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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. My Backtrack laptop, Hp Compaq 6910p had issues installing Kali from the DVD. It would install, but on first boot the installed ATI drivers would hang. I ended up having to set up the network installer on my pxe server to get it to boot. Then I found none of the Kali packages installed with that install. Had to go to the package manager to install them. After that, it's pretty sweet. The disks work just fine with my Hp mini and an old ass Toshiba convertible laptop though.
  2. I don't think you can get the thunderbolt port to connect directly to parallels, or any vm. You can do it with the usb to ethernet adapter however.
  3. Fixed it. No clue why it changed.
  4. It might work better now.
  5. Okay, I updated it so it has a thumbnail now.
  6. My gziped nedry rickroll. Drop it in the /usb/infusions/randomroll/randomroll/ folder and it will show up in the random roll infusion. I guess I should make an icon for it... Here's what's inside... ahahahh.mp3 index.html nedry.gif
  7. Got it working after reformatting my usb drive... Anyway, I hacked together a Nedry ahahahh page. I just built it up enough to work, but it's missing the icon and whatnot. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53003838/nedry.tar.gz
  8. Maybe I missed something, I keep getting an MD5 mismatch when trying to install to the latest firmware(2.8.0).
  9. Just be careful with it. Restore the network settings before updating the pineapples os. I don't have a working mac anymore so I can't test with Lion or Mtn Lion, so I'm not 100% sure the settings will still work.
  10. That will do it. It will make the laptop so damn slow to use, no one will.
  11. That's for the old kismet. I don't usually configure the capture sources in my config. When you fire up kismet newcore it will tell you there are no capture sources configured, then asks if you want to configure one. Hit yes, then just tell it which adapter to use, wlan0, wlan1, whatever. If you do want to preconfigure a source do it like this; # See the README for full information on the new source format # ncsource=interface:options # for example: ncsource=wlan0 # ncsource=wifi0:type=madwifi # ncsource=wlan0:name=intel,hop=false,channel=11 Usually kismet is pretty good at figuring out what drivers to use.
  12. barry99705


    windows install. https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Easy_Windows_Guide
  13. barry99705


    Most VPN sofware will require administrator rights on the computer. If you have that, here you go. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ovpnp/
  14. Actually thinking about it some more, it might not work the way I first thought it up. You'd have to set a point to point vpn between your laptop and the pineapple with two dyndns addresses. I don't think you'd be able to make the connection back through starbucks' firewall. The pineapple has to initiate the connection through the firewall so you have something to connect back to. So technically, the automagic ssh tunnel how to I've seen around here should work just as well.
  15. Just a couple states south of us... http://chattanoogagig.com/
  16. Hmmm. Pineapple that automagically logs into a Starbucks free wifi, changes it's mac every 1 or 2 hours, I forget what the time limit is, and then lets you do a vpn tunnel to it over a dyndns account, then back out the Starbucks network. That's probably doable.
  17. Heh, should try running metasploit on a pda! I've done it, once. It was painful, but it worked. Not my device, but that's what I had. ​ <<----- Why is this getting added after every image?
  18. What! Ask the experts? That's crazy talk! :D Also, pfsense is bsd, not linux.
  19. A better Nedry. http://nedry.ytmnd.com/
  20. It's just a list of mac addresses you don't want mdk3 to screw with.
  21. pfsense with a couple gigabit network cards will work. Otherwise you'll probably have to go with a Cisco device. Most consumer routers start to crap out just a bit faster than 50Mbps.
  22. That was a render done by a designer for an iPhone 5 concept last year. http://www.ciccaresedesign.com/2012/07/06/iphone-5-new/
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