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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I've been an Ebay buyer for a very long time, never had any issues. However selling its something that I've done once on Ebay before and didn't have any problems. The buyer checked out as soon as the auction finished, and I only had to wait a couple of days for the funds to clear on my paypal account. N But this time its very different, it almost feels like as if the buyer is a BOT. Placing bids in a way that prevents other bidders from winning the item and once the BOT wins the auction, it never pays for the item. I think, I will have to report this buyer for the second time now.
  2. Bring it on Microsoft, your attempts to restrict Windows 8 installation only, will not last for too long. Someone will figure out a way to bypass it, like they always do.
  3. Hi all, Last couple of weeks, I've been battling to sell my Asus EeePC Netbook, through Ebay Auction. The interesting part of the whole selling experience, is that at the end of the auction, I get to see who's the lucky winner. But then comes the frustrating part, one week later after the auction is finished the buyer still hasn't checked out. So I emailed the buyer advising that, a week has gone by and the item still hasn't been checked out. The funny part of the story is that, I never receive any reply back. So I then send another email and the same happens again, no response from the buyer. I then decide to open a case with Ebay, reporting that the buyer has not checked out or made the payment for more than a week. So has this kind of incident ever occurred to anyone in here? If so, based on your own experience, what have you done to resolve the situation.
  4. Are you planning on having just a welcome page, or will it have links to other pages as well?
  5. You could run an instance of Apache and have a static welcome page written in HTML.
  6. You are absolutely correct, and you will be surprised that there are people who actually use these skills for evil or malicious intent. And that's something I DO NOT encourage or condone.
  7. Are you doing this from home or from work?
  8. With a 1.5 GB data cap, I wouldn't recommend watching youtube or websites that have video contents or else you will exceeding your data allowance very quickly. For normal internet browsing, like checking emails, updating status on the Facebook or reading news should be fine. You will also need to find out, from your service provide, if they charge extra fees for exceeding your data allowance.
  9. You better hope your neighbor is not using a complex pass-phrase or you will be out of luck.
  10. How are you running Backtrack? On a VM or Bare bone?
  11. I'd say who ever set up the network must have configured individual subnets throughout the school. That could explain the two networks 10.68.28.x and 10.68.18.x you are seeing.
  12. Found something that you might want to consider looking at: http://www.eventid.net/display.asp?eventid=20169&eventno=25&source=RemoteAccess&phase=1
  13. If the IP really changes, the other option would be to send the victim a TCP reserve shell embedded in a PDF file. This will really put your skills to the test, because getting someone to do something for you, isn't always easy. You will also need to have the correct ports forwarded on your router, or you set up a PC in a DMZ.
  14. The only option I can think of at the moment, is by placing your wireless adapter in monitor mode and then with Wireshark capturing the traffic around you. That should definitely get what you want. However if there is an utility that can do what you are asking, then I really would like to hear about it.
  15. 1) Are you able to tell if the network card light at the back remains lit, when the service RRAS is started? 2) How did you set up the TCP/IP settings on the NIC itself static/dynamic? 3) Is ISA and RRAS running at the same time? Only one service is required at once?
  16. Has anyone ever used this OS before? If, so how do it compare to Backtrack? http://www.matriux.com/index.php?page=download
  17. That's strange, I wonder if there are any restrictions on the use of Remote Desktop.
  18. If you want to protect your information from someone stealing it, disk encryption is what you need. Use TrueCrypt and choose a very complex password, so no one can guess it easily. Apart from Dban there is also BCWipe, In itself its pretty much automated but the only thing you have to do is press the "Enter" key to kick off the wiping process.
  19. The only problem I see with buying new phone/sim card every week, is that you must register it before you can use it. So just like the IP address, your name and address will be tied to it. Unless you forge your details, then it will be hard for them to track you down.
  20. I'd use Postfix and then later, I'd use OpenVPN if I want to connect into my LAN from outside. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix
  21. Its very powerful isn't it. That's why it should always be used with care or it might backfire at you.
  22. You might want to check if Bluecoat does not have any rules/restriction set, that may be preventing that floor from accessing Facebook. I know with Squid, you can block Internet sites based on IP subnetting.
  23. I am trying to get one of my mates from Facebook to come along with me. But I still haven't heard from him.
  24. There are a few alternatives, 1) Argosoft (windows) 2) Surgemail (windows) 3) Postfix (linux)
  25. @Digip, thanks dude always helpful. I'm going to be placing an order, for that hoodie jacket with the skull.
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