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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I am not sure about virtualbox, but if you use Vmware Workstation, all you have to do is set your VM's network interface to NAT. That will provide the VM with an IP address on a different subnet range. For instance, if your main LAN ip address is, the virtual machine IP address will be something like When setting up the VM network interface, its a good security practice to set it to NAT NOT bridge or you could accidentally exploit one of your LAN machines and you don't want that. By using the VM's IP subnet instead of your LAN's subnet, it completely isolates your main LAN PCs from your VMs. However, one thing to note is that, your VMs will still be able to ping your LAN machines, but not the other way around. That's because NAT is preventing your LAN machines from talking to the virtual machines.
  2. I was going through your router's manual and it doesn't seem to have a modem. So it must be connected to an ADSL modem or cable modem or something. Please advise....
  3. Enabling port forwarding is pretty straight forward, you need to log into your router's configuration page, by entering the IP address of your router into your web browser. By default most consumer routers will be in the following IP ranges, or You need to find out which range your router's IP address fall under. Once you've entered the IP address into your browser, it should prompt you for a username and password, the default username and password for most Dlink routers, should be admin admin or admin pass or admin <blank>. Once logged in, you should look for a link called port forwarding, in there you will need to enter the IP address of the device along with the TCP port. For example, if you are running a webserver it will usually be TCP port 80. By the way, you haven't provided me with your router's model.
  4. What type of router do you have at home? Linksys, Netgear or D-link!
  5. It's a shame that the Hak5 website doesn't have SSL, when other popular websites such Tweeter and Facebook already have it by default.
  6. I am not sure about books, but these are good websites where you can find AI information from. http://www.newscientist.com/ http://www.sciencemag.org/ http://www.sciencedaily.com/
  7. These web hosting service providers seem good. Obs, the typing mistake doesn't bother me too much. http://www.mydomain.com/hosting/ http://www.hostgator.com/shared.shtml
  8. Honestly if I were you, I'd just go and buy an Alfa awus036h. It will save you a lot of headaches and plus it works out of the box, since backtrack already has the drivers for it.
  9. I wouldn't worry about changing the MAC address, unless you are connected to an access point that doesn't belong to you. Then I would change it, as well as the Netbios name of your computer, to something that doesn't relate to you. Changing your IP address is easy, you could use TOR but but it can be painfully slow, so if you plan on downloading something large, it would take you a very long time. For normal browsing it should be fine. Another important thing to consider is that, you can never remain 100% anonymous on the internet, no matter what you do it can still be traced back to you. So in another words, "Anonymity" is dead.
  10. If one of the PCs is already connected to the 3G network, you could use the built-in ICS wizard to setup a shared internet connection.
  11. Metasploit has several encoders that can help you fud your payloads. One of the best, if I am not mistaken is the Shigatanakai, if I can spell it properly. A couple of articles to help you out here http://technology-flow.com/articles/metasploit-encoding-antivirus-detection/ http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/Antivirus_Bypass
  12. Use wireshark for viewing the Pcap files, and network miner for assembling files.
  13. No session created will usually mean that the box you are trying to exploit, is not vulnerable to the exploit you are using. Try using a different exploit. Also do a show option and make sure you got all the options set correctly.
  14. Blocking an IP address is certainly an effective way, but not an easy way to manage. You could minimize the attack attempts, by changing the default port or implementing port knocking which will be a lot more effective at stopping a script kiddie or a bot. Also for authentication, I would implement a 2 authentication using certificates, rather than using passwords.
  15. That's what I use in my domain, SPF to prevent spammers from taking over my mail server. It's a very nice security feature that allows system administrator to whitelist domains, and only those approved domains are allowed to send emails through.
  16. As Digip pointed out, when using the bypassuac module it writes to memory instead of the hard drive. That's why the payload never gets detected by the AV. The moment you upload to a working directory on the hard drive, the AV will instantly detect it. As most av will only do real time hard drive scanning and NOT memory scanning.
  17. Make sure there is a space in between, ls and -ltr sslstrip.py
  18. Found these PDF documents. http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=firewall%20standard%20policy&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcsrc.nist.gov%2Fpublications%2Fnistpubs%2F800-41-Rev1%2Fsp800-41-rev1.pdf&ei=DEQ6T9mCLO2yiQeNo632CQ&usg=AFQjCNGDw4qRYt4QborJsQ2Lakeu_4weVw http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=firewall%20standard%20policy&source=web&cd=3&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gmdit.com%2FFiles%2FNIST_FirewallGuidelines.pdf&ei=DEQ6T9mCLO2yiQeNo632CQ&usg=AFQjCNHyoItWLwEkAXQVjZSQRUYZslPdxg http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=firewall%20standard%20policy&source=web&cd=4&sqi=2&ved=0CEoQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.luc.edu%2Fits%2Fpdfs%2FPolicies%2FITS_Network_Firewall_Policy.pdf&ei=DEQ6T9mCLO2yiQeNo632CQ&usg=AFQjCNEAm9vv4nEcRiPuSdYBku-k_TQw_g
  19. With respects, wouldn't Dell servers be a lot cheaper than the HP's servers? In addition, Dell also provides on site support, even after hours.
  20. Yeah, I am aware of the impact of sharing such piece of information could have on this forum. I wasn't trying to promote the article but simply to share with other people who may have something to say about it. As you seemed offended, could I please ask the forum moderator to remove this post. For those who may dislike or feel offended, my apologies.
  21. Over the past two days we've been hearing from, and working with, a number of Iranians having difficulty using Tor from inside Iran. It seems the Iranian government has ramped up censorship in three ways: deep packet inspection (dpi) of SSL traffic, selective blocking of IP Address and TCP port combinations, and some keyword filtering. For instance, they have partially blocked access to Tor's website, torproject.org, via IP address (such as and port 443 (which is the HTTPS port). The third level of blocking is by keywords, such as searching for the word 'tor' via regular, non-encrypted search engine websites. The blocks on SSL are not complete and not nationwide. Where blocking is in place, initial investigations show they are identifying the beginning of the SSL handshake and simply interrupting the handshake. We continue to research and investigate solutions with the assumption that SSL will eventually be blocked nationwide inside Iran. Our goal is to defeat their dpi signatures and allow tor to work by default. The Iran Media Program has posted their thoughts on what is happening from a journalist's perspective. So far, it seems the majority of Tor users are not affected by these blocks. Iran is still the #2 country based on direct usage, https://metrics.torproject.org/users.html?graph=direct-users&country=ir#.... This number is on the decline, however. More details to follow as we have them. Update 2011-02-10 18:05 UTC: We are working on making our obfuscating proxy more stable and easier to deploy. If you can compile code, following these directions will help. We're also working on Amazon EC2 instances of obfsproxy for point and click deployment. phobos's blog Email this Blog entry Source: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/iran-partially-blocks-encrypted-network-traffic
  22. You make a good point, instead of incriminating the student, he should be praised and recognized for his talents/skills. He did in fact, found a security weakness that no one in the IT department was able to detect. Now it comes down to the school to appraise him or discipline him.
  23. Source: http://blog.trendmicro.com/know-your-enemies-online
  24. Just wondering if you would be able to upload a video demonstrating how it works.
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