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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I could've sworn I posted in this thread already... ...but yeah, I second what Zimmer said, make sure you take a full backup before using and/or uninstalling it because it modifies some rather critical files. Also it doesn't really feel like a real Mac, but if you just want the pretty then I guess it does the trick.
  2. There would likely be licensing issues, and I'm not sure it would be worth an entire DVD for a few tools and 20 lines of code...
  3. It was a valiant effort, wetelectric, and I quite agree.
  4. I'm interested and London again sounds good. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it but I'd certainly keep up to date with any discussion and hopefully attend.
  5. Caution: May cause loss or degradation of television signal and risk of electric shock or fire. Not recommended unless you're trying to claim house insurance. Consult a lawyer or electrician before attempting this procedure.
  6. moonlit

    Evil ISP

    Not to mention that speedtests are notoriously inaccurate. Find a decent mirror and download a Linux distro for a few minutes (or several at once from different mirrors if you can't max out your connection), that should give you some idea of your real speeds.
  7. Oh look, it's a triple post by 2Tall4U, who didn't see that coming? Buck up, nub.
  8. It wasn't so much something I was after, rather something I was sure should exist by now. If it was possible to a reasonable degree nigh on 20 years ago, it should be very easy now. Not so much, it seems, but at least now I know it's possible and apparently it's a marketable product. Back to the drawing board for me, but I'm happy with the result, it exists as I knew it should.
  9. Because arguing semantics is always productive. Guess I'm the only Amiga fan then. Oh well, can't say I didn't expect the idea to get trashed on here.
  10. One of the benefits would be that you could, as long as the machine is never (or rarely) powered down, run your OS from the drive. For example, you could have a machine with 8GB RAM which could run XP in the first 4GB and boot from the second 4GB. Granted, there are better ways to use 8GB of RAM, but given that RAM is much faster than HDDs, disk bottlenecks would disappear and boot times would be nuts in the event of failure (BSoD, security updates, etc). If the machine is powered down occasionally but not often, the RAM could be imaged to a HDD before powering down for hardware upgrades or relocation and reimaged to the RAM upon boot. Copying the RAM drive into RAM once would still be quicker than relying on a HDD and the advantages are extended by the uptime of the machine. Obviously if you power down every night then you're not going to need this, but if a machine has weeks or months of uptime it could be beneficial. If it's never powered down, there's no problem. It could also be used for data which needs to be accessed very quickly rather than the OS itself. Edit: This would also be much cheaper than a SATA-RAM drive or similar (potentially free), and doesn't suffer from the SATA bottleneck given fast enough RAM.
  11. I'll echo stingwray's sentiments. Nice idea, but I don't feel like being tracked.
  12. This is probably a bit more extreme than most of the posts in here, but I figured I'll throw it out and see what happens... Way back when Commodore was still alive (the first time around, not the back-from-the-dead-Commodore-in-name-only performance gaming PC company), the Amiga OS had a RAD disk, which was a RAM disk that could survive a soft reset. It could store random data or even the OS itself once an OS had been installed to it. I don't know of any current implementation of this so I got to thinking. Basically I imagine this as an area in RAM which isn't touched by the OS during normal use. That is, no running code, no stored data, just straight untouched. The easiest way of protecting a chunk of RAM that I know of without rewriting the OS is to use RAM which isn't/can't be addressed by the OS during normal use. Nowadays the most obvious example of this is a 32bit OS on hardware with more than 4GB RAM. Providing nothing erases the contents of this RAM it should survive as long as power is applied to the RAM (much like the original Amiga implementation). Now I don't think it'd be impossible to add the same functionality to systems now, given that addresses above 4GB are not used by a 32bit OS and are untouched. This makes a perfect scenario to attempt the above scenario. If 64bit code exists beneath the OS (hypervisor, BIOS, EFI, bootloader) then that RAM is still addressable and I believe it could be used as a giant RAD disk as long as the OS has some way to read and write to it. So imagine some form of address translation in that 64bit code, perhaps even a disk emulator of some kind, so the OS either sees the space as a hard disk drive or some other storage device which could be accessed using a driver to talk to the underlying code, whether it be in the BIOS or a hypervisor. If the space was presented as a disk, the OS could be booted from it. Once the OS is installed or imaged to the RAM it would run there believing it was running on a real HDD (again mimicking the RAD disk's ability to support an OS). It would be unaware of the real world situation because it would be unable to "see" the RAM above the 4GB limit, it would only "see" the simulated HDD it's installed on as a real drive according to the hypervisor or BIOS beneath it. To continue the HDD idea, the unaddressed RAM would be able to hold a straight image so would not require specifically written filesystems, it would work in much the same way as a virtual HDD used in an emulator or virtual machine would, a flat image is presented to the guest OS as a real drive. My (lack of) technical knowledge prevents me from exploring this idea any further but I'd be interested in thoughts or opinions on the topic. If anyone believes they could put this down in code form I'd be very interested to see it come to life. (4:17am, 09/02/09): This could also be used to copy a live OS image, for example a liveCD image, to the RAM of a machine using something like OpenBIOS (previously LinuxBIOS). The image could be copied to a machine's RAM at the start of a day from a USB stick or via a network connection by a small piece of code which could be written into OpenBIOS and providing the power remains on, the machine could reboot at each logoff and require no media to boot again. This would result in a completely medialess (and potentially USB-less, if network-driven) machine which could be used as a totally clean public terminal with no external connections or drives accessible. (4:36am, 09/02/09): If the image is downloaded via the network, the OpenBIOS could checksum to ensure that the image is present, correct and untampered. If the image is missing, corrupt or has been tampered with, download a fresh copy before booting. If the checksum is correct, boot as normal.
  13. Disrespecting other forum members without due cause will not be tolerated. This is a warning.
  14. 2Tall4U, you're the last one to talk about pointless posts. As for the topic in hand, users are not currently culled unless they are spammers or bots.
  15. To clarify, this is for IPTV shows only. By IPTV I mean amateur or semi-professional shows which are released online only. This is not for movies or TV shows. Thread cleaned, as you were.
  16. You'll need to go old-school for this. Pick up an old voice/fax modem (just like the 56k ones most people have lying around), use some software or other (Asterisk, or one of those old Win9x phone apps) to use it as a phone.
  17. It's a quote from Hackers, hence my Angelina Jolie comment.
  18. This will all be over when the switch happens anyway, anyone who doesn't have a box will have little choice but to get one and in a few years this will all be forgotten. Ok, there'll be a few people moaning and complaining, and many will be confused or unsure what's actually going on, but at the end of the day you either switch or you stop watching TV.
  19. I can beat that, I'm Angelina Jolie's left breast.
  20. Call me a hypocrite if you like, but you fuckers can't have a constructive conversation about anything withing calling each other out for epenis extensions. Locked, just like it should've been 2 weeks ago.
  21. There's no such thing as an "encrypted port", you can use any port for anything, encryption is done by the software making/receiving the connection.
  22. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_?u...amp;x=0&y=0
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