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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Not quite. What I meant was a PC/laptop/server/whatever (or something with a host USB port -important, must be a host, so a device you can plug other USB devices into). Basically as long as you can get a driver for it and you can plug it in, you could control anything with it. Example: I have Fedora on my eee and my Huawei E220 works right out of the box. If I wanted that eee to do something then I could SMS a command to it (with a little scripting, I'm sure). I think status reports from a server would be more useful tbh, I'm struggling to think of a use for SMS controlling a PC. Still, I'm sure it's possible, so if you can think of a way to use it for something...
  2. You will need a USIM (that's a so-called 3G SIM, a regular SIM can be used if the network allows 3G/HSDPA using one) for high speed data but if you only want to use it for text messages (or GPRS) then a normal SIM will do just fine. I guess you could probably use it to remotely control something with a USB port via SMS or, with some credit, have it send you status reports hooked up to a home server or something.
  3. Not a whole lot. You can replace the CD partition with your own stuff much like a U3 stick (assuming it has one, I know the E220 does) or you could probably unlock it and use it with another network just for kicks (again, I know the E220's easily unlockable but I dunno about your model).
  4. Reformat, reflash, done. Besides, this stuff's been out for ages and it's not really a very viable option when you need to infect thousands of different machines with different motherboards and different BIOSs and you need them to stay functional... sure, flashing garbage over a BIOS is all well and good, but it's not going to help you harvest credit card info or DDoS Microsoft.
  5. Dummy DLL (text file with the same name as the DLL)... ...but why not just remove the entire program?
  6. Look, you know as well as we do that you're not the only person here, we don't know your intentions or anyone else's. I appreciate that you want to learn but really as was mentioned earlier, if you really want to learn then do proper research not just ask for a tutorial. I know for a fact that the basics aren't hugely technical so it's not that difficult to get the essential info down. This isn't anything personal and I'm not saying you are going to try and launch your own botnet or whatever but you can't exactly blame us for being against handing you the howto.
  7. Uh... what? You're seriously asking for a tutorial on how to build a botnet? Seriously? Go do your own research or go and fuck yourself. There's no way in hell I'm going to sit and watch a thread on how to build a botnet. Do you have any idea how much of a problem that could cause? Some kid comes running in, reads the topic, then has this awesome plan for world domination and we helped cause it? I don't usually feel the need to be this much of an asshole about topics but this is a really really bad idea.
  8. DC4420 usually meets on a Thursday which is a bit awkward if we're going for a weekend, though 2600 meets on the first Friday of each month. Edit: That weekend suits me.
  9. Whatever comes up, really, sort of chat about stuff and get to know each other maybe over food and/or drink, mess about with some tech, go visit an attraction or two or attend an event of some sort perhaps (we were thinking about perhaps going to a local 2600 meeting or something) and just kinda see what people wanna do really. Granted, some events are planned better than others, last time we held a meet in London it was somewhat less planned but still fun all the same.
  10. You're using the tuner feature, in the dropdown box which says "Video Tuner", choose Composite (or whatever you device uses), give it a name, choose the appropriate video format, tick the Active box and click Insert.
  11. Assuming you have some form of capture card, most webcam software should work fine with it. Personally I liked K!TV for all things tuner and capture card related, especially since as well as using currently installed cards as normal it can also run some cards without a driver being installed (though only with a fairly specific list of chipsets, the Brooktree bt8x8 chipsets for example). Unfortunately last I checked it's not very compatible with Vista and while it sort of worked incompatibility mode it has a habit of being very crashy. If you're using XP though it's a very functional app (recording, video filters or all different kinds, timeshifting, etc) and while it hasn't had any updates in a couple of years it's still a very decent program and better than a lot of other webcam software both free and otherwise, best of all it's free. Edit: Apparently people have had success with K!TV on Vista. Give it a shot anyway, it might just work.
  12. Sad bastards, why not just play the game on super-simple-the-enemies-zey-do-nathing-mode if you're that desperate to win? Jesus.
  13. stingwray: I see what you mean about the start of the month thing, I'll amend my suggestion to "first weekend of july".
  14. moonlit


    How about "fuck no"?
  15. Because suggesting people willingly install malware is a fucking great idea, right? Jesus motherfucking christ...
  16. moonlit


    Apparently this card can capture component video. You'll need a beefy machine to encode it though. Edit: This card (and its little brother) can capture HDMI, though I would suspect it doesn't support HDCP (which the set top box will undoubtedly require for full quality output).
  17. FAT32 should work just fine, if it doesn't (and you're sure the stick is bootable) then try FAT16.
  18. Windows only sees the first partition on a thumbdrive. The easiest way to accomplish this is to just format the whole stick to FAT and install Linux on it, that way Linux will still boot and Windows will still be able to use it for files.
  19. July's cool for me, maybe the second week if people wanna go to toorcamp? I don't mind either way though, the first weekend is just as good as the second for me.
  20. Try telling that to Offensive Security / Remote-Exploit and see how far you get before you get a new hole to shit out of.
  21. Remember my old Teletext simulator? No? Well it's back, and this time it's quite a lot less shit. Last time around I wrote a custom client thing which was horrible, nasty and Windows only. All in all, it was crap. As the UK digital TV switchover (and thus the demise of Teletext) looms I decided to have another crack at the project and this time, well, it doesn't suck. OK, so it's still Windows only, but this time around it's all done server-side. The client end is totally cross-platform though requiring only a telnet client capable of rendering ANSI and an internet connection. It's still a test right now but the server binary is available and you can create your own pages pretty easily. Find out more at http://moonlitcode.wordpress.com/2009/03/1...3-test-release/. TelNEXT in telnet on Fedora TelNEXT in Putty on Windows 7 TelNEXT in Putty on Windows Mobile
  22. It's a... it's... It's... ...it's one of those... things with the... ...so uh... what actually is it? >_>
  23. Unless you're trying to recover the keys to the universe (or something equally as important) I'd just replace the drive. it's a lot of time, effort and energy to try to repair a drive which no longer works and it's not even close to guaranteed that it'll work. Next time, tell him to keep backups.
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