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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. QUEENSLAND police officers are testing a hi-tech surveillance drone that can be used to chase criminals, detect drug crops and find missing people all at a fraction of the cost of a helicopter. Read more: http://www.news.com.au/technology/attack-of-the-drones/story-e6frfro0-1226298835589#ixzz1p3o0tgVX
  2. I doubt that Belkin wireless adapter even supports raw monitoring or packet injecting. I would suggest get rid of it and buy something better, like an Alfa Wireless Card. Also that's another thing I hate about technology sometimes, things get out of dated too quickly and in certain situations you can't do much with it.
  3. No offense but those books for dummy are quite good. You can grab one from Ebay or Amazon for a cheap price. This link also has a good tutorial, http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/ctutorials.php
  4. Though I strongly agree that we should know how to deal or defend ourselves against these growing internet attacks. However rather than trying to be paranoid about someone hacking you, you can take simple steps to protect your wireless connection. Use WPA2 with AES, choose a long and complex WPA key, limit the number of devices that can connect to your network, but limiting the number of IP addresses in your DHCP pool. Be smart, don't do anything illegal that will draw attention of the authorities or other people and always play by the book.
  5. I heard of BOINC but never really got to explore it further, will take a look into it.
  6. Raspberry Pi suffers manufacturing error, shipments delayed The Raspberry Pi foundation has announced that shipments of the $35 computer that went on sale at the end of last month have been delayed due to a manufacturing hiccup. The factory where the devices are produced accidentally installed the wrong type of Ethernet jack onto the PCB, effectively rendering the port useless. The foundation specified to the manufacturer that the computers must have network jacks with magnetic components. The manufacturer accidentally substituted the component and soldered in non-magnetic jacks. As such, all of the jacks will need to be replaced before the computers can be shipped out to customers. Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/47734-raspberry-pi-suffers-manufacturing-error-shipments-delayed.html
  7. Oh definitely, no doubt about it. In fact the more horse power the less it will take to generate the tables. I know there are few rainbow table projects out there, but they don't provide the necessary software for a home user to generate their own tables. If you know of a software that can generate rainbow tables on a cluster or distributed environment, please let us know.
  8. Go to CMD, type ipconfig and look for the default gateway IP address, assuming your computer is on the same subnet as the router, then type the IP address of the gateway inside a web browser and press enter. Your browser should prompt you for a username and password, if it doesn't than the administrator must have disabled remote administration or it can only be accessed locally via a serial cable physically connected to a computer. If it does prompt you, you will need to figure out what the administrator username/password are. You could try brute forcing it, plenty of tools on the internet. I'd do a Google search for "HTTP brute forcers".
  9. 1) Use a live CD as stated above 2) Change your MAC address, if connecting to another network other than yours. 3) Use a public WIFI, rather than yours 4) Don't use Facebook, or any social networking websites to avoid leaving digital footprints behind. 5) Use TOR for anonymity. (To a degree, it won't keep you 100% anonymous) 6) Don't do anything suspicious 7) Use Encryption where applicable.
  10. Metasploit is definitely one way to gain admin privileges. The other way would be creating a local user account using a Live CD. You could do a MITM attack on the network and sniff for passwords. This one would be extremely illegal and I DO NOT recommend, install a keylogger on the target PC.
  11. I've never seen or heard of any reports of people who actually managed to bypass or break AP isolation in access points. To a degree it's safe to use it, and it does protect wireless users from MITM attacks. If you need for your wireless to be totally isolated from your main network, use a switch that has Vlan capabilities.
  12. For the hardware side of things, you can buy any of the GTX series graphics card from Nvidia. For the software side of things, you cold use the Cuda multiforcer, the hashcat and or the elcomsoft. On a side note, my preferred cracker would be the Cuda multiforcer it has support for multi-host so it can do parallel cracking, very handy if you have more than one system at home with Cuda graphics card enabled.
  13. I would suggest you to download, NT Offline password and use it to reset the password. Rather than trying to crack it or use a word list which could prove infective.
  14. Very interesting article. Thanks for posting it. On the other hand, you should read this article on IBM quantum chip breakthrough. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9224670/IBM_touts_quantum_computing_breakthrough
  15. I will wait until there's more in stock before buying mine.
  16. For $70 dollars, I'm not sure if you can buy one, unless if it's a second hand. Normally Windows Installation CDs cost more than $100.00 depending on the version. OEM versions are the cheapest ones, but the retail ones are the costly ones.
  17. I may be wrong on this one, but for the initial set up user interaction will be required, but once installed it should allow you to remote in and take control of the PC without any user interaction. At least that's how I interpret it when I see Darren doing the GoToAssist sponsor thanks segment during the show. However, there is another way you could remote in, without enabling port forwarding but it involves a bit of configuration. It's called Port-knocking, you might want to check it out for more information. http://www.portknocking.org/.
  18. I think GoToAssist.com has this capability if I am not mistaken.
  19. Yeah you can only change your member title, not your group status. Changing your member title is not hard at all, you need to go into your account settings and then profile. In the profile session, there should be a field called change member title or something similar.
  20. I use torrents a lot and I tend to use the built in option to throttle all my upload/download speeds. That seems more effective than trying to use QOS in DD-WRT. If you need more details, regarding throttling torrents, read this DD-WRT link
  21. Those articles I provided you with, will help sort out your problem. Just let us know if you have any more issues.
  22. Before you proceed any further, make sure you have PXE-boot option enable in the bios, and give the articles below a try. But I'd say its definitely a misconfiguration. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/11/how-to-configure-pxe-network-booting-on-ubuntu-for-network-based-installations/
  23. Yeah I don't think that would be possible though, unless there is a bug in the forums software, only the forum administrators can change your "Member title", to administrators or moderators. Nice try though.
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