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Wess Leaving HAK5


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(sorry if this has already been made... remove if needed)

This topic has been created as i think this Diserves its own little space of the internet, in which Hacklings like myself can find out the bad news. (good, depending on which angle you look at it)

I personally hope that life goes well for Wess, though i will miss him and his mod's on Hak5. The show will never be the same without you man. :D


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one of the things i REALLY liked in the first eps of Hak.5 was its balance: Darren was the software/geeky guy and Wess the hardware/cool one.

With Wess resigning the show has had a big loss but i think that Matt will do a great work maintaining the balance :lol:

Good luck Wess, you've earned it!

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sux he's leaving. some of the stuff he did was pretty cool and it will be missed. what would be nice is if one of the fans of hak5 had a good enough camera and the skill and would start modding and submitting it. darren said it might be included if its of quality.

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Sorry I told ya'll he'd be on the show :(

Definetly a total lie on my part.

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its ok snubs.

just let wess know we all want him back :)

ill miss his hardware segments. thats what i watched hak5 for back in the days of season 1 :D

spose on the bright side, revision 3, episode a week, just hoping there will be hardware segments by someone else.

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It's only lying if it's intentionaly misleading.

Yeh, I was actually told he WAS going to be on the show, and that was the deal. So thats what I TOLD everyone. Every single person that asked, I said yeah, he'll be on... Cuz that's what I was told in complete seriousness. It's a shame I was misleaded in the first place, so I'm sorry that I misleaded anyone.

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