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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. It was the dongle which was being advertised as free, not the data charges. If DNS tunneling did work, it'd probably be slow as balls.
  2. Mine arrived this morning, official Three UK branded packaging and all, along with an invoice from Micro-P as expected. Charged only the expected £4.95 postage, too.
  3. I'm not sure actually, I think I had Flashback 1 for SNES and it looked a lot like that.... I could be wrong though, it was a long time ago. :P
  4. It's still their network and they're perfectly within their rights to restrict what you do. You might not agree, or disagree with their policies, but it's not your place to decide. If you desperately need the net at school, try using your phone or a laptop/netbook with an HSDPA dongle. A second hand laptop and a USB dongle isn't that pricey and you can always say you're using it to take notes.
  5. It's because this thread has happened over and over again. It's not necessarily a stupid idea, but it's very repetitive and it takes a lot of time, effort and skill to make your own distro. Not to mention that yet another distro would be redundant, especially when there are established distros for this purpose specifically designed and built by experienced Linux users and security gurus. It might be an interesting educational exercise and sure, every project has to start somewhere, but if you have to ask then it's probably not a project for you right now.
  6. * Moonlit puts on his flame retardant suit and grabs a chair. Seriously though, seriously? Read the stickies at the top of the Everything Else section, then come back.
  7. Dun-dun-duh-dun... Dun-dun-duh-dun... Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-dun-dun-duh-dun! Defender of the Crown, 1986 (Amiga, DOS, NES, Atari ST, Spectrum, CD-i, Amstrad CPC, C64, Macintosh and Apple IIGS.) . I never did get the hang of jousting, and my games were never over that quickly (at least the few games I won weren't...) . Magic Pockets, 1991 (Amiga, Atari ST, Amiga, Acorn Archimedes and PC.) . Flashback, 1992 (Amiga, MS-DOS, Acorn Archimedes, Sega Mega Drive, Super Nintendo, 3DO, Apple Macintosh, Atari Jaguar, CD-i, FM Towns, MS-DOS and Sega CD. Also emulated on the iPhone in 2009.) Video of first level. Civilization, 1991 (PC, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari ST, PlayStation, N-Gage and SNES.) . Lemmings, 1991 (Too many platforms to list here.) Video of entire game, and . . Stunts, 1990 (Amiga, PC.) . Lode Runner: The Legend Returns, 1994 Lode Runner Online: Mad Monks' Revenge, 1995 (Windows and Mac OS 8.) Chiki Chiki Boys (Mega Twins), 1991 (Arcade, Atari ST, Amiga, Mega Drive, PC Engine, PSP, PlayStation 2 and Xbox.) Video of gameplay.
  8. No, because the payment system is/may be very insecure. Edit: That said, if you use prepaid/gift debit/credit card, it looks like the offer is legit and people are getting the dongles just fine with no overcharging or missing dongles.
  9. It's all good, I should've probably put the licence info in the post (which I've now done) but not to worry, I've changed the licence to Attribution 2.0 so remixes and improvements are welcome. I don't think it was all that bad tbh, definitely needed work but for an hour's messing around I could see nicely where it was headed and I liked it, which is always a good start ;). Yeah, it's funny actually, Modplug Tracker itself is relatively modern what with XP support and VST plugin support and such but really it's little more than a tracker, something that's been around in some form or another since god knows when. Sometimes the old stuff is better, and certainly a lot of it still handles the job just fine.
  10. I don't play keyboard actually, though I do have one and it has midi capabilities I've never got around to buying a midi interface to use it with. I used to mess around on keyboards but I use Modplug Tracker on Windows atm with a selection of VSTs, I suppose it's something about being a logical computer kinda guy that allows me to enjoy and prefer bashing in the notes one by one in table form. When I started tracking I used to borrow samples from other mods people had done but I never released any of that stuff, eventually I came to realise that the samples were poor quality and after finding that Modplug could use VSTs I quickly switched. I used Audacity to clean up and mix the tracks. I can't say I've heard of him actually but I might have to check him out at some point. That's pretty cool actually, there's some bits I'm not so sure about but the long wailing from ~1:00 I love, it really adds something awesome to the track, I'd love to hear if you do anything more with it. I should point out though that the track you worked on there (which was originally labelled track 4) was actually an earlier mix of track 1 and was mistakenly included for a short while as track 4 and has now been replaced by the real track 4. :) I originally released these tracks on archive.org with an Attribution-No-Derivatives CC license but I'll change that, if anyone else feels like doing something with these tracks then please do, post 'em in here and let's see what people can make with them.
  11. So I’ve been messing around with music again, whether it’s worth it being anywhere other than my own HDD I don’t really know, but I’ll never know unless I put it out there, right? That said, here’s my latest efforts. I’d struggle to call it an album because it’d have to be of release quality for that and besides that it’s only half an hour long. Anyway, here it is in all its glory, enjoy: BGA – Coloured Outside The Lines 34 minutes and 08 seconds in 7 tracks 320kbps Stereo MP3 (78.1MB) Track 4 fixed and Track 7 added. Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 England and Wales licence. ZIP Archive (75MB) Track 1 (06:03) Track 2 (03:42) Track 3 (07:10) Track 4 (05:17) Track 5 (03:53) Track 6 (03:19) Track 7 (04:41)
  12. moonlit

