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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. You could configure those systems to be a webserver and MySQL server and use them for practicing your pen-testing skills. That's what I would do with them.
  2. Here's a quick guide, to help you out. http://www.backtrack-linux.org/wiki/index.php/Basic_Usage
  3. If you are comfortable with Linux, you could use IP tables to forward your Apple TV traffic to your SSH tunnel.
  4. Oh Yes you are right, my cisco router has an option that allows remote WAN management. By default, it's turned off and I hate the idea of having a third party managing it for me. I rather manage all my IT gears myself. I'm also from Australia, by the way.
  5. I've never seen that before, can an ISP really have control over your router! I thought only the end users, could access the router NOT the ISP.
  6. Without proper privelege you won't go very far. Glad you got it sorted.
  7. It's possible but you need to be in between the victim and his ISP, which would be a very challenging thing to do. That requires having direct access to their routers. Another scenario would be, via a wireless access point, if he/she has one. Or you could use RATs, to do some keylogging.
  8. I'd agree with Jason, just use the InnoDB MySQL Enginne, it will be much more reliable and offer a good level of performance. In addition, for incresed read performance, I'd use a NAS device in RAID 5 or 10. If you need more information, check out the MySQL Engines reference manual. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/storage-engines.html
  9. I wouldn't disagree and in fact, the more you know the better it will be for you and your job career. It will make you stand out more in the crowd. Of course, It will be a disadvantage for some, because they lack the experience but for you its a benefit that pays off.
  10. Are the victims able to obtain an IP address at all, when connecting to your Evil Twin?
  11. Infiltrator


    Proxies are generally used for bypassing certain firewall restrictions, like schools or corporate blocking users from accessing certain websites. Proxies won't make your IP address be completely hidden, if you were to commit a cyber crime, they will still be able to trace back to your IP address.
  12. They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, from a learning pespective I'd recommend you to learn them. Get a feel and experience for both, but knowing more won't hurt you, will only make you more knowledgable and smarter.
  13. Have you even gotten into trouble or ever had anyone approaching you because of the antenna?
  14. It sounds like you may have some hardware problem. 1) Is the power supply overheating at all? 2) Make sure the CPU Fan is sitting properly. 3) Make sure all cables are clean and in good condition! 4) If else fails, it could well be the CPU or Mobo, that's causing the lockups/freezes
  15. If the remote computer is behind NAT/Firewall, than you won't be able to attack it directly. You will need to get around it, by using a reverse_TCP_connection. You can do that, by encoding a reverse shell into a PDF file and opening it on the remote computer. Furthermore, if your attacker machine is also behind a NAT/Firewall, you will need to enable port forwarding on the router, or else you won't get the reverse shell.
  16. Check out this website for more info. http://www.instructables.com/id/WIFI-Antenna-Hack!/
  17. Digip is right on the money, watch this video for more information. http://www.securitytube.net/video/3868
  18. From a performance point of view I'd use SQLlite3. It's a lot easier and cleaner to maintain than flat-file database.
  19. You made a good point, and for as long as we keep the contents for ourselves, and do not distribute in any way, shape or form. I wouldn't consider it piracy.
  20. I don't quite follow you on this one! Are you trying to exploit your Windows 7 machine?
  21. I've used Debian and Fedora before and they can be quite complex and difficult to learn, specially if you are a beginner. I'd use Ubuntu, it will be a lot easier to learn, and there are plenty of tutorials on Google, on how to use it. It will also give you the experience you will need, for later when using Backtrack.
  22. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, and I do agree with you. Those government officials think they know how to stop us, but we are always one step ahead of the game. Because we have technolust.
  23. Correct if I am wrong, but wouldn't the Modem and the LAN card have its own MAC address. And as result, you would have two different MAC addresses.
  24. It would be sad to see the show change, because of some corporate rules. If that does happen, which I hope it does not, it would be a nightmare.
  25. As long as a VPN or proxy exists, no website can be 100% blocked. However, an ISP could always block these technologies, if they are using deep packet inspection, like how China did with TOR. Then we could be doomed.
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