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Questions about Client mode Mac / Windows


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Ok so it wasn't as hot as I thought I noticed I had it in a bad spot on top of the laptop and I guess where alot of heat was generating. I moved it over and cooled down. I guess if it did become an issue later on I could get a small southbridge heatsink or those ones that look like bandaids that stick on. Just for fun darren have you tried connecting 2 nanos into each other and making a dual core 800mhz!? Idk if they would run together but it would be like a mini tetra and 4 radios to do whatever you wanted.

Yeah I don't recommend keeping the NANO plugged into a USB port next to a laptop CPU exhaust fan. Either try a different port or use the included extension cable.

As for the double NANO, what would happen is the host NANO would enumerate the second pineapples ASIX USB Ethernet as eth1. With the proper routing there are a number of ways this could benefit the auditor. That said, the USB Host port on the NANO is only rated at 500mW and the NANO (without a USB accessory) is rated at 1W - so there would likely be stability issues. Those could be mitigated if the second unit was only used in a passive mode since the majority of the power budget is in the radio transmitters. Anyway, I haven't tried but would be a fun experiment.

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Another option would be to use a powered USB hub. While not as portable and sleek looking (and requiring additional power source) it would do the trick of powering the second nano. Thats said, I have had HORRIBLE luck with these, so I highly recommend searching out a high quality one and shelling out the cash for it. I lost two AWUS036 wifi adapters to a bad powered hub (fried 'em - magic smoke and all). I would check out thewirecutter.com's suggestions as a good place to start. Don't be like telot and buy the cheapest one available out of the bargain bin :)



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If you have remote ssh access, I like to pipe the output of tcpdump on the pineapple to a local wireshark instance. Looks something like this

ssh nano tcpdump -U -s0 -i br-lan -w - | wireshark -k -i -

Interesting - could you explain how to approach this? Say I'm on Windows with Putty for instance and SSH'd into the pineapple?

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Interesting - could you explain how to approach this? Say I'm on Windows with Putty for instance and SSH'd into the pineapple?

That wouldnt work with PuTTY. The command "ssh root@ tcpdump -U -s0 -i br-lan -w - | wireshark -k -i" at the command line will execute "tcpdump -U etc" over ssh on the target.

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Yeah I don't recommend keeping the NANO plugged into a USB port next to a laptop CPU exhaust fan. Either try a different port or use the included extension cable.

Lol definitely wasnt next to the exhaust fan on laptop. Just a random spot next to the trackpad getting hot.

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Greetings to all,

I've been trying to tether my MBP's Wi-Fi to the Pineapple nano.

For starters, I've set the network connection to the nano (via its USB networking adapter) to an IP of

Simply enabling ICS from Wi-Fi to Pineapple and adding the default route of on the nano does not work.

I've skimmed through this topic and tried TGYK's script to no avail. I also posted a ticket on the script's github page.

Tethering from my Android phone is great, but I need the phone for other things.

I am aware I can run a VM and pipe the USB to the VM, but I need that extra RAM for other things while I tinker with the nano.

On a side note, really cool tactical package!

Any help would be great,


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Yeah im having the same issue happen to came across your thread here I was checking out if you go to the Apple icon System Preferences> Sharing > Internet Sharing > pick either Ethernet or Airport I thought that supposed to be the ICS for OS X im not sure though when I tried I lost internet on my Hackintosh.

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ZeraByte, I lose internet sometimes too when I enable ICS...

barry99705, you think it is worth it posting on apple forums somewhere of this issue? In truth, I don't really know exactly what the issue is, so I can't really report it properly. Is it something to do with a certain hardcoded local network in ICS?

Can I not change NANO's network to match Apple's ICS?


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Im running Parallels on my mac with Linux mint 17.3 kde in coherence mode and it runs great.

Virtualbox 5.0 and Parallels 11, go to network settings for the VM and set it to bridged and then go to usb settings and add the pineapple as a usb device for the vm only. This has worked very well for me on a mac

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get virtualbox or parallels and install linux (kali, ubuntu, mint) and set your network up as bridged default, then while the pineapple is plugged in add it to the USB options so it connects to the VM only. I have had great luck with that.

