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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. What a shameless bump! Removing and re-adding the post! ;) Anyway, to answer your question: opkg install -d usb openvpn
  2. This kind of falls under this category: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/28813-psa-phishing-pages/
  3. The pineapple has a 2.0 port only. Please don't make multiple posts asking for the same thing, I have removed he other thread.
  4. The open manager module seems to have some issues right now. I suggest you use opkg over ssh.
  5. It has the potential, yes. But as 3.0 is coming soon, all UI stuff that is done now is.. well, going to be outdated in a little while. It is something that can easily be added to 3.0 though. Best, Sebkinne
  6. Me. We had considered dropping multi language support for now because people translate it once and then don't keep updating the files. It is rather sad. If you are up for it, shoot me a PM.
  7. Seems like the module is broken. If you post in the appropriate thread, I am sure Whistle Master will take a look! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. Seems like an isolated issue - we had no such reports in the beta and tested that extensively. Try a re-flash with nothing plugged in.
  9. Yeah, I think not. Sorry, this is a place to learn and not to ask how to hack a game for personal gain.
  10. Just updating this to say this has been reported fixed in 2.8.1.
  11. Hey kyhwana, Our host went down for a short while, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Everything is back up now though! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. If you want to be serious about this type of job, you will stop what you are doing immediately. What you are doing is illegal. You "aquired" someones Facebook account? Illegal I am guessing. You broken into your libraries system without permission? Again, illegal in most countries. Or at least not a good way to do it as they CAN press charges. So, how should you proceed? Study this subject more. I don't know how much you know in the security field, but you are definitely going about this wrong.
  13. Thread has been locked upon WhistleMaster's request as it has been added to the 2.8.1 firmware!
  14. You'll need to load them in on reboot again. Just add it to your /etc/rc.local Best, Sebkinne
  15. Hey everyone, As most of you know, we have re-launched our beta testing system and it has been a great success! You, the community, has helped us iron out the issues we had in the last stable release and we are confident you will appreciate the fixes in this version. The main issue we had was a bug in the WiFi driver causing some issues with Karma, monitor mode and client mode. These along with a few other issues have been resolved! Changelog: - Fixed Karma associations - Fixed client mode issues - Fixed monitor mode hopping - Fixed USB network card issues - Small bugfixes - Included WhistleMaster's Phials script (renamed to phials instead of phials.sh). Thank you for this WhistleMaster! We feel like most of the issues that have been cropping up lately have been fixed with this release. Now, as the title says, this will be the last release in the 2.X version level. We are now fully focusing on the 3.0 release, so stay tuned for updates about that along the way. Please also note, we have dropped official support for the AWUS036H. It works but has issues in some areas. We fully support the NHA which is sold from the hakshop! Download: Over the air through the web-interface. (alternatively at http://wifipineapple.com) MD5: 17e4384a79e7fef9c267f7da34ed4743 Note: If coming from a firmware version below 2.6.4, wait for the pineapple to fully boot back up after flashing then navigate to As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. We hope you enjoy this release, we feel this is paving the final stones to 3.0! -The Jasager Team
  16. The beta phase for 2.8.1 has ended! Thank you everyone who participated, we got some awesome feedback! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. I agree - this was needed badly. We never got around adding it before 3.0 - this will be great until then!!
  18. You have got to be kidding me. I lock the other thread and you make a new one?
  19. To answer your questions in a basic way: Yes, this can be done. All you need is a CD/DVD drive or a USB port. You can then burn the Ubuntu ISO to a CD/DVD or put it onto a USB drive using something like unetbootin. Unetbootin will actually also download Ubuntu for you and then proceed to install it onto the USB. Now, when you boot from CD/USB, you will be taken into an installation wizard - follow that and it will guide you through the installation. It will install GRUB for you. In terms of "removing" the partition, I am not sure what you mean. Get rid of it entirely? That has nothing to do with the bios / uefi - partitions are kept on disk. Don't worry about this though, when installing Ubuntu, it gives you some options: Use the entire disk, install alongside windows and a few custom ones. Choose whatever fits you best. Just remember that if you remove the windows partition or use the entire disk for the install - Windows and all of the files will be gone. I hope this gave some clarity. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. Does the Poe lan port work? Can you connect over it? If so and the LED doesn't light up, I fear the LED is bust..
  21. JoeBloe84, Just remove that line from your /etc/opkg.conf. This will allow you to install packages to USB. Best, Sebkinne
  22. What you want is something like this to color your file.
  23. I don't believe that the OP intended to commit fraud but rather browse all the websites which his school has blocked. Maybe he just wants to go to Facebook or something. Either way, one should always get permission for this kind of stuff and it seems clear that he hasn't gotten it / the IT people at the school haven't given him a hand in this matter. There are usually reasons why schools / companies block certain websites. Either way, I think this topic has been discussed a lot on this forum already and this isn't very constructive. Locked.
  24. More importantly, what OS? Please follow our guidelines on how to ask for help.
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