characters if possible). Local administrator passwords should be hard to guess. At my work for instance, it's over 15 characters long. If the school has wireless internet, it should be monitored, any devices should be whitelisted and periodically checked out for unwanted software. Also it would be a good idea to activate AP isolation.
  8. www.irongeek.com and www.pauldotcom.com are also good places to learn from But without any doubt, www.securitytube.net is one of the best sources you can learn from.
  9. C programming would be a nice language to learn, as for scripting Python would would be the ideal. But first learn one language, get an understanding of how it works and then move onto the next one. Also if you are damn serious about security, there are courses you can undertake. Courses http://www.offensive-security.com/information-security-training/. Certifications http://www.offensive-security.com/information-security-certifications/
  10. You should open your own online school and provide tutorials for a fixed price.
  11. You will probably need a certain number of posts, before you can modify your account settings. Alternatively, you could contact the forum administrators, to see if they can assist you out.
  12. What else can the law really do, if the person won't give out the password, they can't sentence the person to death, the least they could do is send that person to jail for some time.
  13. Moral of the story, if you don't want to run the risk of voiding the warranty, just don't jailbreak or root it. Wait for the warranty to run out first.
  14. Consider this thread closed, found that my profile was corrupted. I can open Vmware under a different user account with no problems at all. So what's left for me to do is refresh my profile.
  15. Hi all, Anyone in here ever experienced this error when working with VMware? "Vmware Workstation unrecoverable error (VMUI) Cannot get temporary directory for log file" Last time it worked was last night, today when I went to start it up I received the error above. Tried uninstalling and installing using the latest version of Vmware V 8.0 But always receive the same error message. Tried Googling for the error, but only found other people having the same problem with no solution. Tried restarting the Vmware services a couple of times but to no avail. Checked the Event viewer but it doesn't say much. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  16. I haven't tried doing this before, but I don't know if Xbox has a network setting where you can connect it to a NAS or server. You will need to check it out.
  17. I would only use RDP for internal management of my servers and computers. For external management, I would use something like VNC or Dameware, they are a lot secure. You could still use RDP but I would recommend using a protocol like SSH or OpenVPN to secure the connection.
  18. That would be the option and you won't get in trouble. But if you keep on trying to bypass their computer restrictions they will certainly not be happy with you. Another thing you could try, is asking your IT department if you could install a virtual machine on your computer, and just do whatever you want to do with it but again that could be against your company policy. Your best bet is talk talk to them first. Good luck.
  19. Don't forget to make the USB bootable by making its partition active. You can use the DISKPART utility in Windows to achieve that. Then copy back the files to the USB and try booting it off again. Also make sure the USB in boot options in the BIOS, is enabled or it will fail
  20. Your system admin must have locked down the option booting from USB or CD in the BIOS. For the OP, you could use either UBCD4WIN or Hiren's boot CD, which is what I used before to reset my work's computer admin password. But there is an utility in Hiren's boot CD that will allow you to create a local user account. If that doesn't work, group police must be disabling local logins or completely wiping off the account. A word of caution for the OP, just be careful not to get caught.
  21. Yeah, I do understand that and wasn't suggesting the OP to out there and actually do it. I was only thinking outside the box and trying to come up with other ideas, but of course an idea that is extremely illegal and could certainly get you jailed for.
  22. I'd also go with Freenas as well as configured with RAID 5 for good read performance and faulty tolerance.
  23. Or one could create a bot-net to run mail services on the compromised systems. Then with a pre-paid visa checkcard, you could purchase a domain using false credentials. And there will be no physical ties to be identifiable. I'd say that's how cyber criminals would go about anyway, from what I understand.
  24. This would be a good book to buy, walks you through everything you need to know about from setting up your gear to wireless pen-testing. http://www.amazon.com/BackTrack-Wireless-Penetration-Testing-Beginners/dp/1849515581/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1328266689&sr=1-3
  25. I don't know about other mail service providers, but Gmail for instance allows you to create and delete your account, if you can fake your information and use multiple proxy servers then to a degree you could remain anonymous. You could send and receive emails and then dispose that account. That's what I do when I need to get a new product key for my Vmware workstation, since they won't send me a new product key to an account I already have with them. So by creating a new email accounts and using different proxy servers, I can get around that restriction.
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