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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Thread redundant, try http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6166.
  2. I'd be very interested in a meet, though it's likely I'd only be able to attent if it's in the UK.
  3. It's gonna piss a few people off (neochivers for one) but I'm afraid that sounds the best idea. There will without doubt be plenty of booze and it'll likely be on licensed premises, so anyone under 18 would have trouble following the crowd anyway. I'm up for it, btw.
  4. moonlit

    Pandora Hack

    I just saw this exact post in Pandora Hacks... Now, normally I'd have deleted it as soon as I saw it... it's a duplicate post and it's not in the right place... BUT it does demonstrate a technique that might be useful for other applications so I'm gonna leave it for the other mods to kill. :)
  5. *heavy breathing and nasty barbed comment here*
  6. moonlit


    MHz ratings tell you little about the actual real world performance of the CPU so yes, he's right. The numbers in the model number mean nothing, it's just that, a model number. Horza was also right about the original reason for the xxxx+ AMD model numbers, they were supposed to compare a product to its comparable Intel product. Right now, with 64bit multi-core CPUs it means nothing, the numbering scheme no longer works for current technology. hakgipc: You've asked a very similar question before, the answer to your question is no, 5000+ does NOT equal a 5GHz CPU in any possible way.
  7. DOS can have network drivers/access, I've used LAN-enabled MSDOS bootdisks in the past, you'll probably have to find the right drivers and build your own. It can be done though.
  8. moonlit


    But that doesn't mean it's anything close to 5GHz, the numbers mean jack these days, even less than they used to.
  9. Yup, it's good stuff... using its (supplied) plugins it also acts as a very basic PVR too, which is quite useful.
  10. (Windows 95, for anyedie)
  11. i've got the dvd's of season 1 & 2 :P No, you haven't. Because season 2 hasn't even been filmed yet.
  12. lol he said he was too tired, I thought I'd just drop in a couple I'd already prepared for him to catch up to ;)
  13. (Workbench 3.1 on an Amiga A1200)
  14. (RISCOS 3.1 on an Acorn Archimedes A5000)
  15. Me and Famicoman decided to try 1-upping each other with old OS screenshots and rather than muddying the dekstop shots thread, we thought a seperate thread might be nice... Let the old-school wars commence!
  16. K!TV, works great, loads of features, has recording/screenshotting functions.
  17. Well done for resurrecting it ;)
  18. This is warez, we do not support warez here. The *only* answer to this is to go and buy a guarenteed official copy of CS2 from a reputable outlet. You might get some money back if you complain to eBay and work something out with your credit card company but even that's doubtful. Possible but unlikely that you could shop the guy who sold it to you to Adobe, but I doubt that'd make much difference. Either way, once again, BUY A PRE-PACKED, SHRINK WRAPPED, OFFICIAL Adobe copy of the software, trying to 'fix' your trial copy is not allowed.
  19. Nope, go buy a copy of CS2, that's the only route out.
  20. I'd be disappointed too if that were the full episode... ...it's a teaser, check back on the 5th for the real episode ;)
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