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To elaborate on the wisdom already provided, Apple sets the subnet for devices with which internet will be shared.( You can either change the pinapple's default IP to be within that subnet, or change the subnet to surround the Nano's IP. I leave my work Mac at work so I can't play with it now, but perhaps this might help get you started - http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20090510120814850

It's old but Apple still keeps shit in plists. The nat plist should still be in or near the same directory.

Also of interest:


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b0N3z, thanks for the suggestion - I was not aware you can bridge that networks. I use VirtualBox and thought I can just select the USB device. I did mention though, that I am trying to avoid running a VM.

audibleblink, thanks for the links; will check them out. Do you also know how to change the pineapple's IP safely so I don't lock myself out? I think this will be the easier option...


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ZeraByte, I lose internet sometimes too when I enable ICS...

barry99705, you think it is worth it posting on apple forums somewhere of this issue? In truth, I don't really know exactly what the issue is, so I can't really report it properly. Is it something to do with a certain hardcoded local network in ICS?

Can I not change NANO's network to match Apple's ICS?


It's not an issue, its one of Apples "features". The ICS network is locked to 192.168.2.x.

Yeah im having the same issue happen to came across your thread here I was checking out if you go to the Apple icon System Preferences> Sharing > Internet Sharing > pick either Ethernet or Airport I thought that supposed to be the ICS for OS X im not sure though when I tried I lost internet on my Hackintosh.

Still think OSX is the superior operating system? smh.

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It's not an issue, its one of Apples "features". The ICS network is locked to 192.168.2.x.

Still think OSX is the superior operating system? smh.

OS X is a lot better then Windows coming from someone who's used Windows as his main OS for every 15 years I'd say OS X is a lot better then most of the other Operating Systems I've used in the past including Linux.

I'm enjoying my OS X though its so far well worth the hassle I plan to do a follow up video explaining the problems I had and the pros and cons to moving from Windows to OS X.

So far OS X has been the OS I've been missing all my life but I've only been using it maybe a week now.

Just because of this little issue with ICS not working with the nano isn't gonna upset me.

I'm more upset that I paid $100 for the NANO and the android app for the WiFi Pineapple Connector App doesn't work so their are pros and cons to everything.

The good thing is I've figured out how to access my nano from my tablet without the WiFi Pineapple Connector App I just simply need to enable USB tethering on my nexus 7 2013 tablet manually then head over the the 192.x.x.x IP the NANO was assigned so fair its always been for me so im able to use my tablet with the NANO hopefully hak5 will fix that connector app I'd rather being using that but eh.

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audibleblink, thanks for the links; will check them out. Do you also know how to change the pineapple's IP safely so I don't lock myself out? I think this will be the easier option...

No idea, for sure, but don't be afraid of having to reflash =P

If I were in your position, I'd look at /etc/config/network, modify and reboot.

Breaking things is how I learn =P


shot in the dark ---

change the following 2 in /etc/config/network on the Nano

option ipaddr
options gateway

Then on your computer:

ifconfig ethX netmask

Turn on ICS. Browse to

Don't hate me if it bricks

edit 2:

If you're worried about locking yourself out, make a backup of /etc/config/network and write a scrpit that restores the backup and cron it for 10 minutes. If you're locked out when you reboot, just wait 10 minutes, reboot again and you should be fine. Used this technique when trying to learn iptables after the 3rd time I had to rebuild debian because I'd locked myself out with some stupid rule.

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ZaraByte, thank you for that reply against "Mac sucks" comment. I was typing something out when I got a notification of 2 new posts.

Gents, let us not make this thread about another OS war shall we.

audibleblink, if I will have no access to the device via network, how would I reflash... I am not afraid of braking configs if I know how to reflash =). Also, that first link is not applicate to El Capitan as that plist do not exist... Reading the stackechange now...



