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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Not gonna happen without another attack, like for instance the deauth trick shown in Hak5 3x06
  2. To drop the temperature without more fans I'd recommend CPUIdle (http://www.cpuidle.de/), it cools the CPU by sending what are basically "sleep" commands during unused CPU time. On the downside it's useless if you're hammering the CPU because there's no free time for the CPU to sleep during.
  3. I deleted them. We do not support pirated software on this forum, the wiki or the IRC and what you posted about could easily be seen as aiding piracy.
  4. moonlit


    yeah and no one will ever need more then 640k of memory Dont mock me. I know Bill Gates once made that foolish comment, but atleast not between now and the time I die... I just really dont see anyone needing that much space, what file could actually be that large? maybe one day there will be like giant media files that are 3D holograms, and average file size is like 50GB each, but until then... I just dont see it According to Gates he didn't say that... I don't have a source to link you to so I won't press that point... Nevertheless though, with uncompressed HD video we could well need very large HDDs. I don't see it being impossible to use up a petabyte or more.
  5. moonlit


    Bits, Nibbles, Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Petabytes, Exabytes, Zettabytes, Yottabytes. Edit: ...but now I think about it, what comes next: Bit, Nibble, Byte, Kibibyte, Mebibyte, Gibibyte... err... Tebibytes, Pebibytes, Exibibytes, Zettibibytes and Yottibibytes? C'mon, they're not really going to... are they? :|
  6. DO make sure it's properly configured. DON'T host it on a home connection if a) plenty of people are going to be using it or b) people you don't know or trust will be using it.
  7. All I really know about it is that it's for the Mac...
  8. Fair points actually, if you read between the grammar. Still, you're preaching to the... wait, never mind.
  9. moonlit


    "I'm going to sue you for this!" "Hahahahahahahahaha. I want the project on my desk tomorrow morning or you've failed." "..."
  10. moonlit


    ReadyBoost is Windows Vista's System for Expanding Your Systems Memory by Using your Flash Memory Stick as an Addition to your Memory. Actually it's not, it's used as a file cache for often used files and data.
  11. I think that's where he was going with his post...
  12. moonlit


    No, there isn't. If you're going to steal passwords then at least to learn to do it yourself. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
  13. Good luck to them or scientology? Both I suppose, they're not the only "religion" to do what they do.
  14. It might do... but might not, use it and I'll see you in court. :D
  15. Row row row your boat, gently up shit creek, throw your paddle overboard and then begin to shriek... © Moonlit 2008
  16. Because the program that contains the boot screen is more than just a boot screen, it's the Windows kernel. Replace it and Windows will never boot. Ever. Even if you could replace it you wouldn't be able to use a Windows executable since Windows won't have booted yet. You can't use an MSDOS executable because MSDOS is emulated in Windows XP. You'd have to write the whole thing in ASM/C and it'd be a whole lot more trouble than you're asking for. Oh yeah, and even if you did create this program you'd still have no Windows, you'll have replaced the kernel with a video player.
  17. moonlit

    Win 98

    Try Windows 3.1, it doesn't need any special power options.
  18. [me=moonlit]bashes his head against a brick. Repeatedly.[/me]
  19. I'm not certain but I think you can do it on some builds of Longhorn with a hack or two. AFAIK though you can't do it on XP.
  20. M0DIPHYD is being uploaded as I type this, my upload speeds are sucking royally. The Packet Sniffers will be uploaded sometime soon, likely within the next week. It's a combination of my account and Famicoman's account since we both have a fair collection of IPTV and both have an interest in preserving the older shows.
  21. This is a collaborative effort to keep older and harder to find IPTV shows alive and available online, some you may have seen or heard of and some perhaps not. Enjoy! http://www.stage6.com/IPTV/videos/ Constantly being updated to keep it in your favourites. :D
  22. moonlit


    Lesson learned I think: don't insert unknown media without turning auto-everything off.
  23. moonlit


    FDISK, format, reinstall, do-dah, do-dah, FDISK, format, reinstall, all the do-dah day...
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