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Everything posted by psydT0ne

  1. http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Internet_Connect...mit_Der_Jasager
  2. I still believe that this type of build would make an excellent segment on hak5...right from sourcing parts to the build then the mods that follow..
  3. tell them to stick their service up their collective candy asses and find a new isp.
  4. i'd submit it for hak5 segment projects if i were u...
  5. its been doneby others but i'd like to see Hak5 do a nice custom built pc from the ground up with special attention to customization and quality. maybe a couple of builds...a high spec machine....a budget lan box and maybe a nice eleet looking server. i'm sure they could get sponsors for the hardware?
  6. Dazz... im in Australia and got mine from the uk via ebay...it cost me around $60 AUD after shipping etc. Its an expensive proposition compared to costs involved from countries where the fonera lives natively... but it really depends on how much you want one.
  7. ok ...i feel like a complete noob...but we all start somewhere....:) i now understand the process in creating the "findme" connection... duh. my laptop has never been out of the house ...thus the only network its ever used has been a wpa network which the fon doesn't mimic. i created several other open networks from findme to all sorts of creative names...and of course jasager found them all. i feel like a complete twat now of course, but happy to know that i've got the bloody thing working. Cheers Robin
  8. http://www.million-dollar-pc.com/systems-2...8/murderbox.htm Discuss
  9. hey dude have you tried and once you get it working can you tell me what the jasager appears as in your available wireless network list ? does it mimic your real wireless network or does it just say "Open WRT"
  10. i've taken it out of the config file. i've tested it on two laptops... in windows 7 it's just detected as "other network" and in windows xp it doesn't appear at all. I got windows to look for the ssid of "findme" and it found it all ok...and connected well. As far as i can see jasager is working ok, just not broadcasting or "mimicking" the real AP's ssid... I've also removed the virtual device created in x-wrt and recreated it thru jasager in case something was screwed up there. I had the same issue with the later version of Jasager too, just like the other guy. I there a way that i can say return this thing to it's complete original state as just a fon and make sure everything else is gone and then just start again?
  11. This is a jasager issue that i hope will get more attention here. I have a fon with the first version of jasager installed...it works ok. Problem is the fon appears as "Open WRT" in the list of available networks and doesn't seem to mimic the local network's ssid. If i force a connection to "Open WRT" on my laptop...i can still view traffic in the jasager gui, on my second laptop no problem. I logged into webif and accessed the file editor thru x-wrt and removed the ssid "Open Wrt" and saved. Rebooted the fon...and same problem. Can anyone help me...i'm almost there... *EDIT ok i edited the /etc/config/wireless file and removed the ssid, so its blank. now it appears in the available netorks as "other network"
  12. I'm also having this issue and my install went all ok. OpenWRT appears in the list of available networks and the laptop automatically connects to the correct AP. I've logged into the web gui for the fon/openwrt and edited the /etc/config/wireless file and removed the essid...rebooted the fon and OpenWRT still appears. Any other ideas would be great
  13. I found this recently when listening to Steve Gibsons podcast Security Now. Google safe browsing diagnostic page....kinda worth checking out : "http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=" Place the website you want to check out after the "=" sign, for example : http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=hak5.org This basically provides you with google's feedback on its diagnostic scan of a sites pages valid for the last 90 days. Kinda cool dont cha think? Try the New York Times website as an example, after their issues with some bad advertising ;) Add nytimes.com to your query...
  14. Hey mate...i know how you feel...i went through the same thing 2 years ago. My wife was expecting our third and i got made redundant. We decided to sell our house and move in with my parents until i could find work. That was a hard 2 years, buddy...my family lost its identity and i battled depression. My marriage went through some stressful times, but we're still together and stronger than ever. I evaluated my skillset and lowered my sights a little and scored a job in HR, (i was working in IT for a large telco doing adsl network stuff for wholesale and retail)...then i took a job that paid better as a service tech working on boilers and chemical water treatment for cooling towers etc. With that I managed to earn enough for our family to get a new house and now things are finally getting back to "normal" My point is this: Never doubt yourself or your abilities or what you capable of achieving and give yourself some time to get back on your feet....thinking that everything will be back to normal in a few weeks or months can be self defeating...sets some realistic goals and take your time. This shit is a setback and nothing more, life goes on and you can't change what's happened, but realise that acceptance of this fact will take time. Your family is your support network. Keep your family together and talk to your wife about everything you're going through....and more importantly listen to what she has to say and what she's going through. Set your sights a little lower when job seeking. By all means apply for jobs within your skillset and your salary expectation, but you need to be willing to take jobs that pay a little less. Take a step back and assess the skills you have and how they'd apply to jobs outside the fields your used to. You may need to work more than one job to make ends meet. Remember though that these are building blocks for your self esteem. Working and having some cash coming in is good for you and your family, even if it is a struggle. When times are tough, invest in yourself and your development, take a course...look at uni for example. (part time of course) Have a professional look at your cv/resume and make sure that it's the best it can be. Print them out and dress for success and walk the beat and approach employers in your local area. Submit letters of expressions of interest to the HR departments of companies that aren't recruiting right now. Companies sometime don't advertise positions but recruit through their own employees "knowing someone"....it can't hurt getting their attention. It's going to be a tough road...stay positive...have some fun with your family...keep fit as this all helps. I hope some of these things help you man, i really do, as i can really identify with what your're going thru. Last of all, if you're finding yourself bottling a lot of this shit up, getting stressed, can't sleep or whatever...y'know what i mean...talk to someone...a professional even your local GP. Never be afraid to speak up...being a bloke and the main bread winner in your family and having this shit happen to you, can really knock you about....get yourself right in the head first or you'll be no use to anybody. Peace man,,,good luck.
  15. I'd love to give this a go... I'm on a 1.5megabit connection atm...which gives me 256k up and about 150kb/sec down. My uploads are not counted towards my cap....my downloads are. but i'd love to contribute
  16. i think this guy is full of shit.
  17. psydT0ne

    BF2 drivers?

    my HIS 4870 refuses to boot with windows 7 installed...latest drivers etc u name it...only runs with xp...hows that for fucked.
  18. Id use the best hard drive recovery on the planet...spinrite 6.0
  19. try using this... http://service1.symantec.com/Support/tsgen...005033108162039
  20. The podcast "Security Now" with Steve Gibson and Leo Leporte covered this product a way back ...worth checking it out. Prolly available from GRC.com
  21. I found some info here... Best linux for netbooks? A lot can be found in google...but yeah if we googled all our questions, there'd be no need for forums, right?
  22. Next hak5 mod.....CVS to TASER mod.. :)
  23. Nah your bullshit rant brings up a lot of valid points.
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