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Your view on gay's


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So everyone in a while, i see a little mention of gays on this forum and for the most part it's talked about for a few replys then no body really talks about it, and I'm really curious to what you all think. Now I'd really appreiate it if people didn't make this into a gay bashing, if you can't write a mature response(either if your okay with it or not) then don't respond. and in no way am i asking for anyone on here whose in the closet to come out, i just am a very curious person. So please be respectful, us gays have names for you too.

So I'm okay with gay's being a lesbian myself. I'm, I guess what you would call a activist for our school on gay rights, we have a meeting once a week for kids who want to come, but we get about 10 kids. We try to stop the bashing a little bit by going to classes and talking about it, but we don't keep track of when someone says "thats gay". But in our little disscussion with classes we ask people to try and substitute it. Now most teachers don't like us coming into the class because either their really concerened for our saftey (I'm not sure why most of us talking are butch dykes and could take them down..) or are not comfortable with it, one of our teachers talks to the staff once a month or so about it, but since it's not a manditory meeting the teachers who aren't comfortable do not show up. though it should be, our school administration stands differently on the issue. Some stop the gay kids from kissing/holding hand/or each other because its "wrong" while the straight kids can do it. Or they stop the straight kids and not the gay kids cause they aren't comfortable with it. I really think the administration needs to make them stand one way or another, either they stop all of us, or none of us.

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well im fine with gay people. there great. camp people annoy me tho. well at my school us 'metal heads' sometimes kiss eachother as a joke to piss off/tease people.

if you are gay in my school, EVERY one would know and EVERY one would have an oppionion about you as well. and i must admit i do use the phrase "thats gay" ALOT :P but its cool

well ne way i LEAVE SCHOOL IN 3 DAYS!!! PWND SCHOOL :D gonna get me summit good as a trophie too :D

and they blocked hak5 at school :( but if u take the www. off it still works so hahaha pwnd!!!!11

but yeah

gay people are cool and welcome here :)

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heh, mostly i screw wiht peoples heads, my good guy friend is VERY Flammboyant so we hold hands everyonce inawhile and everyones like "Isn't he gay? Isn't She a lesbian? Don't they both have lovers?!"

It's amusing.

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hahahahahahahahahaha i do that with my friend

my good friend nick :)

we like hold hands n run around school shouting 'WERE GAY.....G.A.P....WERE GAY N PROUD' and we get some very dynamic resposes.

i also get nick to 'take me into battle' well really i just jump on his back n go 'FUCKING RUN!!!!!!!!' n i smack his arse n he runs like a horse n takes me places :D

c'est tres amusant


tu parlé le francias?

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It's only "wrong" acording to the bible and several other religions, and if the simpsons hasn't taught us any thing else, it's that active religionising (is that a word) is either not allowed or doesn't happen (passive religionising would be religiuse clothing for example) in american public schools. I don't realy care what any ones sexual prefrances are. (Sorry, I couldn't help my self post that link).

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Does it matter? Just as long as a sexuality isn't forced on anyone, its all good.

Used to live next to some guys who, by there own deffintion, were "a bunch screaming homos", and even they didn't see a problem with people going "thats totally gay" as a term of degredation.

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BTW I think your school admin. probally has it right. If they ban it, they get the ACLU types attacking them, if the OK it, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell will be on the next flight over with there crack team of offensive placard creators. By ignonring it they can get on with fighting for increaingly limited funds and let teenagers be teenagers

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I have no problems with gay if thats the way they want to live thats fine with me. The thing about "Thats gay" i think is totally stupid ive always thought thats a really crappy insult.

well ne way i LEAVE SCHOOL IN 3 DAYS!!! PWND SCHOOL :D gonna get me summit good as a trophie too :D

I left school toddddayyyy woooo

what does this have to do with anything related to technology....

It hasnt its just inhancing the communty and getting to no the people on the forums a bit better

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what does this have to do with anything related to technology....

haha Absolutely nothing! That's why it's in the "Everything Else" category. :lol:

This is the exact same question that was posed to me by a co-worker, and my response is the same: Since I, myself, am gay, I must not have an issue with it. I don't have an issue with straight people either, or anyone in between. Human sexuality isn't a binary thing. There's a lot of grey area, which probably ruffles the feathers of a lot of people.

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I dont have a problem with sexual orientation. I dont like metrosexuals tho... the stereotypical gays personality pisses me off but not because theyre gay. I have a few gay friends... but the ones who are "ditsy" men and women are annoying.

Heres a thought....

