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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-to-11-DVD-CD-Duplicator-/221171805195?pt=US_CD_DVD_Blu_Ray_Duplicators&hash=item337eddec0b Something like this will give you an idea of what digip is talking about. I used to use one of these, but it had a cd printer on the top as well. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Titan-Lite-3-Target-Robotic-LIGHTSCRIBE-DVD-CD-Disc-Duplicator-200-Disc-500GB-HD-/251165870968?pt=US_CD_DVD_Blu_Ray_Duplicators&hash=item3a7aa70b78 You'd load it up with blanks and then tell the software which iso to burn, how many, and what to print. Hit go and come back later when it was done.
  2. http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash
  3. try sudo ./wp4.sh That's how I run it.
  4. Sure, but it does what I need it to do, which really isn't that much.
  5. Weird. I just downloaded it to my ubuntu box and it worked just fine. Are you starting it as root?
  6. What OS are you running the script on?
  7. I wasn't, until the cruzer decided to become write only. Personally I think they're junk. I'm running off a sandisk 16Gb microsd card and reader and power it off the pineapple juice just fine.
  8. It's most likely a power problem. The 16Gb thumb drives use more power than the smaller 4Gb drives. Probably works at the beginning but once you start making the pineapple work(use more power) things get wonky.
  9. Hey, just for giggles, what usb chipset do you guys have? Maybe that's the culprit.
  10. Yea, but only once. I did the silver and my credits reset every month. Though I don't really use it that much.
  11. My pin is actually a really old phone number, none of mine, but one I had memorized. It's also not one of the multiple same number combos. I'd think most people would go this route, the lazy ones would probably use their own number...
  12. http://www.julbousa.com/parts/cases/ The one on the left, works perfectly. Pineapple MK IV, with a Pineapple Juice battery back velcroed to the bottom. It's also a semi-hard case, so if you throw the whole kit in a backpack it should keep you stuff from getting crushed.
  13. The only problem with the Pi is if you order one now, it will be July before you get it, if you're lucky.
  14. Anything with dc in can run on a battery. Still don't understand why you'd want to run a firewall off a battery.
  15. Don't think such a beast exists. You'd need support from the provider as well as the hardware on your end. You could run multiple wimax connections to a router to increase bandwidth, but not speed.
  16. I use this for when I break fire walls. http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-202023037/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&keyword=great+stuff&storeId=10051#.UMEhyIPO2gw
  17. Here's something most people don't think about when pulling cable. Cat-6 weighs more! You pull a bundle of that crap down a hallway ceiling, or cable up a whole building, you know you were working at the end of the day!
  18. Okay, so you're blocking "porn". So what if someone happens to send threatening email to the president through your node? Same shit is going to happen.
  19. My whole house is cat-5e. Don't really see the advantage of running cat-6 in a house. I get gigabit speeds over 5e. Maybe my next house I'll do 6, maybe not. I do know punching down cat-6 can be a bitch. I have to repunch more patch panels with that than I ever did with 5 due to the panels not cutting through the insulation.
  20. Check your serial connection settings.
  21. I don't think he used stout enough wood for that....
  22. Careful with that one. I've seen stores charge people with theft for dumpster diving. Depending on where you live it's still the store's property until the garbage is collected.
  23. Not sure why you'd want to run your firewall off a battery, or hide it.
  24. The book is awesome as well! I need to buy it again, I loaned it out and didn't get it back.
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