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Everything posted by nullArray

  1. Mac/PC/Linux? If Mac, you can create an 256-bit AES encrypted disk image very simply in Disk Utility. Otherwise I can't help you besides what my GoogleFu turns up.
  2. nullArray, but I don't have a gold account and don't plan to until there's something worth playing that my roommates purchase (hell if I am going to). I usually try to occupy my video game time with my Wii, cause I bought that..., the Xbox360 is just in my apartment (my roommates bought it together) and I don't want to get too attached.
  3. How do your parents know how to do this? Do they work for Linksys or the NSA? My father still doesn't understand the intricacies of webmail for christ's sake. Either way, think of it like this Virtual Machine--->Virtual Network Card---->VM Client---->Real Network Card---->Router---->Internet If your parents were blocking internet, they block it................../\ Here /\, which trickles down all the way to the VM. Does this make sense? If your parents blocked access, it stops at the host machine, a virtual machine uses the host machine to interface with everything else, thus, making a VM useless in this case. Then again, I'm having trouble understanding what your situation is.
  4. iPhone has a 2MP fixed focus camera. I don't think the touch will ever, ever, get a camera. The iPhone and iTouch are so similar, they use that as a differentiation.
  5. But if the OP was looking for a phone, they would have said that.
  6. If you want a great web browser and music/video player then the iPod Touch is the best option. I'm not sure why some of the others here think the browser isn't as good as smartphone browsers..., if anything it's far better, with the only downside being the lack of cellular data. Since music/video are it's primary functions, you wanna make sure it's a useable experience. Plenty of smartphones and even dumbphones can play music stored off a card, but it's a painful process to use, sync, and organize. Music players in phones are usually terribad (thankfully this is changing) and the interfaces are slow and sluggish. The screen is huge and the resolution is great for videos. Gaming, is meh at best..., there a few diamonds in the rough (Rolando, MotionX Poker, and Topple to name a few). To the poster that said you can get more apps on a smart phone must have not logged into the App Store recently..., :S There are thousands if I'm not mistaken, and most of them are $9.99 and under, compare that to Handago......., and the App Store looks like a very attractive option. Where do you have your music already? If it's in iTunes, I doubt you'll find a better music player out there. --------------------- I AM an apple fanboy, so take what I say with a gain of salt.
  7. Just backed up my password database to my iDisk. :) Thanks for reminding me.
  8. My twin's password hint was: "something I like." Of course, the first thing I guessed was, "boobs" and I got it. I was almost ashamed of him. I personally use 1Password to generate massive completely random passwords, then a throw a weird symbol like ∂, ¢ or ∫, you know. I don't even know my passwords..., I solely rely on 1Password. Which may not be a good idea :( .
  9. Shannon actually picked this as one of her favorite products, right? I actually did not get the sexual references many have been making and thought it was as a great product if it could really work. I have the distinct feeling that if you don't move it fast enough, your device will charge, stop, charge, stop, charge, stop, charge, within a 10 second timespan..., which would kill the battery.
  10. I like to disassemble them atom by atom and rearrange the particles into cupcakes. </sarcasm> Melt, boil, shotgun, snap, thermite, shred, ... all good options.
  11. The choice is clear: closed source ftw if u liek smex. But for real, there's nothing wrong with open or closed source, it's just making a lifestyle behind it is just going too far...
  12. This is what I was getting at, even the Microsoft part.
  13. I honestly had a dream that I donated $50,000 and all I got was a "Thanks for your donation" email. Although I guess I don't know what I was expecting.
  14. I highly doubt it was on a Mac server. Even if was, they weren't actually hacked. The admin page with a shadowed passwd file freely available. It was bad administration practice, not the work of a poorly constructed server OS. I guess you didn't bother to read the article.
  15. They're most likely contracted to say a certain amount about the product, show a certain number of supporting material and/or take up predetermined amount of time depending on how much the advertiser wants to pay. Be reasonable. Hak5 is brought to you for free. You should be glad the sponsorships are available to keep the show running. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Besides, if they bother you that much, just skip past them...,
  16. I think there are plenty of 1337 people that watch Rev3 content. Tekzilla and System are tech shows. It's also the spiritual successor to the TechTV network in my mind.
  17. Do you want Hak5 at all? Advertisements are a necessary component to keeping Hak5 alive.
  18. Most hacking is illegal, so they can't just walk into a coffee shop and steal their cookies and passwords. Putting it on a popular IPTV show is like turning yourself into the police. Snubs adds plenty to the show. That was Darren's segment, not hers. If you kept watching, she had her own segment where she talked about rainbow tables and it was quite good, despite what others are saying about the semantics behind it. She was just being cute while Darren was talking, it made the segment hilarious. HD is coming. I'm pretty sure they have all the stuff required. It might be a rev3 issue with setting up the RSS feeds. I dunno. Last night on HakHouse, Darren said the most today's episode was HD (it wasn't, not sure what happened there), and that their HD technology is better than Tekzilla's. Relax, it is coming.
  19. There isn't any sort of seller protection available? Same thing happened to me and PayPal gave me my money back after I filed a claim.
  20. This has gotten really heavy for a Linux thread...
  21. By letting people watch expensive low quality streaming nonlive television in Japan? I don't see how that's going to win the hardcores. The hardcore problem is cyclical, quality games don't get bought by the majority of Wii owners out there. Therefore, the designers stop making quality games. The Wii is viewed as a way to make a quick buck..., Needless to say, with my Wii being my only console, I'm pretty excited to see how this pans out in america.
  22. Well, only the Air and 17 MBP have non user replaceable batteries. Also, the 17 MBP battery lasts 5 years instead of 1, so you'll get your free outdated notebook five years from now. I hope future you enjoys it!
  23. The extra power comes from the fact that it's massive, however, it's good for 1000 charge cycles, which I'd LOVE to see in the other MacBooks. I don't think Sony will ever have Netflix on the PS3..., I think Microsoft paid a lot of money for that exclusivity.
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