Psychologist have proven there is no psychological difference between men and women. There have been many tests that prove this and anyone who has taken an intro to psych should know this. One of the famouse tests was when they straped volunteers to a chair and hooked up machines to measure their brain waves. They then subjected them to porn and they found that both men and women were excited in the same area of the brain at the same time. sex is treated VERY different betwen the two genders... but this is only how they were taught to act about sex. The only difference between how men and women act is taught by society....

so what if men were only taught to like women and visa versa...

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I don't really care if someone's gay, lesbian or bisexual. As has been said as long as the guys aren't really over-the-top stereotypical gay or anything it's fine with me.

I do tend to use the term "that's gay"(as in "RuneScape is gay"). But I don't really mean it like homosexual. Like gay used to mean happy. Then people started using it to mean homosexual(probably because stereotypical gay guys tend to seem really happy). But now people have started using it to mean stupid or crap(like RuneScape).

You don't really tend to notice a difference with lesbians much though... or bisexuals.

And by the way my half-brother is gay.

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Heres a thought....

Psychologist have proven there is no psychological difference between men and women. There have been many tests that prove this and anyone who has taken an intro to psych should know this. One of the famouse tests was when they straped volunteers to a chair and hooked up machines to measure their brain waves. They then subjected them to porn and they found that both men and women were excited in the same area of the brain at the same time. sex is treated VERY different betwen the two genders... but this is only how they were taught to act about sex. The only difference between how men and women act is taught by society....

You got a citation for that? Its a fairly bold statement, given that most of the women i've known haven't liked traditional porn, where as the fantasy of something like Pride & Prejudice was much more interesting for them.

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You got a citation for that? Its a fairly bold statement, given that most of the women i've known haven't liked traditional porn, where as the fantasy of something like Pride & Prejudice was much more interesting for them.

no citation... was from one of my psych classes (bet its in my book... but not going to do that much work) It wasnt about how people outwardly expressed but how their brains worked when subjected... dosnt matter what they thought of it in the end.. their brain still took it in the same on either gender

There were other test such as men are able to express their feelings just as well as women and so on.

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I dislike homosexuality male or female version of it.

to me it is not natural, baring any biblical references two males can not make a baby on there own neither can two females. reproduction can not happen so to me that does not make sense.

do i dislike the homosexual? no i do not

i can be friends with a homosexual person as long as his/her views are not shoved in my face. but that goes for any friendship.

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so what if men were only taught to like women and visa versa...

I really don't see how being gay is something that's taught. The attraction to the opposite or same gender as oneself is something that just happens. I never, EVER made a CHOICE to be attracted to guys. And I never made a choice to not be attracted to women. I just started noticing that the people I found attractive while growing up were not the ones that my friends found attractive.

I never make my sexuality an issue with other people. If my friends or co-workers start talking about their significant others, I will, too. If someone asks me questions, I'll answer honestly.

As far as public displays of affection... I don't like seeing other people doing it, and I don't care to be seen doing it. It just makes me uncomfortable. Go suck face somewhere else. :lol:

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Heres a thought....

Psychologist have proven there is no psychological difference between men and women. There have been many tests that prove this and anyone who has taken an intro to psych should know this. One of the famouse tests was when they straped volunteers to a chair and hooked up machines to measure their brain waves. They then subjected them to porn and they found that both men and women were excited in the same area of the brain at the same time.

Uhm, it really isn't that set in stone. That test doesn't prove there is no psychological difference between the sexes, it just shows they repsond the same to porn. There have bee numerous studies showing differences between men and women in things like memory and spatial awareness, and studies showing conflicting results to those. There certainly isn't the universal consensus among psycologists about the degree of difference to psychology that gender makes which you seem to imply. It is quite a hard thing to study because of course there are things like social and evironmental things that migth affect a certain gender more than the other.

Edit: Another thing just occured to me. There are people who are born with ambiguous gender. That is they are partially male and partially female (it's called intersexuality if you want to look it up). Now until relatively recently doctors would try to "correct" this by assigning them to an abitrary gender (usually female since it's easier to make a vagina than a penis). HOWEVER although they were frequently brought up as that gender and never told they were sexually ambiguous at birth, a number of intersexuals didn't feel it was there correct gender. I remember reading about one case where an intersexual felt they were the wrong gender and threatened to commit suicide unless their parent would let them have a sex change (I think they were about 15), despite never having been told they had been surgically assigned a gender at birth. If males and females are psychologically identical that is a bit hard to explain, isn't it?

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