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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Yeah, I had to torrent them my friend. I don't know if you have heard, but there is a new Hacker movie
  2. I like your fields of study, just adding to that list of your a couple more. CEH (certified ethical hacker) CCNA Security + Now for the sources, I'd suggest checking out securitytube.bet, irongeek.com and anti-forensics.com
  3. Breaking into any one's private network without their authorization is illegal and you will be prosecuted.
  4. There is the original Hackers Movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113243/ There is also the "Hackers Wanted - Can you hack it" http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=hackers%20wanted%20-%20can%20you%20hack%20it&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CEEQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftopdocumentaryfilms.com%2Fcan-you-hack-it-hackers-wanted%2F&ei=zeyDT5rDD-eaiQe50-n5CA&usg=AFQjCNHIqYPnpXw-9C9DjpmOCWPZekWoqw There is also the Hacker's Freedom Downtime http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0309614/ And Last but not least Anti-trust and a few others I can't remember.
  5. 1) Make sure the CPU is not overheating! (Check the CPU cooler, ensure its not obstructed or clogged with dust). 2) Make sure your PSU has plenty of watts, to support all components. A good power supply should be of around 700 to 1000 watts. 3) Check all internal cables, ensure they are firmly connected. Number 1 and 2 will usually cause your system to restart unexpectedly, or even shutdown to prevent further damage.
  6. Yeah, I wondered about that too, how could a pineapple do keylogging, it would be more like collecting/sniffing the credentials from a login page.
  7. Yeah I know, but you will need to subscribe for their service. In addition, there is also a wiki to guide you through the process of configuration and setup. I plan on subscribing for their service eventually.
  8. Here's the link, Its Season 9 Ep. 21
  9. If you have the cash to burn, I'd suggest to go with a 250GB or 512GB SSD from Intel for exceptional performance.
  10. I'd suggest Pfsense, it's got more functionality than Smoothwall. Also I'd recommend increasing the size of your RAM to at least 8 gigs if possible. I don't think 2GB will be enough, from a performance point of view.
  11. If you have another machine at your disposal, you could rip the hard drive from this machine, and use the Windows builtin utility from the other machine to format this hard drive, or use one of the utilities on the Hiren's Boot CD to format your hard drive. http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd
  12. I'd have to agree with int0x80, it depends on which machines you intend to target. For example: If you plan on targeting LAN machines, set your VM network connection to "Bridge", this option will set your VM to the same subnet as your LAN machines. Now if targeting VM machines only, then you would set your network connection to "NAT", this option will place the VMs into a different subnet, other than your LAN's.
  13. You are right, that won't prevent an attacker from gaining access to the network, even with a dynamic or static IP address set. If the attacker is determined, there is little that could be done. He could also pose as a legit user or device on the network and then how to tell who is who, unless there are other measures/protection in place that could determine between the two.
  14. For servers you should go with SCSI hard drives, they are extremely fast, compared to normal SATA HDDs. If you don't plan investing on a proper server hardware, then the WD Raptor will do just fine. On the other hand, if budget is not an issue, then you should go with SSDs for exceptional performance.
  15. Hey PC-2011, this guys (Scott Moulton) is a professional and has a small company that specializes in data recovery and other aspects of computer hard drives failure. He's also done lots of talks on Hacking conferences, I think you should watch his videos. http://www.myharddrivedied.com/presentations-resources
  16. Cookies have an expiration date, so that won't help you much, once they are expired. Check out Ferret and Hamster, it does session hijacking. If that's where you are trying to head for. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tMEAvVHfmI
  17. msf > use auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap msf auxiliary(fakeap) > run [*] The Lorcon2 module is not available: no such file to load -- Lorcon2 [-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Lorcon2 not available By looks of the error message, it seems that there are not binaries or files in the "Fakeap" directory. Could you do an ls -l auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap, and post the results in here.
  18. Could you provide those errors for us, we can't really tell what the problem is without looking at the error messages.
  19. Are you using Vmware or any Virtual machine in your setup?
  20. Vlan is only good for segmenting and securing the network, his traffic will still be routed through the same gateway, unless there is a feature like QOS, that can help throttle his bandwidth, it won't help much. On the other hand, I agree he should try using Wireshark to analyze the traffic and see what's hogging the bandwidth.
  21. Yeah I would start off with CCNA first, get an understanding of how networks, protocols, IP address and especially the OSI model layer works. As a pen-tester or security professional you need to have a solid understanding of how all these things works, in order to help you move around your targets and systems. Its also important to put all you learn into practice, that's the only way you will gain the experience in the field. After that, you could advance into other courses/certs like the Microsoft/Net+/CEH/Security+ ones. In addition to all the certs and courses, you will also need to know a programming language, C would be a good language to start off with, followed by Python. Also there are plenty of infoSec content on the internet, that will help develop your skills and further your knowledge. My favorite ones are, the securitytube.net, Pauldotcom.com, irongeek.com and not to forget hak5.org
  22. If I were you, I'd just start from scratch, delete all the partitions and format the hard drive and then create two separate partitions. Install Windows first then install Backtrack. Here's an article, to guide you if you find yourself struggling. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9059/dual-boot-your-pre-installed-windows-7-computer-with-ubuntu/
  23. Do you know if your room mate, uses Torrents for downloading files. Torrent can have a huge impact sometimes!
  24. Yeah that won't help much, you better off with your own internet, you don't want to change settings on someone else wireless without their authorization.
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