ZeraByte, I won't hate you if I brick =P. I just won't do anything until I know I can reflash safely... Its not exactly the price of a real pineapple ;).

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OP, please allow me to venture off-topic and dissect and annotate this post.

OS X is a lot better then Windows coming from someone who's used Windows as his main OS for every 15 years I'd say OS X is a lot better then most of the other Operating Systems I've used in the past including Linux.

That's probably because you didn't use Linux to its fullest. I also think its completely preposterous to claim that a locked up and dumbed-down OS can be better than a free, open and more capable OS.

So far OS X has been the OS I've been missing all my life but I've only been using it maybe a week now.

Just because of this little issue with ICS not working with the nano isn't gonna upset me.

You think that's going to be your only issue? I use OSX and trust me, yer in for a treat.

I'm more upset that I paid $100 for the NANO and the android app for the WiFi Pineapple Connector App doesn't work so their are pros and cons to everything.

The good thing is I've figured out how to access my nano from my tablet without the WiFi Pineapple Connector App I just simply need to enable USB tethering on my nexus 7 2013 tablet manually then head over the the 192.x.x.x IP the NANO was assigned so fair its always been for me so im able to use my tablet with the NANO hopefully hak5 will fix that connector app I'd rather being using that but eh.

The WiFi Pineapple connector app works well for me and the majority of others, for some reason I can't help but think PEBCAK.

Back to the actual topic:

The way Apple like to implement common features such as ICS makes things like this a massive pain in the arse. Unfortunately people insist on using operating systems with broken features, and the only real advice I can give someone looking to use reliable and easy ICS is to use linux (or even windows).

EDIT: I'm not Anti-OSX, because I run it on both my desktop and laptop, However the cold hard truth is that on Linux, ICS just works.

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audibleblink, if I will have no access to the device via network, how would I reflash... I am not afraid of braking configs if I know how to reflash =). Also, that first link is not applicate to El Capitan as that plist do not exist... Reading the stackechange now...
don't need network access to reflash, just hold the reset button for 6+ seconds while it's powered on. if that doesn't work, then

1. Download the latest WiFi Pineapple NANO firmware from https://www.wifipineapple.com/nano/

2. Hold down the reset button while plugging the WiFi Pineapple NANO into your computer

3. After a moment, release the reset button

4. Set a static IP address on the WiFi Pineapple NANO Ethernet interface to (netmask

4a. Linux: sudo ifconfig eth1 netmask up

5. Open a web browser and navigate to

6. From the recovery web interface, click browse and select the file downloaded in step 1

7. Click update and wait 5-10 minutes as the WiFi Pineapple flashes the firmware. Do not interrupt power during this time.

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xrad, unless you need the RAM... Please read the thread.

audibleblink, thanks for the cron job tip (you can congratulate me as its my first time using cron =P; i wish it wasn't vi that opened though on the -e option - i am sure there is a way to change that).

IT WORKS. But here is the trick...

You need to have the the pineapple in the network - that part is obvious and audibleblink showed how to change that (to a nobb like me). The non-obvious part is you need to set its gateway to and make sure that is NOT the address of the Mac on that adapter. You can set it at DHCP if you want or make it static on the netowkr, but don't set it to

I was using the network configuration tab in the settings as opposed to the terminal and I guess that tab does not reflect the ICS settings.

Thanks to all for explaining things and a special thanks to audibleblink.


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I made sure, If I was going to spend today's prices for yesterday's hardware I had the ram.

I knew full well what I was getting into.

It has been known for sometime Mac changes their ICS every time they give a new flavor, Mac users using the mark?? Know this. It's nothing new, if anyone cares to read the forums.

I offered a very simple solution, in the future it will happen again...... Seen it break with every flavor of OSX..... Just trying to save a bit of heartache.....that's all..... Forgive me for trying.

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Derp. Right on man. Glad it worked and that you were able to see my mistake in that you needed the Nano to be on the network. I even said that on an earlier post *smh*.

Maybe this should be the solution to ICS on OS X going forward. It's like 3 commands and let's face it, we should be changing the default networks anyway.

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