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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. If you can't fix the problem, reinstalling windows from scratch will be your only option to fix the issue. Since you have done most of the troubleshooting and have identified that the issue does not lie on your router or wireless card.
  2. Funny you say that, because I never had problems accessing the deep web before, today is the first time it happens to me.
  3. You are correct, but we don't know how savvy this attacker really is. He could just be a script kiddie taking advantage of someone weak. Either way, the OP should set his router encryption to WPA-AES, as there hasn't been any case or report of someone having managed to crack it. So for the time being, that attacker will have a hard time cracking the OP's wireless, due to the encryption type being used.
  4. If you don't want the same person to steal your WIFI internet again, just use WPA-AES and as suggested above set your WPA pass-phrase to something over 20 characters, making sure it has mix-alpha numeric with special characters (!@#$%^&*) Just because someone hacked your wireless, it doesn't mean you should give up, take the right precautions for it not to happen again. I'd also limit the number of IP addresses your router should be leasing, to someone like 3 depending on the number of devices you have in your house. By limiting the number of IP address, that intruder will not be able to connect to your wireless.
  5. This is the address I use for accessing the deep web through TOR, but for some reason I can't access it either. I'd say it must be down
  6. That's exactly what I do, I always place special characters in between the phrases and words.
  7. Cambridge University Study Says That Multi Word Passphrases Not As Secure As You Might Think The research paper, by Joseph Bonneau and Ekaterina Shutova, studied data taken from the now-defunct Amazon PayPhrase system (which was only availbale in the US) to learn how people choose passphrases in general. The pair then set about trying to guess the passphrases using a dictionary attack based on movie titles, sports team names, and other types of proper nouns taken from Wikipedia. Using this method the researchers cracked about 8,000 phrases. http://www.livehacking.com/2012/03/19/cambridge-university-study-says-that-multi-word-passphrases-not-as-secure-as-you-might-think/
  8. I would recommend you to get your hands on this Metasploit book. http://www.amazon.com/Metasploit-Penetration-Testers-Guide-ebook/dp/B005EI84KQ/ref=pd_sim_kstore_4?ie=UTF8&m=A24IB90LPZJ0BS
  9. If you disable the pin, you will need to configure a WPA pass-phrase manually and then use that pass-phrase to authenticate the wireless clients.
  10. WPS is not a very secure encryption scheme and if your router has support for WPA2, I would recommend disabling WPS and using WPA2 instead. WPS uses a pin code to authenticate wireless users, there are a couple of tools out there designed to brute force WPS. So anyone could be brute forcing your router and causing it to stop responding, thus kicking everyone off their connection. I have found a proper manual for your router, give it a try and see how you go ftp://downloads.netgear.com/files/WNDR3400/Documentation/UM/WNDR3400_UM_31AUG2010.pdf
  11. I must say that, if that's the case the Backtrack team must have done a hell of a job, to address this compatibility/driver issue users were experiencing. I am only using the Alfa AWUS036H, will buy the other Alfa card and give it shot. Anyway, thanks for all the support and help.
  12. That's right, in most cases the card can only go in monitor mode, nothing else. I wish someone or Alfa networks could write a proper driver to solve all these problems.
  13. I agree with Sparda, furthermore I would suggest making sure the channels on your router are not overlapping with one another. Channel overlapping can contribute to interference, especially when you have too many wireless clients communicating on the same air space. In addition, the 2.4ghz is a very congested band and I would recommend switching to 5ghz if your router supports it or switch to a different channel, as discussed in the article below. When switching over to the 5ghz band, the client's wireless adapter will also need to support it. Read this article to understand more about channel overlapping. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc783011(v=ws.10).aspx
  14. That will depend on what transmitters (remote control) the police is using. If they are operating on the standard band like the 35.000mhz and if you can transmit on that same band you will definitively bring it down. There is also the 2.4ghz band transmitters, which is widely used by many aeromodelling club around the world, this one will be a little bit harder to temper with.
  15. Interesting, can you do packet injecting and traffic monitoring without changing drivers? Also how well does it perform compared to the Alfa AWUS036H? I am just asking, because I have read reports and comments from other users in other forums, about their frustrations they experienced with this card. That's one of the reasons, why I bought an Alfa AWUS036H instead. I know it doesn't support N wireless but it works straight out the box with BT5.
  16. Is there any holes/gaps on the side of the steel poll barn? I mean, if there is, you could use it to feed through the antenna cable and just have a metal pole with the directional antenna mounted on it on the outside and on the inside you could have the router. That way, you won't have to run cables through the floor or ground.
  17. AP isolation, is a security feature in wireless routers that helps prevent MITM attacks. It works by isolating each wireless client from each other. So you might want to check if your router has this feature turned on. Edit: I just went over your post again, and realized that you haven't specified a channel for airmon-ng to listen on. airmon-ng start wlan0 6
  18. 1) Do you have AP isolation enabled on your wireless router? 2) Make sure airmon-ng is set to listen on a channel, but what baffles me here is that you are authenticated to your wireless network, so technically you should be able to sniff your wireless traffic. 3) Your backtrack machine is it on, a laptop or on a desktop computer? (make sure only the alfa network card is enabled, all other nics disabled).
  19. If you set your VM interface to bridge it will place, the vm on the same subnet as your LAN. Furthermore, I have found that you can also change your NIC settings through Vmware CLI. http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vcli/
  20. Is it possible to run to instance of Apache, here is a how to http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RunningMultipleApacheInstances
  21. Ensuring the USB boot option is enabled on the BIOS is the first step, your second step would be making the USB partition active, if your USB does not have an active partition it may not work. You can use the Windows DiskPart utility to make your USB partition active.
  22. You can change Apache's default (TCP 80) port in the config file to anything you like it.
  23. I would recommend Hamster/Ferret too. Watch the video below for more details.
  24. Yes it is possible, most antivirus have what's called a virus chest where it contains any virus/worm it detects so it can't re-infect the system. You could try moving/extracting it to a folder, where you could later compress or encrypt it. I would recommend Avast, in addition it could prove challenging to move/extract the virus from the chest as it could trigger the AV filters and render your efforts useless.
  25. That is really some cool stuff, I plan on doing the same with my RC airplane, mounting some cameras on the front and have the images relayed to a ground station. Also with the right transmitter and receiver, these things can get pretty distant from you, it would be very hard for the pilot to see it from a far distance. Moreover, running it off Lipo batteries may not get you a long flight duration but it's sure makes things a lot quieter and cleaner than petrol/nitro engines.
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