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Well I thought it would be cool if I made an animated .gif my background. I pull up this .gif and managed to set it as my background. It worked but was really slow and I wanted to make it faster. So I pull up Task Manager and see what process is using my cpu. I right click it and change the priority to high (ya I know really stupid). I locked up my computer, had to restart it, and spent 15 minutes trying to get rid of it. I guess that what I get for trying it on this crap box with integrated graphics.

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I've done some stupid things before, the worst of which was probably when I wanted to delete a slink from my home directory which pointed to /usr/local/www/data-dist:

rm -r /home/sparda/www/

and then I was sat there thinking "Why is it doing so much writing to the HD? OMFG!! ctrl+c ctrl+c ctrl+c", fun times ^^

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I had an rm -rf accident some years ago.

I had to rm -rf somedir so the command for that became:

rm -rf /path/to/somedir /

I used tab completion to get the paths right, but to this very day I can't understand how I managed to add an extra space before the last slash.

Luckily it was my own box, but still...

On a similar note, at work our admin wasn't very well acquanted with Solaris. He set up a webserver that we were to upload files to. Problem was that the files we uploaded were inaccessible for the webserver (default rights on files issue). As a fix, we got to SSH to the box as root, go into somedir and run "chown -R nobody:nogroup *".

So one day one cow-orker forgot to change to somedir, and with that one command made all the files on the machine the property of nobody... You wouldn't BELIEVE how much logging that generates while the system remains up. And the system HAD to stay up as this was a production box and we weren't allowed to take it down until much later that day.

We had a good laugh over that one though. :)

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Accidentally locking an entire company out of a production server when I left a temporary password in place, forgot to close my RDP connection and went home for a 3 day weekend. Luckily the admin had memory's of similar incidents in his own past and accepted my apology.

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Back when i was much much much younger (read: like 11/12) i decided that i should delete some "empty" unknown to me at the time they there were things that were hidden, and it was in the windows file. I dont no what exactly i deleted but it was something like drivers or similar (again something i didn't no existed) which left my pc so unstable for a few months.

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Stupid Computer things I have done.

I bought a $700 piece of paper from eBay (Thought I was buying a laptop. READ THE FINE PRINT)

I trusted someone on IRC (way back when) on how to fix my old mandrake install. ( `init 6` ) is not a all fixing command, unless you are running a Microsoft Product.

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Stupid Computer things I have done.

I bought a $700 piece of paper from eBay (Thought I was buying a laptop. READ THE FINE PRINT)

*Remebers finding a PS3 box on ebay selling at $1.5k*

Yeah I have a mate that sold: "iPod nano 4GB box, unopened" for $275.

I also had a 360 core box before they were released in Australia, I could have done soooo much damage with it.

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lol ive had one of these moments..

sorry if u not allowed to talk about wares... but its was in torrents

had abc running, Ctrl+ A start all dls and then run out the door to uni

come back several hours later and noticed i had a torrent in there for a file id moved/deleted and it was downloading again, so right click, remove torrent and files

oops ctrl+a was still in affect, watched about 3months of dls remove themselfs and forgot to just slam reboot

was dead gutted

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Yeah I have a mate that sold: "iPod nano 4GB box, unopened" for $275.

I also had a 360 core box before they were released in Australia, I could have done soooo much damage with it.

WTF how did he get away with that, how would you get the iPod out of the box with out opening the box :S

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