    Windows 7 rc

    Downloaded 32bit last night, 64bit this morning, perfect each time.
  13. As far as I know, no. It's pretty easy to do in Linux but I don't know of any way to do it in Windows.
  14. I have a Huawei E220 USB HSDPA modem, I just plug it in and Ubuntu detects it right away. I imagine it would vary for phones though, since many phones require specific drivers often only available for Windows. YMMV.
  15. Previously Fedora 10 on my eee 701 but Ubuntu 9.04 (standard desktop version) currently. Considering switching back to Fedora but I may wait for Fedora 11 first. Both seem to work fine with the 701's hardware though Fedora 10 has bluetooth issues with my USB dongle and Ubuntu works great with my HSDPA dongle (as does Fedora, but it doesn't feel quite as slick when setting it up) so Ubuntu has a slight edge in hardware.
  16. Nope, just the standard desktop version, works fine. Edit: I said I'd check out the battery life, seems to be able the same as Fedora, I got 2 hours playing a video from SD card on loop, but the battery wasn't fully charged when I started. Fedora gave me 2:15, I'd expect Ubuntu to at least match that on a full charge.
  17. Intel x86 (or i486/i586, depending on which distro you're looking at, they all mean basically the same thing).
  18. Surely the point of Linux having so many distros is that you get to choose which suits you? Whatever, I guess I'd recommend Fedora or straight Debian. You could try Ubuntu 9.04 but I think you're going to have some issues with speed so personally I wouldn't bother. If Debian and Fedora can't handle it, try Puppy or Damn Small Linux.
  19. Not to mention that most of that stuff was community created anyhow, so feel free to contribute your own.
  20. moonlit

    ISP Spy

    Some restrictions apply, see site for details.
  21. moonlit

    ISP Spy

    Do you have trouble rising from a sitting position? Do you wear slippers and cardigans on a regular basis? Do you smoke a pipe or drive a classic car? If any of these conditions are true then you may be eligible for Senior membership... *walks slowly from stage right to stage left* ...a simple call is all it takes, dial the number on your screen for a free, no risk consultation and one of our friendly moderators will be happy to assist you with any query you may have. A few simple questions are all that stand between you and a Senior membership pack including not only a Senior Failbus pass but a set of extra large fonts and some monogrammed slippers...
  22. That was entertaining, I laughed at least a couple of times.
  23. I nominate this as a title for a podcast should we ever decide to do this.
  24. I just used unetbootin and told it the 9.04 iso was a daily build, flawless install from a USB stick. Edit: Apparently they recommend the same method. Easy as pie.
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