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Everything posted by nullArray

  1. More on this, even Microsoft employees, ads and other various demos use MacBook Pros because they are quality hardware. People that get BTO options from Apple are dumb. It used to be a hassle to upgrade Macs. I'm pretty sure it was damned near impossible to upgrade the ram in the Lampshade and CRT iMac varieties. These days, it's almost easier than a Windows computer, especially on the notebooks. Whenever I tell people I am a computer science student, they always ask if I can fix their computer. I tell them that computer science != best buy geek squad repair lackey, but I offer to take a look anyway. Almost always, they are just frustrated with how horrible their computer runs. It goes something like this: Turn on computer, followed by the obligatory "Oh, it's going to take about eight or nine minutes to boot up." This I'm appalled with. Next, the fan turns on and starts spinning at full speed and doesn't stop. When we're finally able to log in, we have to wait another five minutes for everything to start up. Next they usually try to get online but they can't find the network connector, so they fumble through "network" no wait, "network devices" no..., wait, "network connections?" or wait, is it the "little computers in the right corner?" Eventually, the computer has tried to connect itself and failed, and we have to "diagnose the problem" Annnnnnnd, by now, the battery has died. It sounds like I'm being the usual "pretentious mac prick," but the only people I've ever seen happy with a Windows machine are people in my compsci classes. Like it or not, getting things done faster and easier is so much better than Windows. Everything is unified beyond belief, 95% of every Mac applications has settings and everything else in the exact same place. It's mindblowingly easy to connect to networks. Macs boot inanely fast, etc etc etc. The only reason anyone, in my mind, should ever come close to Windows is for gaming. 7, will do a world of good, but it's not out yet, and too early to tell. That being said, there are a TON of retarded Mac users who buy it for the image: dumb rich bitches who get the MacBook Pro because it "runs myspace good." These are the same people who run applciations from disk images because they are too stupid to read the "DRAG THIS TO APPLICATIONS FOLDER" disclaimer that many applications have. The same people that turn the resolution into a square so they have black bars on the left and right sides. The same people who somehow manage to break an operating system that's extremely hard to break. It boggles my mind. I have nothing to say besides Linux except this: wildly unstable on all the computers I've ever put it on, and I've never been able to get wireless working through a reboot (it uninstalls itself every time I turn off the computer). It definitely has some insanely cool stuff, but I equate it to an unstable OS X (I know that it is extremely no where near OS X) which is unacceptable for daily use. Even still, given a Windows box and the choice to run Windows or Linux, I'd be all over the LINUXXXXXXXX. *whew*
  2. NSFW or home or anywhere else..., That was awful. EDIT: ................but awesome...
  3. Amen Hell no! Stay away from this~! MIPS is the devil..., a=0 == addi $t0,$zero,0 It's just stupid..., loops are even stupider. I'll branch on YOUR equal. Oh boy, I'm not making any sense..., perhaps I'm just bitter.
  4. 1. Yes..., using the bootcamp assistant, the Mac will take care of everything. 2. I have installed several different flavors of Linux, but I never stick with it, because it doesn't provide me with anything that OS X can't do, and OS X is more stable doing all of those things. There are also a few quirks that can be difficult to set up, like trackpads, iSight, and AirPort. I would never straight-up remove OS X though, that's the reason I bought the computer. Which Linux distro do you want? I can point you in the right direction for installation instructions.
  5. double post, sorry, not sure how it happened.
  6. I used 1Password for a very long time..., then I got stuck in a situation where I absolutely had to log into a very important website immediately and I didn't know what the password was (I used 1Password's super generator, my twitter password used to be something like "MCœQ{'c2s/23"sa∂21åó#AK54cæ"). I had the list encrypted on my iPhone but I didn't have my phone on me and was screwed. I ended up memorizing one super über password (much like the one above) for everything and changing it every three weeks or so.
  7. I've been using the "notebook" for a very long time. Using computers on one's lap is uncomfortable anyway..., (oh but I do it all the time!). It's even better with Macs,... I use the blanket term "MacBook" and everyone understands.
  8. GTFO (jk, but srsly? runescape?)
  9. Play the game and do well...,
  10. Don't give that student admin rights/passwords? Try talking to this person and telling them to stop?
  11. There's a lab computer that's slightly different from the rest and a regular lab image with Linux/Windows won't work on it, so I have to do it manually. All the tutorials I've found only explain how to go from Windows -> Windows/Linux or Linux - > Linux/Windows. I know I could just install one then follow the steps to try and install the other, but is there a better way to get both? Which OS should I start with? Are there any tools in Linux or Windows that automatically set up GRUB and prepare the drive for a dual boot? Thanks for the help. EDIT: I'm using openSUSE 11.1, it's the university's choice, not mine, so don't go there.
  12. Perhaps this is a confusion between megabytes and megabits, because having 7.5 megabits down and getting 500-600 kilobytes sounds about right, if this is the case.
  13. One of these things is not like the other ones, one of these things just doesn't belong.
  14. I could never give a straight up list of my favorite games in order..., but I heavily enjoy: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6 & 7, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, SNES Mario, Animal Crossing series, Metroid Prime series, Starcraft (my friends and I used to lan this every other week two years ago), 3D Zelda series (particularly Windwaker), Duke Nukem, Halo 1 ONLY, Day of the Tentacle, Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/Silver/Gold/Leafgreen/Firered/Diamond/Pearl. Well, that doesn't really help you, this even wasn't the full list.
  15. I'd personally start with Java or C++; personal preference and great platform neutral (for the most part). I've been told that Alice is a great place to start learning fundamentals and be able to see what your programs do (it's not so abstract), but I have never used it, seen it being used, nor known someone that has ever used it. Not to confuse you further, but python is also widely recommended for it's "ease." Edit: I changed my mind, you should learn MIPS..., and know what each opcode, rt, rd, rs, funct and all that in binary by heart.* *(Don't ever do this, please. It's awful)
  16. I love my fucking piece of shit that doesn't work. I bought the 40GB model yesterday, but hacked an 800GB drive in there, so I don't have to wait for the upgrade.
  17. Yes!, happy birthday. One more year and you'll officially be too old to be cool. Sorry bro..., but enjoy your twenties while you can! I'll be joining you in under a month. EDIT: Apparently I was lied to and you're only 26 (according to your twitter). It's crazy to think that you're only six years older than me. I'm absolutely boggled.
  18. He's dying, give him a break.
  19. Over the next week or so, we're going to be moving one of the labs over to SunRay thin clients. It seems like a wonderful idea from a electricity saving, upkeep and repair standpoint. The students and researchers that use the lab rarely use anything that requires a lot of system power and the calculations are always performed on the servers anyway. It's genius!, why don't more places do this?
  20. Man, you edit your posts to something radically different all the time! I have no idea what you're talking about 99% of the time..., particularly now.
  21. At the very least, virtualbox is free.
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