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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Thanks bro, I've come across it before, but never thought about using it. Now that you mentioned it, I have a few things that I want to sell. So I might just give it a try.
  2. Why not move it, rather than delete it. Any member from the moderator team should be able to do that.
  3. Check out ArpON, the only problem is that it does not support MAC.
  4. I am working on three tables at the moment The 1st is a NTML 1-10 numeric table The 2sd is a NTLM 1-9 lower-alpha table The 3rd is a NTLM 1-8 loweralpha-numeric table I've only got a Quad core CPU, so its taking a little while to generate and they all have a 100% success rate.
  5. umm, the tables you generated what algorithms are they for? And what's their success rate?
  6. I've been doing some thinking lately and decided that I want to generate and sell rainbow tables for a fee of $10.00 dollars each. I will be generating Md5, ntlm and lm tables and will be making them available for download or if requested delivered at your door.
  7. This is really fascinating. I didn't know this post would get this so many replies.
  8. That's one of the things about wireless, that I don't like they are expensive to run, as well as the speeds may not always be the best and coverage is also another factor to consider.
  9. Just take your time, don't rush through things, if you are not sure about something just do a bit of research and reading and document as you go. I would also suggest buying one of those Microsoft Self-paced training kit, they can be quite useful in certain situations.
  10. Even the recent episodes they talk about how to do data recovery with Scapel and a few other tools. But it worth going back and watching those videos.
  11. The bot-net idea was definitely a joke and I do not recommend doing it in the real world, as it's extremely illegal and could get you jailed for. When creating a bot-net you are essentially infecting other people's computers with Trojan/Malware and then controlling them remotely from a C&C (command center). Now you can achieve the above, by building a cluster of 2 or more servers and using Vmware ESXI to do all the load balancing work for you. That will help minimize the load and increase the number of VMs you can run in a more efficient way.
  12. No need to purchase a domain or hire a VPS service. What you need is a spare computer with Ubuntu installed on it. From there you can install and configure a SSH server and tunnel all your traffic into it. If you do require a domain, I would suggest going with the cheap option, dyndns.org. (registration is required, but no fees are charged) Port forwarding on your router will be required for this set up, so the service is accessible from the internet.
  13. It did sound like sarcasm, but I just wanted to make sure. That's why I answered it.
  14. If you haven't heard of Metasploit then I would recommend reading up on that first, than you will be able to understand what Meterpreter shell means.
  15. "User accounts missing" that's weird has anyone else besides yourself been playing around with the server? I'd also recommend running a full virus scan if you can and perhaps start fresh and this time document everything you do.
  16. What OS are you running? Linux or Windows? Secondly, make sure your keyboard does not have any of its keys stuck/pressed down.
  17. 1) You will need to download the latest version of CCleaner. 2) Open CCleaner, go to Tools and then Drive wiper. 3) Select the type of wipe you want and then the security type (how many times do you want to overwrite the data). 4) Select the drive you want to wipe and click on the "Wipe" button. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download
  18. This is nice piece of software that I use at home, but it will need to be deployed at each machine. Or if you have a supported router, you could use DD-WRT as mentioned by Digip. http://sourceforge.net/projects/freemeter/
  19. You could use an IDS (intrusion detection system) to log everything that comes in and out, or you could set up a box running a Linux distro with IP tables and Wireshark running on the background. Your box will have to be pretty beefed up, to handle all the stress put by Wireshark and the network traffic.
  20. I never used Megaupload anyway, so it won't really make much difference if they shutdown it. Torrent is what I use and love it.
  21. Here is a list of supported devices, if your device is not on the list than it's not supported http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start
  22. There was a Hak5 episode, can't remember which one but it makes installed application portable. You could give it shot, since the CD is damaged and there isn't another way, unless you upgrade.
  23. I'm beginning to hate Ebay selling. This is the second time I sell an item on Ebay, and the first time an incident like this happens. I have re-listed the same item twice, and the same thing happened. There is nothing physically or technically wrong with the netbook, I just want to get rid of it and its proving to be extremely difficult and frustrating.
  24. I can test this out for you, but I am very certain that you can have the same subnet over VPN. When I set up OpenVPN on my network before, I configured it with Natting protocol, which automatically dish out an IP address on a different subnet range to any client connecting to your VPN. Once the client is connected to the VPN, they will be able to ping/see any LAN client even the gateway.
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